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Re: Multi-function Display

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:08 am
by Diziet Sma
spud42 wrote:
yes i was just trying to set up the hud how i would like it.
For that, all you really need is Norby's HUD Selector.. whilst docked, use the interface (F4) to set up the MFDs and positions you want, and then save the game. Problem solved.
spud42 wrote:
i guess with the extra info that has been shown me i can now tweak the huds even further in size and position if i wanted. is there a way to change those green squares for the MFD's i mean the transparency and maybe even the colour? and is that in the HUD plists or the MFD plist? or is this set in core?
In 1.80, it's set in core. In 1.81/1.82, MFD colour is/will be set in hud.plist. I must admit, I'd like to see a setting for MFD transparency made available as well.

Re: Multi-function Display

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 11:03 am
by spud42
mate i do have the hud selector.. that is what gave me the numbers for the positions on screen. the HUD has 7 positions for MFD's but they are not in a logical sequence as you can see from the previous screen capture. so it wasnt easy.
using the HUD and MFD selector from the F4 menu, go to MFD setup, then that shows a list of 20 MFD, 1 to 7 is the first 7 in this list.
and i did use the F4 screen.

i now realise that there are not any default positions for MFD's that everyone uses.. a HUD could set up 1 MFD to cover the whole of the top of the screen if it wanted..1920 wide and 50 deep... yes extreme example i know but if a HUD author wanted to he/she could. and its not clear from the excerpt from the HUD.plist that those 7 MFD positions are 1 to 7 sequentially ( if they are) because there are no comments or labels saying what position each area defined. even SMIVS our pan dimensional gourd thought it was 3 down each side and 1 in the middle.

Re: Multi-function Display

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 11:32 am
by Norby
spud42 wrote:
I dont have a coms log with a dark blue background
I think you have, the comm_log_gui section in your plist define it with gray background. Check your keyboard settings in the first menu after you start Oolite and hold down the key listed next to Comms log during flight to show the comms log provided by the core game.
For more settings check the comm_log_gui documentation, for example a permanent=yes; can save this keypress for you.
spud42 wrote:
they are numbered as follows
You can reorder if you exchange the {} blocks.
spud42 wrote:
shows a list of 20 MFD
The config screen is not limited by the current number of MFDs due to you can change your HUD anytime to another with more MFDs.

Re: Multi-function Display

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 11:50 am
by Smivs
spud42 wrote:
even SMIVS our pan dimensional gourd thought it was 3 down each side and 1 in the middle.
Well it sort of is, it's just that the top two have sort of moved in a bit and the ones underneath sort of moved up to fill the gaps. :wink:

Re: Multi-function Display

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:25 pm
by spud42
so they have Panned dimensionally then???? lol

Re: Multi-function Display

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:52 pm
by Diziet Sma
I think the problem here is that not only is there no standardised layout system for positioning and numbering them, a bit of thought shows that it probably isn't really feasible to do so.

For instance, suppose we decided that positions 1-4 go across the top of the screen, from left to right corners, then positions 5-8 across the screen in the same manner, but one level below the first four. All well and good, until someone with a wider screen with higher resolution decides they can fit 6 MFDs across the top row. And how does someone who only wants to place 3 MFDs vertically down each side number theirs?

And as Norby points out, the numbering largely comes down to the order in which they're declared in the plist.. I think the best we can hope for is that HUD authors include a screenshot showing all the MFDs active, with their respective numbers overlaid on them, similar to the picture posted by spud earlier:


Re: Multi-function Display

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 6:19 am
by spud42
Yes Dizzy that would be nice , as a managed OXZ unless you get in and unzip and start editing then you have to guess. a screenshot or layout description on the wiki page would be helpful.