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Re: [RELEASE] Cylon Raider Mark 1

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:14 pm
by Shipbuilder
@BuggyBY - The low bounties are not deliberate. :? I have set the bounty in the shipdata.plist to 75 however Oolite is overruling this with its own bounty.

Reading the shipdata.plist info on the Wiki it is stated that the bounty setting is overruled when adding ships in one of the populator roles therefore for the raiders with very low bounties I believe this may be due to them being defined as escorts to a 'lead' ship in each patrol (Please note however I have not defined them with a role of escort).

Having said that the 'lead' ship does not have one of the populator roles it has a specific cylonraider role whilst the escorts are defined using the like ship method therefore again these ships should be using the cylonraider role also. I have also noticed that the 'lead' ship typically pays a higher bounty than the 75 however I assume that this is the bounty of 75 from the shipdata.plist plus the increase in bounty Oolite applies to ships once they attack a clean ship.

I would like to define specific bounties but so far have not been able to get this to work. :(

I include the shipdata.plist code below. If anyone knows a work around or can spot an error in the code I would be very grateful if they could let me know.

Just thinking - Would adding to the escort section of the shipdata.plist the escort_role as cylonraider solve the issue ? I'll give it a go and update this post with the result.
EDIT Unfortunately adding the escort_role in either the definition for the escort ships or the lead ship hasn't overcome this issue.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">






		<string>Cylon Raider Mark 1</string>
		<string>0.0 -1.1 13.5</string>

		<string>commsMessage: [cylonraidermk1-plea]</string>		




Re: [RELEASE] Cylon Raider Mark 1

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:20 am
by Thargoid
The bounty is I think due to their use of scanclass THARGOID - they have special bounties compared to other ship classes.

As for the escorts, as you are explicitly setting the escort_ship, you don't need to give your escorts the <key>roles</key> <string>escort(0.0001)</string> role. Indeed by doing so you have a (low) chance of them turning up escorting other things. Just give them a unique role such as cyclonEsc or somesuch.

Re: [RELEASE] Cylon Raider Mark 1

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:18 pm
by Shipbuilder
Hi all I was hoping that some Wiki wizard may be able to offer me some advice.

I have created a Wiki page for this oxp, see the link below, by using, (copying and pasting), a page for another oxp that Maik kindly set up for me and have edited it to suit.

What I am not sure about is how to replace the picture on this page with a picture of the correct ship (Basically I want to use the picture at the begining of this thread or probably a less detailed version). Also is their a specific picture size that i need to work to ?

Re: [RELEASE] Cylon Raider Mark 1

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:49 pm
by Commander McLane
Well, it does show the picture from the beginning of this thread. However, that picture is named "Colonial_Viper_Mark_1.png", which indicates that you probably have overwritten a picture of the Colonial Viper, which is obviously not a good idea, because now the page of the [EliteWiki] Colonial Viper shows the picture of the Raider as well.

What you should have done is to upload your picture under its own name, and then link to it.

EDIT: I have now fixed that for you by reverting "Colonial_Viper_Mark_1.png" to the original picture. Please don't touch it again. Instead, click on the "Upload file" in the toolbox at the left hand side of the Wiki page, then follow the instructions. Name your picture file something sensible, for instance "Cylon_Raider_Mark_1.png", and embed that file name into the info box.

Re: [RELEASE] Cylon Raider Mark 1

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:21 pm
by Shipbuilder
Thanks for that Commander McLane :wink:

The Wiki page is now up to date and correct.

Re: [RELEASE] Cylon Raider Mark 1

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:53 am
by BlackWolf
Is there any way to revive this ship oxp and make it player available with dual forward guns.
Or a way to add this ship to the Escort ship set.
In the fighters oxz you get tiny ones as well as tiny vipers, but the colonial viper has a playable oxp.
Always liked the Cylon Raider and would love to fly one as a bounty hunting ship.