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Re: Your backstory

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:34 am
by Selezen
"My name's Lewis. Lewis Tarklin. And I've been Elite twice."

"The first time I cheated. I made some modifications to my ship and installed some...questionable equipment. Made Elite pretty quick, too, then used the connections to find someone I'd lost. Rianna. Tracked her down to Ausis, where she was helping their scientists with geological surveys."

"We got married. That was the happiest time of my life. Five years of bliss."

"Then the Thargoids came. Ausis was all but destroyed, its colonies flattened. Rianna...well, she died. It's a bit fuzzy even now. I didn't deal with it. I apparently destroyed the Thargoid base station but I don't remember much of it, even though I have a medal they gave me for saving the planet."

"I had a breakdown just after - Rianna was with me again and we sailed through the stars together. It was all in my head, though. She was gone and I couldn't deal with it. It took time, but I got better. Then they gave me back a ship and I did it all over again. I joined the Navy and took it all out on the Thargoids at the front."

"When Lave was attacked I helped track down the ones responsible and made sure that justice was served, then I helped rebuild - I'd be damned if I was going to watch another planet be devastated by some meaningless war."

"Then there was the Eidolon - secrets that would turn your hair white. Stuff that you wouldn't even believe. I wasn't even sure I believed it myself for a while, but now nothing surprises me."

"Now I'm Elite again. Between pirates, bugs and various idiots I've chalked up more kills in the black than most. What's my secret? A high-premium insurance policy with Lady Luck, mainly."

"Why am I telling you all this? I'm not sure, to be honest. I haven't talked this much about myself for years. I'm taking a trip soon, and I won't be around for a while, so maybe this is me trying to make sure I'm not forgotten. The galaxy is changing, and our neck of the woods is probably going to get caught up in something big. The Thargoids are on the march, and the Empire is sticking its nose in GalCop's business far too much for my liking so I'm gonna blow out of here for a while and see what happens."

"Do me a favour, kid. Be careful."

Re: Your backstory

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 9:48 am
by maaarcooose
I finally wrote up my highly derivative backstory.

It will be more in-depth at some point but this is what I think about when I;m blasting through the stars.


Re: Your backstory

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 10:56 am
by Diziet Sma
I see you became hooked on the Pitviper too.. :D

Re: Your backstory

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 12:40 pm
by maaarcooose
Diziet Sma wrote:
I see you became hooked on the Pitviper too.. :D
Completely hooked. Just something about it that presses all the right buttons. Got 3 sections (3 is my lucky number), looks like you could gouge an eye out with it and makes you feel like a badass when you fly it. What's not to love and I thought nothing would ever drag me away from my beloved MK3 Cobbie.


Re: Your backstory

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 12:45 pm
by Cody
maaarcooose wrote:
... I thought nothing would ever drag me away from my beloved MK3 Cobbie.
The only ship that's come close to dragging me out of my Griff Cobra Mk III is Griff's Wolf Mk II.

Re: Your backstory

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 12:54 pm
by Diziet Sma
maaarcooose wrote:
I thought nothing would ever drag me away from my beloved MK3 Cobbie.
Likewise.. but the Pitviper just feels so "right".. the perfect killing machine. :twisted:

I've been meaning to ask.. did you ever make a custom paint-job for yours?

Re: Your backstory

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 1:44 pm
by Jack_Sterling
Well, despite being stranded temporarily on Ororqu I can assure you all that I am still flying my Cobby 3, Bulldog One, and have no plans to change. She's a trusty old kite and has seen me through many jolly japes since my unexpected arrival here. The old girl just 'fits' and I can't see me being seduced by any other ship. And anyhow I don't think my custom paintjob would transfer well to something like a Pitviper :wink:

Re: Your backstory

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 1:55 pm
by Diziet Sma
Good to see you again, Jack.. been wondering where you'd gotten to! 8)

Re: Your backstory

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:44 pm
by maaarcooose
Diziet Sma wrote:
maaarcooose wrote:
I thought nothing would ever drag me away from my beloved MK3 Cobbie.
Likewise.. but the Pitviper just feels so "right".. the perfect killing machine. :twisted:

I've been meaning to ask.. did you ever make a custom paint-job for yours?
Not yet. I got sidetracked by building a ship, writing software and writing fiction. Then there's that real life stuff too, oh and Farcry3 has swallowed lots of time too.

Now I'm done with that I've got loads of time to do the 5 billion projects I've got in mind.

Damn it.....


Re: Your backstory

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 11:56 pm
by Coyote
Backstory? Yeah, I've got a backstory!

Re: Your backstory

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 1:24 pm
by CaptSolo
Coyote wrote:
Backstory? Yeah, I've got a backstory!
If my suspicions are correct, you are the backstory!

Re: Your backstory

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 11:55 pm
by LittleBear
Coyote wrote:
Backstory? Yeah, I've got a backstory!
Shouldn't that be "Backstory?. We don't need no stinking backstory."

Re: Your backstory

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 12:24 am
by Coyote
LittleBear wrote:
Coyote wrote:
Backstory? Yeah, I've got a backstory!
Shouldn't that be "Backstory?. We don't need no stinking backstory."
Could be you're right, amigo. Mind you, if that crazy old man could get what's left of his frazzled brain in gear, and finish writing my damn sequel, the aforementioned backstory (which I don't actually need) would be complete... and I could relax at last!

Re: Your backstory

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 12:23 am
by Fatleaf
Coyote wrote:
Could be you're right, amigo. Mind you, if that crazy old man could get what's left of his frazzled brain in gear, and finish writing my damn sequel, the aforementioned backstory (which I don't actually need) would be complete... and I could relax at last!
<Chuckles, [quite a bit]>

Re: Your backstory

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:26 pm
by OneoftheLost
I do so love the backstories! All of the one's mentioned here are quite good.

I've never gotten around to a backstory, because I've always felt that personality is simply the byproduct of experience. As such, how can I make up a story for my character, when he will have a similar personality to myself? He will have been shaped quite differently by the environment he was raised in.

So without further ado

Commander Kolt is just another pilot trying to eke out a living amongst the space lanes. Raised in a lower-class family, he reached out at whatever opportunity he could find to get off his home planet. (Which changes with every telling of his story.) He eventually got his pilot's license, and got on with a Boa trading convoy. By sheer, dumb luck, he was assigned to be a co-pilot in a brand new Cobra III escort. In a particularly vicious battle, he found himself the lone survivor, and limped back to Lave station with 100 credits, and a Cobra III devoid of anything more dangerous then a pulse laser.

The rest as they say, is history...