On and off the topic of topics

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Re: Killer Wolf’s mammary glands

Post by Cody »

I view via the main page, so that explains why I didn't see it. I can't help but ponder the possible correlation between a 'Red Hot' icon and this thread's title... hmm.
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Re: Killer Wolf’s mammary glands

Post by snork »

SandJ wrote:
[...]poorly documented [...] The icon --> Image <-- highlights a thread that is "red hot".
Ah, ok-
Edit: (ooh, this post just made me Elite on the forum! Kewl!)
Are congratulations in order ? Or does one need to worry - as in nothing left to "achieve" -> no new posts ?
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Re: Killer Wolf’s mammary glands

Post by JensAyton »

DaddyHoggy wrote:
On this thread (and only this thread) - I get this little symbol Image in the 2nd and normally empty column of the forum - anybody else see it - anybody else know what it is, or why it's there?
It doesn’t mean anything in particular. You can put an icon on a thread when you start it, or split it. I thought it could be changed afterward, but apparently not.
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Re: Killer Wolf’s mammary glands

Post by Commander McLane »

Ahruman wrote:
DaddyHoggy wrote:
On this thread (and only this thread) - I get this little symbol Image in the 2nd and normally empty column of the forum - anybody else see it - anybody else know what it is, or why it's there?
It doesn’t mean anything in particular. You can put an icon on a thread when you start it, or split it.
It seems, however, that only admins (and/or moderators) have this power. When I start a new thread, there are no icons offered. I can, however, use an icon when writing a PM (not that I ever did). Then there is an icons menu above the bb-code menu. But it's not there when starting a new thread.
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Re: Killer Wolf’s mammary glands

Post by JensAyton »

Hmm, I don’t have it for a new thread either. I guess one of us disabled it at some point. So it’s only available for moderators splitting threads.

Also, this is entirely off topic!
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Re: Killer Wolf’s mammary glands

Post by Commander McLane »

Ahruman wrote:
Also, this is entirely off topic!
Yes. Back to Killer Wolf's t*ts! :P
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Re: On and off the topic of topics

Post by Cholmondely »

Killer Wolf wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:39 pm
maybe talk of this other game should go on its own thread, instead of hijacking this one....
Looking back at this, from a distance of almost a decade, some of the behaviour towards Killer Wolf was really quite disgusting. Especially since some of the people involved were quite happy to witter on about this being "the Friendliest Board this side of Riedquat".

•This all looks like a split off from this thread
Killer Wolf (new wiki page)
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Re: On and off the topic of topics

Post by Cody »

Cholmondely wrote: Sun Dec 26, 2021 12:33 pm
... some of the behaviour towards Killer Wolf was really quite disgusting...
I don't think that's fair! The title of the split-off thread was a poor choice certainly, but all KW had to do was ignore it.
This forum has (or had) a propensity for derailing threads, and he knew that. All effluent under the bridge now!

Very occasionly, a split-off thread (sometimes a derailment) takes on a life of its own - HIMSN is one such thread (now running at 61 pages). McLane was somewhat against the idea of HIMSN, so I ensured it was split-off at one of his posts, making him the author. He saw the irony!
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Re: On and off the topic of topics

Post by Redspear »

This particular one was a little before my time here but I've witnessed quite a few upsets (mostly minor) during my stay and even got involved in/navigated around (depending on your point of view) a few as well.

Forums bring folks together and it is innevitable that opinions will differ. We need to find ways to disagree repectfully in order for the forum to remain civil (= of the people; polite). After all, one of the great virtues of a forum is to bring together different ideas.

Unfortunately this becomes difficult whenever person a considers person b to be outright wrong or just plain rude. After pointing this out to person b (politely or otherwise), if b doesn't immediately 'mend their ways' then persons a and b (and potentially c, d & e) can all too easily 'get the hump'.

Escalation of upset sadly is often much, much easier than de-escalation of the same.
Of course, no one here asked my opinion but then that's the thing with forums...
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Re: On and off the topic of topics

Post by SandJ »

I fancied a change from what I had been playing and over Xmas looked back at Oolite to see whether I could go back and finish fixing Oktay's MinerPod oxp (I had it working rather well) and share my rather cheaty tractor beam oxp (a very long range Cargo Shepherd that gently pulls valuables toward itself). I could not recall why I had stopped playing, other than there being a vague recollection of an upset.

I discovered I had deleted everything I had written. That's odd for me. I did wonder if it was in part because of the copyright on MinerPod meaning an amended version cannot be shared. But I see on the forum I had deleted my final few posts and replaced some with "…" which suggests there had been upset and conflict. Whether I caused it or was on the receiving end, I don't know.

On looking back, I do recall I got upset when a very long and considered post on programming standards was deleted when a thread was split & merged, and it looks like there may have been a flame war about operating system choice.

It happens. Internet fora, like Twitter and text messages, are text-based media where body language and tone are missing, and the opportunity for ambiguity and misinterpretation are easy. Things said in jest and meant lightly are taken as serious offence. Unreleased anger with the boss at work gets taken home and explodes online.

Whether I have kept away for nearly 10 years was because of shame, anger or something else, I no longer remember. But my wife is puzzled as when she saw I had printed off the Oolite keyboard reference the other day she asked why I did not play it any more, when it used to take up all my attention. She even bought me a gaming PC specifically to play it.

It is easy to say "Always assume no ill-intent". It is hard to remember.
Flying a Cobra Mk I Cobbie 3 with nothing but Explorers Club.OXP and a beam laser 4 proper lasers for company :D
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Re: On and off the topic of topics

Post by Redspear »

SandJ wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:08 pm
It happens. Internet fora, like Twitter and text messages, are text-based media where body language and tone are missing, and the opportunity for ambiguity and misinterpretation are easy. Things said in jest and meant lightly are taken as serious offence. Unreleased anger with the boss at work gets taken home and explodes online.


It is easy to say "Always assume no ill-intent". It is hard to remember.
True enough. There are also different temperaments to respect as well as different opinions (which again, is easily forgotten I think).

But in any case, welcome back :D
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Re: On and off the topic of topics

Post by Cholmondely »

SandJ wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:08 pm
It is hard to remember.
Welcome back! Enjoy!!

Oh! and if that tractor beam of your is any good, why not add it into the Imperial Star Destroyer?

It's the one thing that that oxp seems to be sadly lacking...

Last edited by Cholmondely on Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: On and off the topic of topics

Post by Cody »

Hey S&J - good to see you!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: On and off the topic of topics

Post by Nite Owl »

Another returnee that had left before my time here even began. Could there be a Nostalgiacron Variant about to spread among the masses?
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Re: On and off the topic of topics

Post by Cholmondely »

Nite Owl wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:08 pm
Another returnee that had left before my time here even began. Could there be a Nostalgiacron Variant about to spread among the masses?
I promise not to complain if you are right!
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