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Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:28 pm
by Commander McLane
Rese249er wrote:
*scratches head* That's a puzzler. I'll post the new textures for the 249th; if you would take a look at it afterwards, that'd be great.
EDIT: v1.3.0 is posted. If you can get RandomNames to apply, that'll be a final version barring unforeseen circumstances.
Errm, I don't get you. Are you talking to two people at once?

What has a texture to do with the roles you chose for your ships? Nothing at all. What I need from you is that you tell me by posting as an answer here in this thread (or via PM, if you like), what you have written in the roles-key in shipdata.plist for your ship. If you have more than one entry in shipdata.plist, please tell me all roles you use for spawning your ship or ships.

I haven't downloaded your OXP or OXPs, and I don't intend to. I've just asked you a simple question, and am waiting for your answer.

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:35 pm
by Rese249er
None of the ships have any custom roles; they're all slotted into vanilla roles. A custom role wouldn't really fit for a civilian or active Reserve ship. Yet RandomShipNames only applied to certain ships when I deliberately set script_info to randomshipnames = yes. And even then it did not apply to all of them even when all of the shipdata entries had it included.
That's why this is such a puzzler. The bit about the textures was simply a general update.

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:59 pm
by Commander McLane
Okay, I downloaded it. There are two issues:

(1) there aren't any hunters with escorts yet, thus I missed to include escorts of hunters among the ships-to-be-named. This is now fixed for the next version. Thanks for alerting me. :)

(2) You're using "Active Duty - 249" as a name (and "Active Cruiser- 249" as well, which is probably meant to spell "Active Cruiser - 249"). Ships that have the string " - " somewhere in their name are excluded from randomshipnames, because this string is used in some existing OXPs as a separator between a ship type and an individual name. randomshipnames shall not give another individual name to a ship that has already an individual name, and having " - " in its name is one of the indicators of this being the case (other strings used to separate ship type and individual name in other OXPs are ":" and "~", therefore a name containing either of those leads to exclusion from randomshipnames as well).

Thus there are two possible solutions: either you replace the " - " with another separator, or I create another special case, where a name with " - " is excluded, but a name with " - 249" is not. Your choice. :)

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:20 pm
by Rese249er
That explains things nicely. I appreciate it. I can take it from here. Has the next version of ShipNames been posted?

EDIT: v1.3.1 has been posted. Commander McLane, you're a gentleman and a scholar; many thanks.

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:48 pm
by Commander McLane
Rese249er wrote:
That explains things nicely. I appreciate it. I can take it from here. Has the next version of ShipNames been posted?
I'm still working on some other tweaks, like a couple of brand new naming schemes. It's going to take another week or so.

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:13 am
by Rese249er
Ah. Looking forward to it!

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 7:21 am
by Rese249er
249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP has been updated with like_ship references to Mandoman's VTBSShipset. If you'd like the 249th to include these ships, please update your current version and download Mandoman's OXP.

Those who have not downloaded the 249th yet and don't want the new squad, the like_ship shouldn't create a problem for the normal 249th... I think. :/

Also, those who have some knowledge of image editing and want to create a custom paintjob for their ships, please feel free to use this StelCam pattern I whipped up for the 249th at the beginning.

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:56 am
by Thargoid
As long as you've included the shipdata.plist key is_external_dependency set to true in the entry for the replication of the OXP ships, then if the OXPs aren't installed then they will be silently ignored (rather than throwing log errors).

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:57 pm
by superbatprime
Rese249er wrote:
249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP has been updated with like_ship references to Mandoman's VTBSShipset. If you'd like the 249th to include these ships, please update your current version and download Mandoman's OXP.

Those who have not downloaded the 249th yet and don't want the new squad, the like_ship shouldn't create a problem for the normal 249th... I think. :/

Also, those who have some knowledge of image editing and want to create a custom paintjob for their ships, please feel free to use this StelCam pattern I whipped up for the 249th at the beginning.
*Looks up from the mess he's made in notepad++*

Ah! You've done it already!
Awesome damn sauce!

It's gonna look beast with the camo, I'll get that applied after work, something to look forward too.


Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:13 pm
by Rese249er
Thargoid wrote:
As long as you've included the shipdata.plist key is_external_dependency set to true in the entry for the replication of the OXP ships, then if the OXPs aren't installed then they will be silently ignored (rather than throwing log errors).
With that tweak and StelCam applied, v2.0.1 will be up momentarily is up.

EDIT: Zieman, after looking at the Wiki pages for Far Arms and Z-ships, I believe the Far Arms Hunter and Z-ships Cobra Commodore and Python Courier are the best fit for the 249th. Comments or concerns?

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:06 am
by Zieman
Rese249er wrote:
...after looking at the Wiki pages for Far Arms and Z-ships, I believe the Far Arms Hunter and Z-ships Cobra Commodore and Python Courier are the best fit for the 249th. Comments or concerns?
Nope, go ahead. Image

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:23 am
by Rese249er
Excellent. v2.1.0 is up, with a fix to Bravo Squad. I forgot to specify the custom model... :oops:

EDIT: Anyone who has knowledge of mission writing and station design, I would like to establish a 249th Naval Reserve HQ in each octant in a Democratic system, assigning a repeating mission to travel to a random Anarchy(s) and destroy a certain number of Offender or Fugitive ships, in exchange for a growing discount in a TL15 shipyard.
If this can be done, I plan to add player versions of 249th ships to be sold only at these stations.

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 1:53 am
by mandoman
Good luck. I asked for the same help with a Mandotech Station I have designed in
Blender, but have been stumbling along with zero help. I have most of the thing put together by following the directions on the oxpHowTo page, but I can't even get it to spawn using the Debug Console. Still, it's been a fun project, and who knows, maybe we can both figure it out, LOL!!

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:04 am
by Rese249er
Sounds good! I'm gonna start poking around Ryan's Villa OXP for the station details; you wanna help with that or try working out the mission setup?

Re: [RELEASE] 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:02 am
by mandoman
Oh, I don't have a clue about missions. I really don't have any clue about the Station, but I have an oxp put together for it. I just have to get it to work. How far are you on your Head Quaters Station?