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Re: Rear view frustration/solution

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:08 pm
by Wyvern Mommy
Lone_Wolf wrote:
windows only i see.

Wyvern Mommy, could you describe how it works ?
it revolves around a virtual joystick.
set up the virtual joystick, let Oolite take it's input from there.

the program feeds the virtual joystick with altered input from the real joystick.
on recognition of a hatswitch input from the real joystick, it also swaps and/or reverses axes as appropriate.
there's also a nonlinearity option that makes small stick inputs easier.

Re: Rear view frustration/solution

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:00 pm
by Mara Jade
pilot babo wrote:
I bought a back military laser, but I couldn't really use it because no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't get used to the reversed controls.
My problem is the opposite.

When I played Elite back in the day, I found it awkward shooting out of the rear view, but got the hang of it in the end.

Anyway.... cycle forward about 15 years and I was learning how to drive. So it came to reversing... and for some strange reason, I had this "thing" whenever I was going in reverse I reverted the wheel of the car thinking that the controls had to be reversed when going backwards and turned it the wrong way. I still can't legally drive as I gave up my driving lessons as I couldn't parallel park to save my life and that was a required manoeuver of the UK driving test. In the end, I think I unlearned the whole reverse controls when you go backwards thing with practice and time, but I was never comfortable with it. I used to drive around the block 3 times before I could find a space that I could just drive into!! lol

Anyway, last year I re-discovered Elite through Oolite and played through that that ole' rear view again.... It fell into place..... I learned to fly a starship more than a decade before I ever learned to drive in real life so the backwards reversed controls obviously got wired into my brain.

I know what they say about women drivers and their inability to reverse, but this one I blame on Elite!

Re: Rear view frustration/solution

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:08 pm
by Cody

Re: Rear view frustration/solution

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:00 pm
by Bazabaza
It would be nice to have the option of a turret type control. ship stays still and the cursor moves when on the sides or rear, Know its probably impossible...but I can dream...

Re: Rear view frustration/solution

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:35 pm
by Hans Olo
Or a co-op type thing where you fly the ship while a friend operates the turret and/or missiles! That would make it possible to do complex maneuvers around ships to avoid being hit while also shooting down opponents