[Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

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The missing - part1

Post by Amah »


just uploaded some ships missing in the default shipset, which were in Griff's core ships: an older fer-de-lance, the scuffed cobra mk3 and a tweak to make the second variant of the python buyable like in Griff's core shipset. The cobra3 comes with an alternative startchoice, so you can start your game in Lave in one of them. Screenshots as always on the first posting.

I had to update the asteroids as well, because there was a bug which prevented a boulder texture to be loaded.
*Hotfix* the viewports of the python had to be updated, reuploaded

have fun and a nice weekend

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The missing - part2

Post by Amah »

Good morning,

yet another upload- both the organic Thargoids and tharglets are now also available:

So, why not paying them a visit over in witchspace.

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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Griff »

Awesome stuff! These and all the other remakes look great, really nice work.
he pic of the ophidyan flying past a boulder in the screenshots thread looks lovely :D
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

Thanks, Griff. I'll try my very best to stick as close to your original models and design as possible. I'm currently working on the Gecko without sharktooth design, then I think I'm done with the ships so far.

The idea with the asteroid fly-by shot came when I went past an asteroid to look at the textures and was flipping through the external views and realized how big that rock really was.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Redspear »

Great stuff! 8)

I'll have a go at shrinking these for my rescaling project at some point if you're agreeable?
That would be as optional mods to your oxps rather than as replacements, of course.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

This is cool, go ahead. And if you need some help with it, say a word. Maybe it seems to be a good idea to set up a wiki page :-)

After I'm done with Griff's core ships I wonder if I should package some of the ships in a bundle OXZs (at least the accessories and missing ships), if there's demand for it.
Last edited by Amah on Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Norby »

Amah wrote:
I package some of the ships in a bundle OXZs (at least the accessories and missing ships), if there's demand for it.
Yes please, either all ships in one or acc+miss in one and others in another oxz.
I especially like the clean blue variants of your works. :)
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The missing - part3

Post by Amah »

Uploaded the missing vanilla Gecko from Griff's coreships. A ship override is used to split roles: the escort ships use the gecko without hull painting, the pirates and hunters the one from the default ships with the sharkteeth.


OXZ bundles are on my todo list now, norby.

have fun and a nice weekend,
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

Put three OXZ online for the ingame expansion manager: missing core ships bundle, accessories bundle (adds the new asteroids and cargopods) and accessories replace (replaces the old asteroids and cargopods with the new ones).

hope it works
Last edited by Amah on Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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alternate ships update and OXZ release

Post by Amah »

updated the shipdata of the alternate ships behaving like Griff's 1.40.2 coreships. Released OXZ bundle, too.

/e: Can't update changelog on first post. It says it can't determine the dimensions of an image. Beats me which image it means

have fun
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Re: alternate ships update and OXZ release

Post by Smivs »

Amah wrote:
It says it can't determine the dimensions of an image. Beats me which image it means
Yes, it's annoying when that happens. c&p the code somewhere and just add each image URL back into your post one by one, and preview. When it doesn't work you've found the one causing problems. It could be the name, although it says dimensions, so check they are all OK.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

Thanks Smivs, the hint worked well. It was the Thargoid war ship... *lol* what else could it have been...
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by pagroove »

I like that you also used alternative exhaust emission colors for the different colored engine plumes.
I like the green plume.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by Cody »

pagroove wrote:
I like that you also used alternative exhaust emission colors for the different colored engine plumes.
Thank you, amigo - you've just reminded me about something that's been missing from my current OXP set-up.
Griff's own ships have the variously-coloured drive plumes too (unless he's changed that recently).
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Re: [Wip] No shaders Griff's extra and alternative ships...

Post by pagroove »

Cody wrote:
pagroove wrote:
I like that you also used alternative exhaust emission colors for the different colored engine plumes.
Thank you, amigo - you've just reminded me about something that's been missing from my current OXP set-up.
Griff's own ships have the variously-coloured drive plumes too (unless he's changed that recently).

Hi Cody good to see you. I didn't see any colored plumes on the Girfs original set. But maybe I didn't look good enough.
Anyway tonight I was playing with the colors of my own player ship ( Monitor 2)

Code: Select all

This is my current setting. I like that on injectors the plume turns red. Also tried red but it works but this gives not a steady red plume. Maybe the color is mixed with the original plume. I like to know with colors work best. Sofar I tried yellow and green and red. Sorry for derailing here.
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