Yes, it's actually coming together very well. The ship is the Goliath Cruiser and at over 300m long is almost twice as long as an Anaconda. It consists of two parts, a mothership and shuttle section which attaches to a deck on top of the rear part of the mothership - you approach the mothership from above and behind and align the shuttle with the attachment deck. She has a total cargo capacity of 250TC, 60TC held on the shuttle and 190TC in the main hold of the mothership. She can be seen
The modelling and texturing is more or less finished, and the ship is fully functional - the shuttle section is attaching and detaching properly, and the mothership is acting autonomously when the ships are separated. Currently we are working on details such as handling situations like loss/destruction of the mothership, and replacing missiles etc used by the mothership when she is acting autonomously.
There is a fully functional NPC version as well which just needs a bit of code tidying up.
This OXP will need some of the features of v1.77 so will not be released until then (not that it's anywhere near release ready yet!).
This will not be a ship for the impatient, or those lacking in piloting skills. The attachment process requires a great deal of skill and practice, and is not a quick affair - the knack is getting the approach alignment just about perfect, then a very slow careful final approach is required for a successful attachment.
It is very different from any other player ship currently available, and adds a whole new dimension to the game. Almost by definition it is an Uber-ship, but we are very keen that it is not 'silly' in any way. It will be as powerful as a ship of this size should be, but will be sensible and balanced, and should 'fit in' with the general feel of the Ooniverse.