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Re: newbie questions

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 7:44 pm
by Yah-Ta-Hey
Some of the OXPs have requirements that you may not see right off the bat:
some require a skill set: competent, dangerous, etc
some require a certain galaxy: chart 3 or 8.

Other than that, like the others say... get the eye candy first.... as your skills improve... add an OXP at a time and see if it is something that fits your style.. if it doesn't.. it is easy to remove without wondering about which OXP you do not like.

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:36 pm
by ralph_hh
OK, I'll follow you suggestions. So far I have only auto-crosshair and an altered laser-hit sound installed.
Next I'll try to find a new sound for the "no please" sounds, that's horrible to listen to.
I'm competent now an... When I was able to do my first gemstone contract, I needed 120.000Cr just to start with. So I'm back to milk runs now... In fact I would have been able to take another smaller gemstone contract, but after having to repair my shields for 7000Cr., I was just 240Cr short for that too... Bad luck.

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:12 pm
by ralph_hh
Yet another one...

It took me a while to notice that the voices of NPC ships are actually English. I thout it was some foreign space language that my display politely translates for me. In fact, the words are not understandable. The voice is something like reading the words letter by letter with german pronounciation.
Please is like plε-ʌ-sε (hope you're familiar with this phonetics)
Anything wrong with my PC? Any OXP that solves this? Or is this even intentional?
It starts to be a bit annoying.

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:03 pm
by another_commander
ralph_hh wrote:
It took me a while to notice that the voices of NPC ships are actually English. I thout it was some foreign space language that my display politely translates for me. In fact, the words are not understandable. The voice is something like reading the words letter by letter with german pronounciation.
Please is like plε-ʌ-sε (hope you're familiar with this phonetics)
Anything wrong with my PC? Any OXP that solves this? Or is this even intentional?
It starts to be a bit annoying.
I guess you are talking about the Spoken Messages option? If yes, then you might have accidentally picked a non-English voice. Make sure that your Voice selection in gameoptions is either "default", "RP English" or "US English". Then pronunciation will be correct.

In case you are referring to the Aegis chatter provided by the BGS OXP, then this is just english messages played backwards and don't have any meaning; they are there for the ambience.

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:36 pm
by ralph_hh
I was talking about spoken messages, usually in combat, such as "cobra, NO!, please don't kill, help anyone" and such. I've no sound-OXP installed other than an altered laser-hit sound.
Thanks. I'll edit the voice selection then. Sounds plausible. Since I'm German, I may have selected "German" as an option somewhere... And in fact, It sounds perfectly as if a German without any knowledge of English pronunciation tries to read an English text.

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:49 pm
by Diziet Sma
That raises an interesting point.. do the French, German, Italian and Russian localisations need updating, for 1.80?

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:50 pm
by another_commander
Diziet Sma wrote:
That raises an interesting point.. do the French, German, Italian and Russian localisations need updating, for 1.80?

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:16 pm
by ralph_hh
I'm fine with the english version. I guess most Germans would be. A perfect way that our kids lern english a littele bit faster.
And I'd be ok with German too of course, but usually I play games with English text. However, as soon as a game offers a German language setting, keeps the English text but tries to speak this in German... Does not work!! Some Alien language style

Update: Tried to set the options to English back home. Works. Thanks!!

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:06 pm
by cim
another_commander wrote:
Diziet Sma wrote:
That raises an interesting point.. do the French, German, Italian and Russian localisations need updating, for 1.80?
Looking at the dates on the OXP list, I think the German and Russian ones also need updating for 1.77.

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:15 am
by ralph_hh
Some more stupid questions :-)

I purchsed a Q-bomb a while ago, and whilst firing some missiles off, this Bomb finally ended in slot no.1... Do I have to tell you more? Well,, next missile I accidentialliy released the bomb and survived it by injecting a lot of fuel. Is there a way to alter the positions of the externally mounted weapons?

The Q-bomb kills do not count as kills, do they?

And another one: When I started as a freshly commander Jameson, on my second jump I was intercepted by Thargoids. No need to mention that it was poor pulse laser equippd me, who had to press space soon thereafter, not the Thargoids. Some 680 kills later, (Constrictor finished), this never happened again. I recall from Elite on my C64 that this was far more often. What triggers theese interceptions? Any way to increase the probabilities?

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:34 am
by Wildeblood
If pitch = maxPitch when the jump starts you'll misjump into interstellar space. As the countdown nears zero, press and hold either the up or down arrow key.

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:57 am
by ralph_hh
Oh, I can intentionally misjum :shock:
Whow. Thanks. That will be tried as soon as possible.

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:20 pm
by Norby
ralph_hh wrote:
Is there a way to alter the positions of the externally mounted weapons?
A Safety Catch is invented to prevent similar stories. This reorder all missiles to the first pylons if you turn on and off.

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:44 pm
by Smivs
ralph_hh wrote:
I purchsed a Q-bomb a while ago, and whilst firing some missiles off, this Bomb finally ended in slot no.1... Do I have to tell you more? Well,, next missile I accidentialliy released the bomb and survived it by injecting a lot of fuel. Is there a way to alter the positions of the externally mounted weapons?
No, but you can cycle through them to select which one to arm - 'y' on the keyboard.
ralph_hh wrote:
The Q-bomb kills do not count as kills, do they?
Yes, as far as I know they do count as kills, but I personally don't like or use them so I might be wrong.

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:50 pm
by ralph_hh
Yes, I know, how to cycle through, but if there is only one left, that may have no effect :-)
I used that bomb once, and it seemed, my kill count did not increase. I watched it closely as I was close to "competent" promotion.
I'll install that safety catch, seems a wise idea. Thank's for that!