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Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:11 pm
by Cmdr Nhatna
I know this is an bit of an older string, but I am having some of the same problems as Hamish. I read Eric's advise and looked into my save file and had the same text as Hamish with the COPS value under the DEPASK. My issue is maybe slightly different though. I saw the GALCOP message come in telling me to go to Dicebe. I selected "YES" to go. However, I noticed that in my F5-F5 screen, it didn't update the mission. So when I arrived at Dicebe, nothing happened. Any help for me?

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 7:36 pm
by Cmdr Nhatna
Still having issues. I get to the point where I am supposed to report to the police station on Dicebe and I can say Yes or No. I say YES but my F5-F5 does not register it. I guess I could try saying no and seeing what happens. It just seems I should be able to say Yes, and then go to Dicebe. I really need help. Please?

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:03 am
by metatheurgist
It looks like the code didn't acknowledge your YES|NO selection.

You can try setting {mission_depask} to DRILE and {mission_deposed} to PART1_4. That should set it back to the point before you're asked to visit GALCOP, you may need to fly around a bit to activate it, the script only activates on a pseudo-random number based on the planet you visit.

Usual caveats apply: backup your save, use an editor that doesn't write invisible characters to your save, it's been a long time since I've done that mission so I don't give any guarantees of my interpretation of the code.

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:54 pm
by Cmdr Nhatna
Thanks for the help Meta... I was able to get it to recognize my YES/NO selection. I ended up saving right before and then just kept trying, saying YES and then checking F5-F5 to see if it recognized... something conflicting with this OXP... Just need to make sure I save a lot. :)

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:12 pm
by Smivs
Cmdr Nhatna wrote:
... Just need to make sure I save a lot. :)
This is good advice for everybody undertaking a mission. Save often and keep the last two or three old saves as well. That gives you options of where to go back to if something does go wrong, and also you can 'replay' particularly good parts again.

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:29 am
by Eric Walch
New version of [EliteWiki] Deposed.

This oxp was one of the last that was still written in the inefficient legacy code and was long on my list for translating into JavaScript. Now, I finally started and version 1.4.0 is the result.

No real visible changes, but a more powerful engine behind it. :)

- The only visible change are the hints (in constrictor mission style) that were given on the Systemdata (F7) page for the first mission. They are now moved to the Interface screen (F4).
- Not visible as change, but the markers on the Galactic chart are now of the new style. This will prevent that they overwrite existing markers and are accidentally cleared by other missions.

Both features need Oolite 1.77, so this is the new minimum version.

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:50 am
by DaveG
quick question, as I've never updated an OXP yet (too new!)

I'm pplaying this mission at the mo - how best to update? Simply download an install the new one, remove the old one, and shift-load?

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:35 am
by Smivs
Nice and easy :)

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:53 pm
by Eric Walch
shift-load is not even needed as Oolite will recognize that the oxp is of a newer date. Normal users don't have to worry about that. Only when modifying the internals of an oxp, the modification date of the shell folder won't change and you have to shift-load.

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:40 am
by Commander Gav
I had an issue with Deposed that I thought I would share the solution of.

After being asked to go to BigBobs Burger Bar, I was asked if I wanted to inform GalCop, or "Bugger GalCop" or something like that. Being a fine, upstanding member of the galaxy I decided to inform Galcop, and then traveled to BigBobs Burger Bar on Esarqure. Nothing happened.

I went back to an earlier save, and did it again, and this time after selecting the option to inform GalCop, I immediately got a follow up message that I did not previously receive. Traveling to BigBobs Burger Bar on Esarqure then continues the mission.

To rectify the issue if you have no saved games to fall back on, you need to edit the following lines in your saved game file:




Editing my saved game that had me on Esarqure with nothing happening immediately progressed the story as soon as it was loaded.

Hope this might help someone.

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 1:25 pm
by phkb
I'm looking at doing a refresh on this mission pack, and the first I'd like to do is update the models - the current ones for the "Bien Naval Interceptor", "Black Widow", "Tarantula" and the "Drug Factory" are all very low poly. In stark contrast, the "Peldorian Asp", because it like_ships the core "asp", will end up being a Griff model.

Here's what I was thinking:
Bien Naval Interceptor (kind of flat, wide model. Sort of) - Viper Interceptor Sidewinder
Black Widow (kind of long and pointy model) - Ferdelance
Tarantula (kind of flat and roundish model) - Asp Mark II
Drug Factory (kind of a very big cargo container) - not sure...other than upscaling an actual cargo container! It isn't dockable, so maybe a custom skin on an upscaled cargo container would be suitable!

For each of them I'd add a custom skin so they are unique to the OXP.

Any thoughts, or suggestions of other models to use?

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 2:28 pm
by phkb
Here's a sample of what I'm thinking:
Black Widow and Tarantula

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 5:34 pm
by cbr
phkb wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2023 2:28 pm
Here's a sample of what I'm thinking:
Black Widow and Tarantula

I like the black paintjob. The spider shapes may be a little subtle(r)/subdued

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:44 pm
by Cholmondely
cbr wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2023 5:34 pm
phkb wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2023 2:28 pm
Here's a sample of what I'm thinking:
Black Widow and Tarantula

I like the black paintjob. The spider shapes may be a little subtle(r)/subdued
I prefer cbr's subtle version - but worry if it may prove invisible in the depths of space.

Re: Deposed mission

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 3:06 am
by phkb
Bit better now, I think: