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Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:32 pm
by Switeck
While the typical Rock Hermit would not want a beacon, what about the Salvage Gang Asteroid?
Might they be interested in extra business?

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:09 pm
by CaptSolo
Smivs wrote:
Commander McLane wrote:
Rock Hermits get beacons once the player has docked with them. This will enable the player to re-visit a hermit whose location is already known to them.
This makes sense, and doesn't detract from the game or offend lore or canon as far as I know. Excellent idea.
This is beyond the scope of my current abilities. Think I'll just stick to what I do best (playing the game) and leave the OXP making to those who do it well.

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:17 pm
by spara
I would very much like to have an equipment that gives me the opportunity to add beacon to any stationary dockable via an interface screen (f4) when docked to that station. Assuming that there is no beacon there already of course. It would say: "Add this location to the asc." I think it would be so powerful that I would limit it so that the asc memory is cleaned of these custom beacons when exiting the system. If no ones interested, I might have a go at coding it.

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:55 pm
by Fatleaf
CaptSolo wrote:
This is beyond the scope of my current abilities. Think I'll just stick to what I do best (playing the game) and leave the OXP making to those who do it well.
Well, why don't you release what you can do as an OXP and let those who wish to - and have the ken - to build on your work. You just never know you might motivate them to expand on it.

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:26 pm
by Commander McLane
Switeck wrote:
While the typical Rock Hermit would not want a beacon, what about the Salvage Gang Asteroid?
Might they be interested in extra business?
Well, it's big and it sits in the middle of the main corridor. And it broadcasts annoying advertising to everything in scanner range. I don't think that it can be overlooked. :wink:

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:35 pm
by Fatleaf
Commander McLane wrote:
Well, it's big and it sits in the middle of the main corridor. And it broadcasts annoying advertising to everything in scanner range. I don't think that it can be overlooked. :wink:
<nods, chuckling> There has been many a time I have thought of blowing the thing to space dust just to shut the stupid thing up! :mrgreen:

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:38 am
by Diziet Sma
Fatleaf wrote:
CaptSolo wrote:
This is beyond the scope of my current abilities. Think I'll just stick to what I do best (playing the game) and leave the OXP making to those who do it well.
Well, why don't you release what you can do as an OXP and let those who wish to - and have the ken - to build on your work. You just never know you might motivate them to expand on it.
Alternatively, perhaps you can find someone to team up with, and produce a collaborative OXP.. there are quite a few of those already.

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:16 am
by Commander McLane
I'm intrigued by the scripting challenge that this poses. I'm looking into it. :)

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:49 am
by Fatleaf
Commander McLane wrote:
I'm intrigued by the scripting challenge that this poses. I'm looking into it. :)
And CMcL puts a smile on everybody's face as he usually does :mrgreen:

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:55 am
by Cody
Commander McLane wrote:
I'm intrigued by the scripting challenge that this poses.
<grins - decides to think-up a fiendish scripting challenge for the esteemed commander>

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:05 am
by Fatleaf
Cody wrote:
<grins - decides to think-up a fiendish scripting challenge for the esteemed commander>
I know of a recently released piece of Oofic that could be turned into an OXP :lol:

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:34 pm
by Redspear
Commander McLane wrote:
Thus I could agree to the following: Rock Hermits get beacons once the player has docked with them. This will enable the player to re-visit a hermit whose location is already known to them.
Sounds good to me. Nice idea :)
CaptSolo wrote:
Think I'll just stick to what I do best (playing the game) and leave the OXP making to those who do it well.
Woah there! Is this the co-creator of the new core ship-set for the upcoming edition of Oolite who's speaking? :shock:
I love your Copperhead ships and that Scimitar's not to shabby either 8). Some of those teaser textures for Worlds of Galaxy one also look droolworthy :)

Whatever you do, keep those ideas coming, they're good'uns :D

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:23 pm
by CaptSolo
You give me too much credit, Redspear. Griff did all the grunt work. All I did was lighten up some textures so they looked better without shaders. I can model simple Elitey type craft and texture them, but my real handicap is a good working knowledge of Javascript. I applaud those who possess such knowledge, and if Commander McLane can bring his idea to fruition, all the better for the community.

Re: Rock Hermit Beacon

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:55 pm
by Redspear
CaptSolo wrote:
You give me too much credit, Redspear. Griff did all the grunt work. All I did was lighten up some textures so they looked better without shaders.
Maybe so but you did it well...
CaptSolo wrote:
I can model simple Elitey type craft and texture them, but my real handicap is a good working knowledge of Javascript.
Plenty of us here like 'Elitey' style ships, I suspect :D
As for the scripting, I empathise :| :lol: