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Re: How do I get the OXP's to work?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:36 pm
by another_commander
OK, we will need the Latest.log (and stderr.txt if it exists) immediately after a crash. The log posted above indicates normal exit of the game.

Edit: Can you open the file .GNUstepDefaults, found inside and post its contents here as well? Would be nice to have that as it appears immediately after a crash.

Re: How do I get the OXP's to work?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:57 pm
by Very harmless
There is another problem. The log doesn't seem to be updating. Each time I do a crash and look at the log files, it refers to the same log file of Jan 14th at 14:34. It is like the game doesn't exist? Is it possible it is running another version saved somewhere else on the PC?

Re: How do I get the OXP's to work?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:03 pm
by Very harmless
The GNU Defaults

NSGlobalDomain = {
oolite = {
"Jameson-humbletrash" = 35912;
"Ky Taxi 2-humbletrash" = 58376;
"Ky Taxi-humbletrash" = 29752;
"Ky-humbletrash" = 13528;
"Ky1-humbletrash" = 43832;
autosave = NO;
"debug-settings-override" = {
display_height = 1080;
display_refresh = 0;
display_width = 1920;
fullscreen = NO;
"music mode" = off;
"reduced-detail-graphics" = NO;
"save-directory" = "C:\\Users/KY Wilkinson/Downloads/";
window_height = 980;
window_width = 1031;
"wireframe-graphics" = NO;

Re: How do I get the OXP's to work?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:14 pm
by another_commander
You seem to have installed the game in C:/Users/<username>/Downloads. I am not sure whether this is a folder affected by file virtualization or not, but it is not a folder I would chose to install any program. There is a possibility that the best plan of attack might be to uninstall Oolite from its present location and re-install it in a non-system folder (like C:\Oolite, C:\Games\Oolite etc).

By the way, I am on an Internet cafe and cannot test properly. I was, however, able to download Oolite on the computer I'm writing this on (OS is WinXP), run it, fly to Diso and save/quicksave, all without the slightest problem. Which is why I think we have a case of a messed up install.

As a last piece of possible advice, I would suggest editing the .GNUstepDefaults file and changing the line that reads:

Code: Select all

"save-directory" = "C:\\Users/KY Wilkinson/Downloads/";

Code: Select all

"save-directory" = "C:\\A/Real/Path/On/The/HardDisk/Not/Containing/Spaces";
(Use an actual path you know that exists on the disk that does not contain spaces, just to exclude probability of problems due to filenames containing spaces confusing Oolite).

Re: How do I get the OXP's to work?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:29 pm
by Cody
another_commander wrote:
... the best plan of attack might be to uninstall Oolite from its present location and re-install it in a non-system folder (like C:\Oolite... ).
<nods> For clarity, the Oolite install screen should look like this:


Re: How do I get the OXP's to work?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:17 pm
by Very harmless
Hi thanks for this.

Legendary assistance!

I did a complete re-install and I can now save again. I think that one of the OXP's was causing a problem with the rest of the game. I have taken that out and it run's ok. I will experiment to see which one it was.

Re: How do I get the OXP's to work?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:20 pm
by another_commander
Good to read that it works for you now. If you discover the OXP that is causing crashes, please do let us know and post a Latest.log and/or stderr.txt here. No OXP should ever be in position to crash the game and if this happens with any OXPs in 1.77, we need to fix it.

Re: How do I get the OXP's to work?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:20 pm
by Very harmless

I am not too sure whether or not it was just a mish mash of all the other chopping and changing I did when I sorted out all the other stuff. But I will definitely let you know if something makes it crash in the future, and I will forward the log

Many thanks again...