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Re: Mouse flight control in Windowed mode

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:10 am
by Entelechus
I tried what you said. I downloaded the expansion through the game, it automatically was installed. I went to the scripts folder, but this file does not appear, the one reversecontrol.js

As to the file in the Library, the renamed zip file, if I am supposed to edit that I don't know with what, because everything I open it with shows me mush. What would I use to edit that? Otherwise, why isn't reversecontrol.js in the scripts folder?

Thanks for your help, btw.

Re: Mouse flight control in Windowed mode

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:38 am
by another_commander
Any expansion packs found in C:\Oolite\\GNUstep\Library\ApplicationSupport\Oolite\ManagedAddOns are handled by the in-game manager and are not meant to be tampered directly with, unless you know exactly what you are doing. I would rather wait for further instructions before proceeding. In any case, if you are willing to take the risk, WinZip, 7-zip or any other pack/unpack utility can open and view the contents of .oxz files.

Re: Mouse flight control in Windowed mode

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:46 am
by Entelechus
Then how the heck can those functions be reversed?

Re: Mouse flight control in Windowed mode

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:58 am
by another_commander
You will need to extract the zipped oxz to the AddOns folder. To do so:
1. Start Oolite, select Manage Expansion Packs from the menu.
2. Chose whether you want to update or keep the current expansions list (irrelevant to the task here).
3. Select List installed expansion packs from the next menu.
4. Use up/down arrows to highlight the oxz you are interested in.
5. Press "x".
6. Select Extract now
7. Your oxz will be extracted to <OoliteRoot>AddOns and will have the extension .off. Change that extension to .oxp.

I'll leave the rest to Norby.

Re: Mouse flight control in Windowed mode

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:20 am
by Entelechus
Okay, I put the Total Commander program down and slowly backed away... but only after quite a bit of experimentation. I managed to use it to rewrite the specific file as suggested, but couldn't 'pack it back in'. So I deleted all that mess and just reinstalled the oxp. Then I did as you instructed here, and now I'm going to edit it and try it out, unless Norby is ready to coach me on this step!

I did all that, I also edited the file as Norby instructed, but the axis isn't inverted.

Re: Mouse flight control in Windowed mode

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:18 pm
by Norby
Entelechus wrote:
I also edited the file as Norby instructed, but the axis isn't inverted.
Maybe the "brick on the shift" is missed, but forget it, I uploaded a new "Reverse Y Control" OXP for you into the manager with another fix for the side views. Make sure you removed all instances of ReverseControl before install this.

Re: Mouse flight control in Windowed mode

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:39 pm
by Entelechus
OKAY, this works!!! Thank you Norby. Although I'm almost used to the forward/down, backward/up already, and so now I've got to undo the brain damage that caused, although I should be okay in the long run. No permanent damage thanks to your intervention. Likewise, on behalf of many who simply prefer it this way, THANKS ALOT!!! :D :D

Re: Mouse flight control in Windowed mode

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:00 pm
by Norby
Probably not so much of us play with mouse in windowed mode where the ship should follow the visible mouse arrow. Thank you for the request in the name of the future users! :)

Re: Mouse flight control in Windowed mode

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:40 pm
by Anonymissimus
For some reason, I no longer can use mouse control in windowed mode on Lubuntu. That wouldn't be that much of problem if alt-tabbing out of fullscreen worked...that's more of a problem with the OS I suspect.

Norby: This Reverse Y Control is exactly what I always wanted: Mouse control with inverted pitch, and the same in all views (so in side views it has to be roll+yaw, actually), THANK YOU! This inverted pitch was the reason to compile oolite even, now I see that it would have been possible as an addon as well :(.
You should merge the two addons, invert pitch or not could be set with a boolean option via OXP config.
I suggest a better name for the addon then: "Unify Control"

Re: Mouse flight control in Windowed mode

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:06 pm
by Norby
Anonymissimus wrote:
invert pitch or not could be set with a boolean option via OXP config.
I thinked about this before I made this but finally I selected the current solution, assuming new players do not know much about the usage of OXPConfig but can select in the manager easily.