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Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:47 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
What an interesting discussion I've sparked. I've always considered Friday the 13th as a lucky day. Since I was of adult age and started to take notice, about 1/3 of the time something good happens, about 2/3 of the time things are normal and only once did anything bad happen. The power of belief perhaps? All I know is the day is usually the same or positive for me, especially when I play street hockey with a machete. :lol:

So I always buy lottery tickets now on Friday the 13th and sometimes win very basic prizes like free tickets or a few dollars. I usually keep my fingers crossed. :lol:

Say, does anybody know the origin of crossing the fingers for luck? I'm feeling kind of "lazy" today and just want some helpful person to look it up for me. :lol:

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:52 pm
by SandJ
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
Say, does anybody know the origin of crossing the fingers for luck?
The first clue is in knowing the root word "cross" and the second is knowing it it is a Christian thing.

(And note that those who claim it predates Christianity never quote their sources.)

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:45 am
by DaddyHoggy
Today my 10yr old daughter has broken foot and will be on crutches for 8 weeks, my main internet router for the lab went bang and we lost our link to the outside world - but that's just because these things happen - bah humbug to everybody at work who said it was because it was the 13th...

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:07 am
by JensAyton
SandJ wrote:
The first clue is in knowing the root word "cross" and the second is knowing it it is a Christian thing.
Funnily enough, crossed fingers look more like an ichthys to me.

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:54 am
by Micha
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
Say, does anybody know the origin of crossing the fingers for luck? I'm feeling kind of "lazy" today and just want some helpful person to look it up for me. :lol:
In Germany it's more common to "squeeze your thumb(s)" for luck.

According to one german article I found on it, it stems from thumb-actions made by spectators in roman gladiatorial games. Another claimed that in medieval times, body-parts of hanged people brought luck, particularly the thumbs, and apparently people carried them about.

The same site also claims that crossing fingers was to ward off witches and in general bad-luck (think of crossing your two index fingers which is still common for that, so crossing index and middle fingers is the same thing, just with one hand).

Basically all a load of balderdash. :)

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:54 am
by maik
Commander McLane wrote:
Apparently researches have gone through German car accident statistics and have (unsurprisingly) found no difference whatsoever in accident numbers between different random calendar days.
Funny, I just heard another statistic on the radio where they said that less accidents happen on a Friday the 13th because people are more cautious. Statistics...

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 2:05 pm
by Eric Walch
Micha wrote:
In Germany it's more common to "squeeze your thumb(s)" for luck.
I thought breaking your neck and legs was a luck thing in germany. At least last time they wished me 'Hals und Beinbruch'

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:08 pm
by maik
Eric Walch wrote:
I thought breaking your neck and legs was a luck thing in germany. At least last time they wished me 'Hals und Beinbruch'
Yes, but only if it happens to others :D :D :D

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:46 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
It helps to recognize when we are lucky.

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:33 pm
by Okti
Was not a lucky day for TRNC(Turkish Republic of North Cyprus). The first president died at that day. I won't go to the political details.

I have been living on and off at the island for 20 years now. I came across with him many times at restaurants and bars and seen him driving his car while commuting from home to work many times. One time I saw him warning me by flushing his lights on about a speed trap set ahead.

A great loss for the island. :x

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:31 pm
by DaddyHoggy
I spent a summer working in Cyprus (2001) - but as I was working for the MOD, I spent most of it inside the fence of Akrotiri base... (however, I developed a taste for Brandy Sours - of which Keo Brandy is the major constituent and loved the food too!)

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:18 pm
by Smivs
A bit late to reply to this thread, but I was emergency-admitted to hospital with suspected apendicitis!

Turned out to (just) be diverticulitis. I never had a problem with Friday 13th before - that'll teach me :?

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:10 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Smivs wrote:
A bit late to reply to this thread, but I was emergency-admitted to hospital with suspected apendicitis!

Turned out to (just) be diverticulitis. I never had a problem with Friday 13th before - that'll teach me :?
Do Pumpkins have appendices? :wink:

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:54 am
by CommonSenseOTB
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Smivs wrote:
A bit late to reply to this thread, but I was emergency-admitted to hospital with suspected apendicitis!

Turned out to (just) be diverticulitis. I never had a problem with Friday 13th before - that'll teach me :?
Do Pumpkins have appendices? :wink:
How about a glossary? :lol:

No but seriously glad everything's ok Smivs. :D

Re: Happy Friday the 13th

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:35 am
by Smivs
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Smivs wrote:
A bit late to reply to this thread, but I was emergency-admitted to hospital with suspected apendicitis!
Do Pumpkins have appendices? :wink:
Seems not :) One of the risks of spacefaring...I had to go to an 'animal' doctor 'cos I couldn't find a tree-surgeon in-system anywhere.
I'm going to be feeling rough for a while I fear, but seem to be on the mend.
Thanks for the kind thoughts.