"GalCop has recognized the growth of in-system markets and wants to guide the critical mass of traders to the approved stations where the trade can be justly taxed. As a tool of gentle guiding, the "Inquirer" is made available to the public. All approved stations are obliged to offer the service as an interface and the invaluable equipment "advanced space compass" used by the majority of traders is silently upgraded with the inquirer functionality."
New version (1.5). First of all, thank you JazHaz for vigorous testing, suggesting and reporting. Your help has been invaluable for the development of this oxp. Time to spend is limited for all of us and without your help this would have taken a lot longer. Now it feels quite feature finished. Fingers crossed there are not many bugs left .
* S.I.R.F added to the approved markets.
* Without ASC markets and distances are available from all approved stations as interfaces.
* With ASC markets and distances are available where ever you travel, except interstellar space and some very special cases.
* Markets screen now uses pager for you to browse all available inquirer markets. Works both in-flight and when docked.
* Red background frame when flying to remind you of the obvious dangers and green frame when docked.
We'll better wait until that oxp a bit more finished and if some bugs will surface with this oxp before making another update, but in the meantime you can edit the station's shipdata.plist and add role "inquirer_station" to it's role definitions.
In the below screenshot, I was docked at the Kiota Mega Habitat Station. I was looking to see how far the main station was. I assume that is the distance to the Navigation Buoy, but I'm not sure. I think a useful update would be to have this entry as "Main Station" instead?
Also, while I'm here, I was looking on the main Inquirer screen and saw the "Swap" option, to bring up another page. I can report that function works fine, although I wasn't aware that had been added. Maybe an update to the readme would be in order?
<string>Navy SecCom Station</string>
<string>navystat station inquirer_station</string>
I think you also need to tweak the roles of "navystat25", "navystat50" and "navystat75". Those are used when you have some discounts earned.
JazHaz wrote:
In the below screenshot, I was docked at the Kiota Mega Habitat Station. I was looking to see how far the main station was. I assume that is the distance to the Navigation Buoy, but I'm not sure. I think a useful update would be to have this entry as "Main Station" instead?
Good idea. Will put that to the next version.
JazHaz wrote:
Also, while I'm here, I was looking on the main Inquirer screen and saw the "Swap" option, to bring up another page. I can report that function works fine, although I wasn't aware that had been added. Maybe an update to the readme would be in order?
You're right, I didn't remember to point that out. I only mentioned the pager. I should also put up a wiki page .
Thargoid wrote:
It might also be a nice tweak to hide the beacon data of the station you're on from the list?
Absolutely. At least one more version to come before going to a vacation.
* When docked, inquirer does not show the station's beacon or buoy as Thargoid suggested
* Main stations "Navigation Buoy" text is replaced with "Main Station" text as JazHaz suggested
Updated the images and added a mention of the "swap" feature.
Just added a bunch or new OXPs, including planets, extra stations, and this one! Loving the new feel to my ooniverse!
I have a question, and I hope this is the best thread! It may be obvious (not to me though!) but when I arrive at the wp beacon, i now stop, kill any pirates, and then have a nose at the local prices and distances, to decide where to offload my goods. All works fine. However, once I've decided on a far-off station, how can I tell which one to aim for?
eg, my current system has 4 extra planets, all with stations. However, all their nav buoys are named the same (N01001 or something of that ilk) and I have no idea where to go! I try to guess based on distance to the planet, but that doesn't really work, and I can't get a radar lock on nav buoys if they are too far away.
So, am I missing something? I think I have the relevent OXPs. Obviously, I have the advanced space compass, but as I say, it doesn't differentiate which nav beacon is which!
I have a question, and I hope this is the best thread! It may be obvious (not to me though!) but when I arrive at the wp beacon, i now stop, kill any pirates, and then have a nose at the local prices and distances, to decide where to offload my goods. All works fine. However, once I've decided on a far-off station, how can I tell which one to aim for?
eg, my current system has 4 extra planets, all with stations. However, all their nav buoys are named the same (N01001 or something of that ilk) and I have no idea where to go! I try to guess based on distance to the planet, but that doesn't really work, and I can't get a radar lock on nav buoys if they are too far away.
So, am I missing something? I think I have the relevent OXPs. Obviously, I have the advanced space compass, but as I say, it doesn't differentiate which nav beacon is which!
The Talkative Space Compass will go a long way towards solving your woes.. much more informative than the ASC on its' own..
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
I currently use MilHud 4000, and I took off the talkative space compass, as i thought there was a clash? My HUD certainly talks to me, hence I know about the N01001 (or whatever) name to the nav beacons, but does the TSC do more? And does it work with the MilHud? The TSC wiki page says its unnecessary with the MilHud? However, all my nav beacons are announced with a code. Am I missing something to translate this into 'MainStation Beacon' or Waspline Station Beacon'?