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Re: Does Anyone Else Think of This Show?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:22 pm
by CommRLock78
Dustin542 wrote:
I remember watching Dangermouse in Nickelodeon along with Count Ducklua in the 80's. Or it could have been the USA network, I was pretty young then.
My wife says she saw Dangermouse in MI when she was young, too. We didn't have cable then, which probably explains why I never saw it ;).

Re: Does Anyone Else Think of This Show?

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:12 pm
by Corny
Tichy wrote:
At first, playing Oolite reminded me of Asimov's Foundation trilogy. Then, I recalled Firefly. But since when I watched Firefly, it reminded me Cowboy Bebop... Yes, oolite, indirectly, reminds me of Cowboy Bebop. :D
Ahruman wrote:
I’ve never really been able to get into anime, the one major exception being Planetes. The main story arc is quite weak, but it is by a wide margin the hardest SF I’ve ever seen off a printed page.
That's great! I don't watch much anime, but two of the three anime series I own on DVD are Cowboy Bebop and Planetes.
I'm also a fan of Firefly (and own the DVDs, but that's not an anime! :D), which I mentioned somewhere else on this board already (don't have the coordinates, though :) )

Although I thought about Firefly when I buy to control a Python - also an old, but reliable little freighter -, Cowboy Bebop, Firefly and Planetes don't transport the same feeling as Oolite for me. All of these shows are about a crew on a big, slow, unarmed freighter (or similar) who do their actual work mostly outside of this ship - on foot, in space suits, in zipcrafts, etc. The flying of the main ship itself is (most of the time) rather negligible. Okay well, on Planetes it's a bit more on-screen, but you get what I mean.
I would like to play a game which would bear this style, but that's definitely not Oolite. Actually, it's quite a bit like Aquanox 2, just that that one's happening under water instead of in space :D Also, now that I think of it, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy for the SNES comes to mind.

Oh, and since it was mentioned so much, I never watched Dangermouse.

@Selezen: Even if you don't like the general anime, you could like Cowboy Bebop. It often felt like a non-anime series to me which just happened to be drawn instead of filmed. I don't like the general big eyes/super-cute "moe" characters/totally exaggerated animation/plain and simple black-and-white moral story-animes either.
(Same for Planetes, although it's been some time again since I last watched it)

Re: Does Anyone Else Think of This Show?

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:38 pm
by Tichy
I never cease to recommend Planetes to science fiction fans. I really like the way in which the story and the characters evolves, the moral questions that are asked, and the description of the political situation. To make another analogy, the last two thing are the ones that made me appreciate Babylon 5 so much (beside the epicness and the long and complex arc of history... and the characters... ok. almost everyting! :D).

Re: Does Anyone Else Think of This Show?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:39 pm
by Corny
Had to think of this thread today when I was making playlists on iTunes to go with Oolite (yay iTunes-integration). I usually have this deactivated because it forces me to make lotsa ugly fades when I record for the Let's Play and edit it.
I have the soundtracks for Firefly/Serenity and Cowboy Bebop, so even if they're not exactly Oolite in a TV series or a movie, the soundtracks sure fit! :)

Re: Does Anyone Else Think of This Show?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 6:01 pm
by CommRLock78
Corny wrote:
Had to think of this thread today when I was making playlists on iTunes to go with Oolite (yay iTunes-integration). I usually have this deactivated because it forces me to make lotsa ugly fades when I record for the Let's Play and edit it.
I have the soundtracks for Firefly/Serenity and Cowboy Bebop, so even if they're not exactly Oolite in a TV series or a movie, the soundtracks sure fit! :)
:D Nice! I especially enjoy Hyper Radio™ station JFRG01 for just that reason!

Re: Does Anyone Else Think of This Show?

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:21 am
by Corny
Now that the iTunes integration doesn't seem to work with iTunes 11 anymore, I may have to resort to HyperRadio as well.
By the way, another similarity that struck me was that even big cargo haulers can be operated by a single pilot (and a bunch of avionics). Of course it's that way in Oolite because of the gameplay, but often, sci-fi shows have a whole crew for doing things on a ship.
Of course, an engineer would be quite useful in Oolite sometimes, after a misjump.... ;)
Maybe I should install the Gates OXP again. :)

Re: Does Anyone Else Think of This Show?

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:07 pm
by CommRLock78
Corny wrote:
Now that the iTunes integration doesn't seem to work with iTunes 11 anymore, I may have to resort to HyperRadio as well.
By the way, another similarity that struck me was that even big cargo haulers can be operated by a single pilot (and a bunch of avionics). Of course it's that way in Oolite because of the gameplay, but often, sci-fi shows have a whole crew for doing things on a ship.
Of course, an engineer would be quite useful in Oolite sometimes, after a misjump.... ;)
Maybe I should install the Gates OXP again. :)
That's unfortunate to hear, but I guess that's a danger when using anything proprietary - things can change suddenly and unexpectedly :(.
You make a good point - in Heavy Metal Queen all the "big rigs" are all piloted by a single individual, and occasionally a furry companion, like V.T. with her cat. I never had much of a problem with being the only crew member, although it would be nice to have an engineer after the odd mis-jump, as you say :).
Gates.oxp? I wouldn't - but that's just me - one can always leave the traffic of the main lane :D.

Re: Does Anyone Else Think of This Show?

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:58 am
by Diziet Sma
CommRLock78 wrote:
Gates.oxp? I wouldn't - but that's just me - one can always leave the traffic of the main lane :D.
That rather depends on if one has Deep Space Pirates OXP installed, doesn't it?.. :wink:

Re: Does Anyone Else Think of This Show?

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:21 am
by CommRLock78
Diziet Sma wrote:
CommRLock78 wrote:
Gates.oxp? I wouldn't - but that's just me - one can always leave the traffic of the main lane :D.
That rather depends on if one has Deep Space Pirates OXP installed, doesn't it?.. :wink:
Not too much - I have Deep Space Pirates and I only rarely run into spacers outside the 'lanes :) - (I eagerly splash them for mass locking me as well :mrgreen:)

Re: Does Anyone Else Think of This Show?

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:59 am
by Corny
I seem to run into them every time I leave the lane, but then again, I currently fly an Adder which might have "P R E Y" sprayed on top.

Re: Does Anyone Else Think of This Show?

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:29 pm
by CommRLock78
Corny wrote:
I seem to run into them every time I leave the lane, but then again, I currently fly an Adder which might have "P R E Y" sprayed on top.
:lol: .

Perhaps I shouldn't say rarely - it does happen fairly frequently, but it's almost exclusively just one group of 1 to 3 ships per journey from witchpoint to station, and they are quickly splashed and I'm on my way again, as apposed the the main 'lane which ties me up several times. But then, I'm only on the main 'lane when I'm on a hunt :twisted: .