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Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:50 am
by Diziet Sma
ClymAngus wrote:
Well that or your talking buying systems and stuff, maybe running your own fleet, maybe your own station. But that kind of takes the game into 'monopoly' territory. It would be a horrible bolt on too.
Not to mention that in the end it will lead to generating even more obscene amounts of money, leaving you right back where you started from.. :lol:

Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:56 pm
by ffutures
ClymAngus wrote:
ffutures wrote:
Well, I know that the Oolite universe is all about rampant capitalism, so I really shouldn't complain, and by the time you can afford to take on the really lucrative contracts you've already got enough money to buy almost anything you want.

Which makes me think that the Ooniverse needs some expensive but almost useless bling; ridiculously over-priced "must have" gizmos and trinkets for the discerning millionaire, e.g. gold plated laser barrels and missiles, escape capsules with go-faster stripes and in-flight stereo, etc.
Well that or your talking buying systems and stuff, maybe running your own fleet, maybe your own station. But that kind of takes the game into 'monopoly' territory. It would be a horrible bolt on too.
Buying a planet would be counter-productive. Spending a million credits to have a moon or secondary planet or a route named for you, on the other hand... doesn't do you any good in game play terms, but nice for the ego.

Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:35 pm
by ralph_hh
If money is a factor that counts, in fact I can not remember any game at all, where you do not have more than you could ever spend later in the game. You always start struggling in the beginning and end bathing in gold.
Diablo II, Anno 1503 just come to my mind.

Nothing wrong with that. You spend the first part of the game getting the economics right, then you move on to other things like fighting.

Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:47 pm
by Wildeblood
If getting rich really bothers y'all that much (it's not something I've encountered in Oolite - I must do something wrong), just add a progressive wealth tax. (The more you have, the more you pay.) Wealth taxes were the norm on Earth for thousands of years, until income taxes were invented.
ffutures wrote:
Spending a million credits to have a moon or secondary planet or a route named for you, on the other hand... doesn't do you any good in game play terms, but nice for the ego.
With so much of the galaxy already named Wildeblood's Empire, there's not much left to name after anyone else. :mrgreen:

Hey, what's this green emoticon supposed to mean? I've always interpreted it as "cheesy grin", do I use it wrongly?

Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:17 am
by Sarin
How about we go the other way around and make the game harder as your score and bank account go up? A Jameson that's using his brand new injectors to get away won't be worth the effort for a pirate pack, but a juicy, well known trader might be worth pursuing and ganging upon. A docking officer might just wave his hand at those bumps and scratches made by brand new Cobra out of Lave, but might charge outrageous fines for even imagined offenses when he knows that the mark can afford it....and of course charge even more to make it not go "on the record". And let's not forget the people that you put out of business, or relatives of those who lost even more to your lasers, and can be as sneaky as plasma charge in the shipment of Vetiticean lethal brandy.

Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:03 am
by Fatleaf
Well saying that I helped work on a certain mission oxp that by the time you were finished you had less credits than what you started off with. It was a refreshing change to the usual 'shower you with credits' at the conclusion.

Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:18 am
by Diziet Sma
Wildeblood wrote:
(it's not something I've encountered in Oolite - I must do something wrong)
Likewise.. my bank balance stays relatively steady.
Wildeblood wrote:
Hey, what's this green emoticon supposed to mean? I've always interpreted it as "cheesy grin", do I use it wrongly?
That's the way I've always used it, too..

Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:17 pm
by ffutures
Sarin wrote:
How about we go the other way around and make the game harder as your score and bank account go up? A Jameson that's using his brand new injectors to get away won't be worth the effort for a pirate pack, but a juicy, well known trader might be worth pursuing and ganging upon. A docking officer might just wave his hand at those bumps and scratches made by brand new Cobra out of Lave, but might charge outrageous fines for even imagined offenses when he knows that the mark can afford it....and of course charge even more to make it not go "on the record". And let's not forget the people that you put out of business, or relatives of those who lost even more to your lasers, and can be as sneaky as plasma charge in the shipment of Vetiticean lethal brandy.
Already being attacked by large pirate swarms on most flights - goes with having the best-known cargo and parcel delivery person in the galaxy, I think. Not to mention aliens, Thargoids, etc. from some of the add-ons. They don't deter me much, I doubt annoyed bureaucrats would either.

Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:54 am
by Wildeblood
Of course, this is exactly why Explorers' Club was created: to give you a goal to work toward other than increasing your kill count and bank balance. It's also the only measure of success with an endpoint/winning condition: once you've visited all 2048 systems, you have won the game!

Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:53 am
by spud42
how many internets do you get for winning the game??? lol

Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:06 pm
by Darth Trader
I've found getting-rich-quick quite easy after installing some of Griff's ships. Previously, the lack of a ship between the range of the Cobra III and the Python made most cargo contracts unavailable (they're usually over 35 TC), but the Ophidian has filled the gap with its 80 TC cargo capacity and moderate price. So, the steps to wealth, according to me, are:

- Do milkruns with your Cobra;
- when you can afford it, buy an Ophidian, and take cargo contracts;
- when you have the reputation, and offered precious metal/gem stones contracts, sell your Ophidian, and buy a Gnat (that's a fun ship and has just enough cargo space), the money refunded after the Ophidian will be enogh to take lucrative contracts;
- Run through the Chart with your gnat and make lots of money.

I tried the "doing milkruns - making 100.000 Credits - buying a Python" method, and it was very long and frustrating. Then restarted the game, did the steps I mentioned, and I was a millionare in almost no time.

Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 3:40 am
by Diziet Sma
Mind you, it's possible, with just a Cobby3, to get enough contract jobs to max out your reputation.. you just have to search harder for them. I've done it a number of times.

Re: Get Rich Quick

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:03 am
by Switeck
My Cargo Contracts MOD changed the cargo contracts so Gold/Plat/Gems aren't so overpowered profitable (while still being good) but also boosts the regular contracts up to more reasonable profits...closer to but still unequal to Poor Agricultural/Rich Industrial milk runs.

You won't be able to stack 5+ Gold/Plat/Gem cargo contracts at once to the same destination either as you cross the galaxy chart.

Max profit per item is limited by the potential low/high price differences of commodities rather than using extra profit multipliers to give mad quantities of free credits.

Your reputation has a larger effect on the contracts than in the normal game.