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Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:10 pm
by Phoenix4
THanks for the reply,

Yes, I've had numerous crashes and lock-ups before adding any of the OXP's. It was strange that this last one occured when there wasn't anything else around when I was attempting to dock - (no huge dogfight going on etc.)

It seemed to be running 'as normal' (ie. with the occasional lock-up and crash, after all it's a beta) - but I can't pinpoint anything that would cause it.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:26 pm
by Nic
Just to say quick, I haven't forgotten about Oolite. Compiled up the latest Oolite today (the one in the trunk with ctrees and all). But maybe i'll wait till things settle down a little before releasing a new version. At present, I still don't have time to play thru my releases to catch where the problems are....


Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:00 pm
by winston
You might want to check out the tags directory in svn if you want a stable source tree (1.62-2 is tagged). Alternately, have a look in the branches directory for the Grand Unified Source Tree for Oolite (which got cristened GUSTO). It's the cocoa-merge branch (the idea is to build all platforms out of a single source tree to eliminate tiresome merging). That is also based on 1.62-2. I will be branch merging this into the trunk fairly soon (although I think it's going to be a bit messy since so many files have moved).

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:27 pm
OK this old boy has tried downloading OXP's with no joy. I need an an idiot's guide, perhaps a sticky or similar would be useful. The first issue is that with the latest windows build there was no add-ons folder, so I have created one, but not sure if I have it in the right place, secondly the Oosat descriptions are a bit vague, and possibly some are out of date,but reading the BBS threads it seems that some OXP's cause crashes etc so I want to download them one at a time, to avoid causing any problems. My priority at the moment is to buy a super cobra and try to get a Naval energy unit which I think is a reward for completing the Thargoid wars mission, and not available any where else.

Thanks in advance

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:46 pm
by Murgh
the howto install OXPs for windows in the wiki,, isn't doing it?

there are no known "crashers" on the OoSat, except for Lave.oxp that aparently doesn't cut it on windows..
and they're all "up to date". how much more elaborate would you suggest the descriptions get? :shock:

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:14 pm
by Rxke
Well... for one, the
Unzip the OXP and place it in the folder named AddOns. This is found in different locations, depending on the platform:
can be confusing; often you have a that gets unzipped, and if you don't know that it's only the .oxp file/(folder?) itself that's needed that might maybe mess things up...

I mean, if I were totally new to Oolite, and I unzipped the, I get folders saying different stuff, some with 'apple' in it, etc... What to copy, what not?

In OS X the OXP is one 'entity', in other os'es it's a folder, again confusing re: names etc...

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:09 pm
by Murgh
but reading further on, after the bit for your relevant platform, it says:
After unzipping the file, make sure that it is the OXP folder that put into the AddOns directory - some zipped OXPs can contain a top level folder with a readMe file, and the actual OXP folder is a level further down. If this is the case, move the item with the .oxp extension into the AddOns folder
isn't it clear then?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:56 pm
by Rxke

I only read the headlines and the comics, ya know.... :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:59 pm
The wiki is clear enough, and I've followed it to the letter - thanks.

However, now I have the supercobra OXP in my add-ons folder, what is supposed to happen?

I haven't seen it up for sale in a shipyard, although I've not visited a really high tech planet yet, is that where to find it? how much do they cost? also am I now likely to meet one in my travels between planets?

Us senior citizens need to be spoonfed :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:10 pm
by Rxke
I had a quick look at the shipyard.plist, and it says: techlevel 7 and upwards systems, and an entry-level one (w/o extra niceties except for a pulselaser and three missiles) will set you back a cool 30k cr. Depending on how much other OXP's you have installed, it might be more or less hard to find one on sale, because some OXP's are coded to be errrr.... 'popular' in the yard, so they could potentially make them rare... But it is set at 70% probability to pop up at a yard, so that's plenty chance... (so if other OXP's are all 99% probability, you will have a hard time finding one, but I don't think there are such OXPs anyway...)

You will meet them in Thargoidwitchspace for sure (you can try this with a forced mis-jump, during countdown pitch up or downwards...But make sure you have saved your commander first, just in case...)) and now and then you will see one lone trader or packs of them hunting YOU :twisted: !

(I fly one, it's a great ship, when outfitted to the gills)

Oh, and they are badmouthed, nice touch. Shoot at them and they will start calling you names...

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:17 pm
by JensAyton
They turn up from time to time. I mostly see them heading towards the station. They used to show up near the station, but I haven’t seen any there since the cops became more vigilant. I haven’t tried buying one.

A good OXP to try if you’re unsure whether they’re working is Lave.oxp, since you can see the effect by starting a new pilot, leaving the station and finding your scanner full of billboard droids and flight school ships.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:27 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
@Murgh, NIC

Ah....I'm using NIC's newyear-build.

I notice that the ATT is working, so are it's escorts, but it's turrets are not.

I think this might be a bug in the build, as they do work in the mac-version.

Anyone, how does the ATT work on your setup?