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Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:26 pm
by Thargoid
mandoman wrote:
Thargoid, what would I do without you? I even knew that from being corrected on it before. I have it assigned the role of Police, so I suppose that is what it will appear as in the game. So you would have to check out the GalCop ships to see if it's out there.
Yes, if it has a role of police then it will fill some examples where a police ship is called for.

So the best way to see one in flight is probably to sit outside the main station and shoot it...

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:33 pm
by mandoman
(sigh)Caught again. Yes, I put in scan_class = "CLASS_POLICE". So I should remove that then? One of these days (the day I die), I'll have this all figured out correctly. :P

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:37 pm
by Smivs
mandoman wrote:
(sigh)Caught again. Yes, I put in scan_class = "CLASS_POLICE". So I should remove that then? One of these days (the day I die), I'll have this all figured out correctly. :P
If you want it to behave as a police ship, leave it as it is. If it's not a police ship, it shouldn't have a police role or scanClass. This won't affect the number spawned - as discussed they should appear with the same frequency as Vipers if the roles is set to police.

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:48 pm
by mandoman
Okay, I'll change that, and get a new link posted. Thanks. :)

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:10 pm
by Commander McLane
mandoman wrote:
Thargoid wrote:
The chance in shipyard.plist has nothing to do with any chance of seeing them in the space-lanes as an NPC. That chance is how often they appear in the shipyard screen of a station as available to purchase as a player ship (hence the name of the plist).

The chance of it appearing in the space lanes is down to its assigned role given to it in shipdata.plist, and any assigned weighting that may be given to that role.
Thargoid, what would I do without you? I even knew that from being corrected on it before. I have it assigned the role of Police, so I suppose that is what it will appear as in the game. So you would have to check out the GalCop ships to see if it's out there.
Mandoman, I explained to you (and others) the exact same thing just last monday.

What point is there in helping you, if you forget every lesson immediately? It's a little tiring to repeat the exact same explanations and advice all over again every couple of days. :?

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:26 pm
by Shipbuilder
I’m still in the process of transferring to Openstep so perhaps I will be mistaken but I think the reason that I am not encountering this ship in game is because of its role.

From what I can see from the shipdata.plist the ship is trying to act as a police vessel by using the planetPatrolAI.plist AI and uses a police scan class however it has its own role defined i.e.

Code: Select all

"roles" = "RomulanBOP";
If a non core role is defined is not a script required to make the ship appear?

On a side note you have a section of code which reads

Code: Select all

 "market" = "RomulanBOP-police"; 
Is the market key an error or a key that I am not aware of ?

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:34 pm
by Smivs
Shipbuilder wrote:
I’m still in the process of transferring to Openstep so perhaps I will be mistaken but I think the reason that I am not encountering this ship in game is because of its role.

From what I can see from the shipdata.plist the ship is trying to act as a police vessel by using the planetPatrolAI.plist AI and uses a police scan class however it has its own role defined i.e.

Code: Select all

"roles" = "RomulanBOP";
If a non core role is defined is not a script required to make the ship appear?
Correct. The role (as above) is meaningless without a world-script to spawn ships with that role. If that is the only role specified and there is no script to spawn ships with that role, they will not appear.
Shipbuilder wrote:
On a side note you have a section of code which reads

Code: Select all

 "market" = "RomulanBOP-police"; 
Is the market key an error or a key that I am not aware of ?
The 'market' key is intended for dockables and stations - places which have (or could have) a market. This is irrelevant for a regular ship.

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:09 pm
by Shipbuilder
Correct. The role (as above) is meaningless without a world-script to spawn ships with that role. If that is the only role specified and there is no script to spawn ships with that role, they will not appear.
The only reference to roles that i can see other than the RomulanBOP role is the player role (I have seen this ship for sale so know that this part is working fine).

Mandoman - I think that in order to get this to work you need to either provide a script or alternatively change the role to

Code: Select all

"roles" = "police";
As an example the Cylon Raider OXP I released has an example where a non-core role is defined and a script is used to spawn the ships.

Hope that this helps :D

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:21 pm
by Smivs
Shipbuilder wrote:
Mandoman - I think that in order to get this to work you need to either provide a script or alternatively change the role to

Code: Select all

"roles" = "police";

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:11 pm
by mandoman
Commander McLane, as always, it's been a pleasure corresponding with you.

As for the oxp, I have fixed the roles situation, and reposted an updated version. If I understood what was said, you should probably start seeing the ship with this version. Sorry for the confusion.

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:45 pm
by mandoman
Okay, it's now official, I saw a Romulan Bird Of Prey in the game last night. It tried to cut in front of me at a Space Station, LOL!! Ahem, anyway, it looked dang good. First one I've seen that I haven't been piloting myself. :D

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:47 pm
by Shipbuilder
Glad to hear it is all working fine Mandoman :wink:

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:03 pm
by mandoman
Shipbuilder wrote:
Glad to hear it is all working fine Mandoman :wink:
You haven't seen one yet, though? I've seen, and fought, the Cylon Invader ships, as well as a rogue Colonial Viper. The USS Constitution shows up now and then as well. :)

I can't remember who made the Imperial Star Destroyers, but I encountered a pair of them under pirate control a couple of days ago. It about freaked me out. Those things are huge. I hated to do it, but I had to destroy them with a couple of Killit Missiles, or they would surely have blown me to space dust. Cool ships. Cool game. :D

Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:31 pm
by Shipbuilder
Hi Mandoman - I think the Imperial Star Destroyer is one of Stear9's OXPs.

Also I have come across one of your Romulan Birds of Prey :D


Re: [RELEASE]Romulan Bird Of Prey

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:38 pm
by mandoman
Shipbuilder wrote:
Hi Mandoman - I think the Imperial Star Destroyer is one of Stear9's OXPs.

Also I have come across one of your Romulan Birds of Prey :D
Man, nice screen shot. I know that ship is archaic compared to the later Romulan ships, but it's still one of my favorites. Glad it's working in someone else' game as well. :wink:

Staer9, no offense about blowing your incredible Imperial Destroyers. I got a decent look before they went up in smoke, and you did an incredible job on them. :)