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Re: Starter help Pls

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:53 pm
by synchro
@Smivs ...Love your stuff i may have a crack at your Texture tutorial :)

Re: Starter help Pls

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:28 pm
by synchro
Hi again guys

Heres what i came up with for a standalone version ...


Re: Starter help Pls

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:39 pm
by Cody
Is there any message about that version being already fitted with OXPs (and not necessarily with the best OXPs)?
To be honest, I personally don't think a bundle like that is very wise... but it's your choice.

Re: Starter help Pls

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:30 am
by synchro
What are the best mods...I went with the ones recommended ?

Re: Starter help Pls

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:48 am
by Smivs
synchro wrote:
What are the best mods...?
The ones that suit your style, best fit-in with the game you want to play and the Ooniverse you want to inhabit, and account for the abilities of your computer.
In other words it is an entirely personal thing. :wink:

Re: Starter help Pls

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:51 pm
by synchro
Smivs wrote:
synchro wrote:
What are the best mods...?
The ones that suit your style, best fit-in with the game you want to play and the Ooniverse you want to inhabit, and account for the abilities of your computer.
In other words it is an entirely personal thing. :wink:
Ah i see what you mean...Basicly i have just gone with the WOW factor with just the few eye candy mods. As you say they can add to their own experience as they wish ..There are a few moderators on the Elite Dangerous board who have been playing this a while and the game is widely talked about with praise on the kickstarter board....The launcher is really just a quick introduction to the game no doubt once they see it in action they will want to create their own setups and how to add oxp's is explained.
The only mods i added are below ..

Griff's Normalmapped Ships
Griff No Shaders Shipset
BGS background set

Thanks for the advice Smivs :)

Re: Starter help Pls

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:26 pm
by Smivs
synchro wrote:
Thanks for the advice Smivs :)
You're welcome - I'm good at giving advice! :P
On a serious note, the basic game as it comes is as close to the original Elite as you can get, but with 'solid' models as opposed to wireframe, which as far as I know are also still available in 'strict' mode.
Obviously to many people this does leave it a bit bland eye-candy-wise, which is why so many of us add in OXPs early on to make it look better. Of course the choice of eye-candy is very personal, and indeed I know that many long-time members of the board still use the default ship textures for all sorts of reasons - in other words no replacement ships at all!
Those who do replace the ships have a choice via OXP depending on what they like and what their computer can handle. Griff's are very popular because, let's face it they are beautiful. However on a non-shader computer they don't look so hot. And of course they are all re-modelled so although most have a passing resemblance to the default ships they are different. My own Smivs'Shipset is also very popular and does use the original models which many people like, and has many other unique features which add a lot to the visuals of the game. Another very popular set are the Neolites, which have a very different look again to both the core ships/my shipset and Griff's, and indeed have a strong fan-base.
And that's just the ships. I personally don't use BGS. It's a fine OXP but adds nothing I personally want. For example I'm more than happy with the default sound set, and I like a clean, un-cluttered look, so have no need or desire for background images (which incidently don't actually look like the Ooniverse I play in or have in my head) behind all the status/equipment screens.
My point is there is almost certainly something out there for everybody (even if it's nothing!), and I simply favour the approach of giving folks the basic game and making them aware of the add-on options, and then leaving them to pick and choose what, if anything they want to add to it.

Re: Starter help Pls

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:32 pm
by Cody
Smivs wrote:
... there is almost certainly something out there for everybody
<chortles> Like giant space pizzas and tins of spam, for example... and jellybabies!

Re: Starter help Pls

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:06 pm
by pagroove
I use Griff ships, and Smivs' ships along with many other sets.
My universe is fairly 'eye candy'.
The most 'bland ships' are now the Cobra Courier and the Mussarana. That's because they are old and not very beautiful. But still good enough to go in te game. Anyone want to make those 2 better?

But I agree with Smivs. How the Ooniverse looks is your own decision.

Re: Starter help Pls

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:26 pm
by Zieman
pagroove wrote:
... The most 'bland ships' are now the Cobra Courier and the Mussarana. That's because they are old and not very beautiful. But still good enough to go in te game. Anyone want to make those 2 better? ...
Neolite Wolfies has an improved Cobra Courier & Neolite Companion has an improved Mussurana.

Re: Starter help Pls

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:04 pm
by Wildeblood
Zieman wrote:
pagroove wrote:
... The most 'bland ships' are now the Cobra Courier and the Mussarana. That's because they are old and not very beautiful. But still good enough to go in the game. Anyone want to make those 2 better? ...
Neolite Wolfies has an improved Cobra Courier & Neolite Companion has an improved Mussurana.
Simon has, since Neolites, re-done most of the core ships in his re2dux set, which doesn't get mentioned here nearly enough. And he has also re-done the Cobra variants in the file