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Re: A New Hope for the Obama Administration?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:30 am
by Selezen
Since the whole thing is in the realms of the ridiculous, I don't think point out the recession (again) is particularly relevant.

Besides, recessions don't curb government spending on research, military or large scale transport. Do wars stop in a recession? No. Do planes still get built? Yes. Do the royal families/presidents/generals/politicians still jet around on jollies? Yes. So space stuff would still be funded. Probably through Kickstarter.

Mine asteroids or comets for water. Comets are better cos they're practically ice anyway. Jut watch out for mynocks.

ooh, maybe someone should start a Kickstarter to re-ignite the shuttle program or the Atlas project.

Re: A New Hope for the Obama Administration?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:01 pm
by Commander Wilmot
Selezen wrote:
Since the whole thing is in the realms of the ridiculous, I don't think point out the recession (again) is particularly relevant.

Besides, recessions don't curb government spending on research, military or large scale transport. Do wars stop in a recession? No. Do planes still get built? Yes. Do the royal families/presidents/generals/politicians still jet around on jollies? Yes. So space stuff would still be funded. Probably through Kickstarter.

Mine asteroids or comets for water. Comets are better cos they're practically ice anyway. Jut watch out for mynocks.

ooh, maybe someone should start a Kickstarter to re-ignite the shuttle program or the Atlas project.
I wasn't taking this more seriously than anyone else, however it is worth noting that this Death Star, assuming it had the same amount of metal:mass as one of your aircraft carriers it would take 1.08x10 to the 15 tons of steel and require iron from the planet's core (I would assume that considering it doesn't have to worry about floating and that it does have to worry about micro meteor impacts, and holding atmosphere, etc. it might be considerably more solid).

This much iron to be processed into steel would cost 13,000 times the world's GDP or $852,000,000,000,000,000 and would take 833,315 years to gather it. At least assuming this article is correct, How Much Would It Cost To Build The Death Star? A bit more than your average military spending project, though of course, maybe your government would like to give us a loan?

That's ignoring this, Cleaning the Death Star.

Frankly, I am surprised that any one would sign this thing, let so many (they have all but around 4,000 of the signatures they need, however, they need to reach the goal by the 14); but there's democracy for you. Maybe they just read this and or they just liked the picture.

I did find to comments rather funny in the last article.
"I'll sign only if they promise to fix that whopping design flaw: a 2 meter exhaust port leading straight to the nuclear core. What were the Imperial engineers thinking?" - Ed Hancox

"Good enough for government work." - James Street