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Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:05 pm
by Cody
ralph_hh wrote:
I like the idea of giving me some extra storage room beyond the 35t.
I should mention the golden rule: if you tweak anything internally, restart Oolite with the shift key pressed 'til the spinning Cobra appears (to flush the cache).

Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:23 am
by ralph_hh
Well, I made it without the changed sound. The Military laser made all the difference.
Reading through a lot of stuff here, I reckon that I was trying to hit far beyond my beam lasers range.
Mostly harmless now, 10 kills...

No success with some Basic Trials to manipulate the ships cargo capacity. One oxp file with the single line
player.ship.cargoSpaceCapacity = 100 did exactly nothing.
Any suggestions? Do I have to invent (and buy) a new ship?

Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:50 am
by SirArian
ralph_hh wrote:
Any suggestions? Do I have to invent (and buy) a new ship?
For the Cobra 3, find the file called "shipdata.plist," go to line 1222 and change the "max_cargo = 20;" to something such as "max_cargo = 50;" I'm not sure where it is in Windows or Mac, someone else will have to come along and let you know, but with Linux it is in /home/[USERNAME]/GNUstep/Applications/Oolite/ (If you do a home directory install.) It ought to be something like that on the other two operating systems too, but I don't know.

You could also install Norby's Miner Cobra OXP. It has a larger cargo hold, (75tc,) but at the expense of lower max energy, lower recharge, only two missile slots, and no side lasers. You can download it from his box account. That is what I am currently flying, and I am enjoying it. :) That may be easier than trying to edit the files, and is only 107,000 Cr, so you won't have to save for a billion years just to get it. ;)

Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:47 am
by Smivs
"player.ship.cargoSpaceCapacity" is a javascript property, so would be used as part of a shipscript. As SirArian suggested you will need to change the shipdata.plist to increase the cargo space for your player ship.
It is not considered good practice to alter the core game's code though, so I suggest you make a shipdata_overrides.plist to simply over ride the main plist.
In a text editor, type the following

Code: Select all

	"cobra3-player" =
		max_cargo = 100;
if you want 100TC capacity. Save this file (named as shipdata_overrides.plist) in a folder called Config and place this in your AddOns folder - note that this is not the same folder that the game installs managed addons (OXZs) in. Hold down 'shift' as you start the game and you should be OK.
BTW, although the temptation is there to change such things, sometimes it is worth holding off and giving the ship a fair trial in standard form. In time you may conclude that 35TC is ample, and that bumping it up could affect gameplay in various ways, not always good ones.

Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:25 am
by ralph_hh
Hey, thank's so far :D

I had added a cargo.oxp in the addon folder with a cargo.js file - no mess up with the original core code. Did not work... I'll try the shipdata override thing.

Regarding the question when better stop cheating... Yes, valid point, absolutely. In the past 30 years of computer gaming I have mostly resisted cheating. I.e. Diablo II which was heavily loaded with cheats and hacks even in the online community. Was more fun to play "clean". It's true, cheating destroys the game balance and thereby often the fun. But nevertheless, the occasional game that allowed a few things was nice to give it a try to see, how the result works out. I mean, its not that I could not do OOlite without... Owning a military laser and 7000 in cash, I assume I was successfull so far :mrgreen:

I remember frontier-Elite where I would like to have altered this. If I remember correctly, the small ships were able to flay far while the large ships could carry cargo but only go short distances. As if a B747 is made for domestic flights but you'd take a cessna to cross the Atlantic. The game was crap.

Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:53 am
by Smivs
ralph_hh wrote:
Regarding the question when better stop cheating...
Ha, it's not so much cheating - strictly in a single player game you can't really cheat as there are no competitors to gain an advantage over (unless you count the NPCs). It's more a case of changing game balance. For example with a greater hold capacity you can carry loads of 'Pirate fodder' as well as a 'value' cargo, but with a limited capacity choices and decisions have to be made, such as "Do I take a risk and only carry 2TC of food as payoff, or shall I play it safe and carry 5TC but reduce my profit on this run? Often how well you choose can be a key factor in game satisfaction. These aspects can seem quite subtle, but are part of what makes the game so good.

Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:03 am
by Imaginos
That's the great thing about Oolite... with all the versatility of OXPs & OXZs - you can choose to play the game however you want. Personally, I have chosen to only install cosmetic changes such as BGS and the like rather than anything that actually changes the mechanics of game-play.

Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:22 pm
by ralph_hh
Smivs wrote:
In a text editor, type the following

Code: Select all

	"cobra3-player" =
		max_cargo = 100;
if you want 100TC capacity. Save this file (named as shipdata_overrides.plist) in a folder called Config and place this in your AddOns folder
Pretty simple instructions, hard to do anything wrong. I failed.. Anything wrong with that code or the filename?
The file is in Config folder, Config folder is in AddOns folder. (Together with another oxp that works fine.)

Do I have to start a new Commander or should this by working on my existing savefile?

Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:35 pm
by cim
ralph_hh wrote:
Anything wrong with that code or the filename?

Code: Select all

   "cobra3-player" =
      max_cargo = 100;

Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:29 pm
by Tricky
Do NOT use Notepad for Windows either. Use Wordpad or even better Notepad++.

Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:40 pm
by ralph_hh
Thanks. The two additional braces did it. Used Notepad++ already before...
And it's shipdata-overrides with "-" not "_"...
Found this in the original config folder.

Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:47 pm
by Cody
ralph_hh wrote:
The two additional braces did it.
Welcome to the darkside - have a cookie!

Re: New player, Elite Veteran

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:02 pm
by Smivs
ralph_hh wrote:
... The two additional braces did it.
And it's shipdata-overrides with "-" not "_"...
Oops, that will teach me not to try to suggest things before I've actually woken up!
Glad you got it working :)