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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:52 pm
by Murgh
Wolfwood wrote:
I didn't add the Thargoid war OXP, but I did go for the lave.oxp, oldships.oxp, tori.oxp and wolfmk2.oxp... I hope none of those increase the chances of meeting so many pirates or the Thargoid.
well. both the wolfpack and oldships do add quite a bit of pirate grief to your experience. but surely you're not flying around in a CobraMkIII to make friends ;)

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:16 pm
by Flying_Circus

Never diddle about with the controls when jumping unless you're feeling lucky: it tends to cause a misjump, and subsequent Thargoid encounter in deep space.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:54 pm
by TedJ
Yup, a Wolf makes for a nasty surprise to any new commander... as does the Iguana from the oldships OXP. Both carrying dual military lasers, which makes your life, um... interesting. :roll:

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 5:19 am
by Wolfwood
Ok, I've played a bit more now and I'm no longer harrassed by the pirates as much as I use the roundabout route. In fact, as I hyperspaced in-system at 90 degrees from the planet, I started to remember having done thus also in my Amiga days... How rusty can your memory get... :?

I also decided not to go for a smaller ship and I'm still in my Cobra. However, when I purchased the extra cargo space, I noticed that the value of my ship dropped (or had previously dropped) by several thousand credits (far more than I had gained in trading). Is there some sort of upkeeping that I have to do, and how do I do it?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:45 am
by Rxke
Ah, yes, in Oolite, ships depreciate(sp?) over time, to 75% of their value. After awhile you get a maintenance overhaul in the shipyard (about 4000 cr, (!) but it takes quite awhile before that happens, so don't panic.

then your ship is worth more again. This is strategically important when you want to buy a new ship: wait unill you can do an overhaul or you lose lots of money!

Also: when you get attacked, you can get equipment damage, and the more expensive your upgrades, the more expensive the repairs; again: strategically important: don't let your ship get hammered too much!

Shield boosters not repairable

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:57 am
by BobSongs
I've got a question.

I'm playing Oolite in Linux (version 1.55-1, which is far more stable than 1.62-2 btw).

In a hairy encounter my ship got pretty pounded and some of the equipment got damaged, including the shield boosters. I headed off to a world where the tech level is high enough, as far as I can tell, to repair them. I have enough credits. But when I hilite the item to be repaired I get the typical "not enough credits" beep.

What would prevent the repair of a damaged system? I even had a general maintenance done on the ship before trying to repair the Shield Boosters. I've still got the same Mark III Cobra initially issued. Anyone else noted this?


All the extras

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:11 am
by BobSongs
And while I'm at it... I may as well ask a few more questions! :wink:

I've downloaded a whole whack of goodies, most are compressed add-ons such as OXPs mentionned in this post. Where do I place the contents of these files in order to add more ships and enemies to the game?

Again: I'm running Oolite 1.55-1 in Linux.


Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:14 am
by the alberts


Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:21 am
by BobSongs
Thanks! I lost sight of that location.

One more question. This one might really be stupid. But I thought I'd ask.

If pirates are regularly decimated at a world where the government is lax and the tech levels are low and computers are brought to that world regularly, does its status improve over time?

I imagine there's a certain internal logic in the game. I'm not sure if I arrive at world X I'll always be facing a gang of bullies or will the bullies eventually "get it" that a bigger bully has arrived.

If this isn't already a feature of the game, where changes happen in a system over time, perhaps I should place that in the suggestion box (which I haven't read yet).


Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:39 am
by the alberts
I'm pretty certain that the planetary status stays the same no matter what you do for two reasons:

1. A lone ship (with the best intentions of course!) could spend all their time killing pirates, and still not make a dent on a planet status. It is a planet, after all. Piracy is an effect of a anarchic world, not the cause.

2. It is set up that way in a permanent state as far as planet listings. Go to the map screen and press "i" - they have little icons and everything!

Having said all that, I'd love to be able to change planet status for the better as you say ...or indeed make it worse by attacking lots of innocent traders. Heh heh heh



Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:01 am
by BobSongs
I can feel the cargo cannisters tumbling into my fuel scoops as I type!


Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:15 am
by the alberts
If you decide to do the piracy option you should think about buying the right equipment for more authenticity:

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:59 pm
by Rxke
:? I dont get it, what does studio2f mean?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:15 pm
by Odo987
Rxke wrote:
:? I dont get it, what does studio2f mean?
It means that web server is configured to prevent remote linking of images. The image appears properly if one links to the page intead:

Re: Shield boosters not repairable

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:56 pm
by winston
BobSongs wrote:
I've got a question.

I'm playing Oolite in Linux (version 1.55-1, which is far more stable than 1.62-2 btw).
1.62-2 had a known issue with an AI stack overflow (which would cause it to crash) - hence, 1.62-2 has not been the current revision for some time. The current stable release is 1.62-5 and has several bug fixes. Try running that instead (either run 'oolite-update' in a terminal or download a fresh package).