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Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5 (was facelift)

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:22 pm
by Smivs
spara wrote:
If it's just the phaze, I would love if someone with proper skills would take a look at the texture and materials.
I've never noticed this ship before, but as you say it has a good model, and is rather nice.
I'm currently taking a break from OXPing due to an up-coming house move, but if you would like me to take a look at this, let me know, and give me a few days as I will have to fit it in around RL(TM) obligations.

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5 (was facelift)

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:15 pm
by spara
Smivs wrote:
spara wrote:
If it's just the phaze, I would love if someone with proper skills would take a look at the texture and materials.
I've never noticed this ship before, but as you say it has a good model, and is rather nice.
I'm currently taking a break from OXPing due to an up-coming house move, but if you would like me to take a look at this, let me know, and give me a few days as I will have to fit it in around RL(TM) obligations.
That would be great Smivs. The model really deserves more detailed texture and some emission.

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5 (was facelift)

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:32 pm
by Smivs
OK, I'll keep the swirly pattern as that is a key feature I think, but I'll try to bring the whole thing up to a more appropriate standard.
Hopefully won't be too long!

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5 (was facelift)

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:22 pm
by spara
Smivs wrote:
OK, I'll keep the swirly pattern as that is a key feature I think, but I'll try to bring the whole thing up to a more appropriate standard.
Hopefully won't be too long!
Looking forward to it. :D

While replacing ships I had a couple of ideas about the other old ships. I'll put them here, if someone get's interested.

* SuperCobra could be remodeled by retexturizing Captain Solo's Cobra 3-XT.
* Liberator's model is interesting, but it looks half finished. Retexturizing with Captain Beatnik's Coluber style might do it justice.
* Tiger's model is interesting and similar to a more complex Tesoura. Tesoura could be retextured to replace Tiger.

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5 (was facelift)

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:31 pm
by Diziet Sma
spara wrote:
Also note that this is not an addon oxp, it replaces RandomHits 1.4.8.
Umm.. I'm already on RandomHits 1.4.17...

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5 (was facelift)

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:48 pm
by spara
Diziet Sma wrote:
spara wrote:
Also note that this is not an addon oxp, it replaces RandomHits 1.4.8.
Umm.. I'm already on RandomHits 1.4.17...
Ups :shock:. Me too. Thanks for straightening that out.

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5 (was facelift)

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:58 pm
by spara
Brilliant news. Smivs has retextured Phaze and I'll be posting a new version of RH1.5 in a few days with it. Smivs has done amazing job BTW 8).

Has there been any other issues with the oxp or is it ready for release?

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5 (was facelift)

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:54 am
by Smivs
spara wrote:
Brilliant news. Smivs has retextured Phaze...has done amazing job BTW 8).

Take a look... ... phaze1.jpg ... phaze2.jpg ... phaze3.jpg

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5 (was facelift)

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:39 am
by metatheurgist
spara wrote:
* SuperCobra could be remodeled by retexturizing Captain Solo's Cobra 3-XT.
I re-textured my Supercobra by snapshotting a Griff Cobra and using the pictures to replace the default Supercobra textures. Doesn't look anywhere near as good as a Griff cobra since that's a higher detailed model 'n all but it looked less depressing than flying that drab ship in a Griff ooniverse. Didn't feel right to share since I'm stealing from 2 oxps. Only original thing I did was to make the back of the ship match the S-cobra exhaust.


Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5 (was facelift)

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:46 pm
by spara
metatheurgist wrote:
... by snapshotting a Griff Cobra...
Griff has generously put his non-alpha textures to his box account to serve as resources for OXPers. You'll get a better result using those.
metatheurgist wrote:
Didn't feel right to share since I'm stealing from 2 oxps
Stealing? No, no, no. If those oxps are licensed properly, that's only remixing. There's nothing wrong in that.
metatheurgist wrote:
Only original thing I did was to make the back of the ship match the S-cobra exhaust.
The exhaust is the reason why I would use Solo's ship as a base, it has the correct exhaust in the model.

BTW. While fiddling with RH I have been pondering about the idea of spawning npc targets with npc hunters to systems. So you could stumble upon a chase by accident, maybe even help the marshal on pursuit. I think it would bring some more variety to the game, but is there some obvious caveat I'm not seeing? Is it an idea worth venturing?

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5 (was facelift)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:44 am
by Diziet Sma
spara wrote:
BTW. While fiddling with RH I have been pondering about the idea of spawning npc targets with npc hunters to systems. So you could stumble upon a chase by accident, maybe even help the marshal on pursuit. I think it would bring some more variety to the game, but is there some obvious caveat I'm not seeing? Is it an idea worth venturing?
Interesting idea.. it would help give the feel that there really are other bounty hunters out there plying their trade..

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5.1 (was facelift)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:04 pm
by spara
New version 1.5.1.

* Purple haze is back. Thanks to Smivs.
* Pitviper upgraded to Pitviper Mark II. This beauty is from Captain Beatnik.
* Added Aphid from sb-faves oxp to the mix. This was the last one to extract from sb-faves by Simon B.

I'll keep it as a WIP for a week and if nothing comes up make a release out of it.

As for the idea of spawning npc hunters in pursuit, don't hold your breath. I'm actually going to _play_ the game for a while and then come back to oxping :mrgreen:.

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5.1 (was facelift)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:20 pm
by Smivs
spara wrote:
I'm actually going to _play_ the game for a while and then come back to oxping :mrgreen:.
Ha, good luck with that. The last time I said that it lasted about a week :roll:

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5.1 (was facelift)

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 7:09 am
by spara
Smivs wrote:
spara wrote:
I'm actually going to _play_ the game for a while and then come back to oxping :mrgreen:.
Ha, good luck with that. The last time I said that it lasted about a week :roll:
:lol: Let's see...

Something strange happened with the box. Normally, if I update a file, it is substituted with a new file with a new name. Yesterday, when I updated RH to version 1.5.1 only the contents of the file were updated, the zip file's name was untouched! Go figure. I uploaded 1.5.1 as a new file and changed the link in the first post. No need to update, if you've got the oxp version 1.5.1 already.

Re: [WIP] RandomHits 1.5 (was facelift)

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:22 pm
by Griff
metatheurgist wrote:
...I re-textured my Supercobra by snapshotting a Griff Cobra and using the pictures to replace the default Supercobra textures...
Wow, that's a really good job, must have been quite tricky making the texture line up correctly without being able to see the UV map layout of the model as a guidline for where the pieces should go! :D
Please feel free to re-use and edit any of my oxp ships and textures, if you need any files that i've forgotten to upload to the resources folder on my box site just let me know and i'll upload them.
If you're on Windows there's a cool free program called xnview that has a remove alpha channel option it in, useful if you want to get rid of this channel in my textures and just get to the colourmap