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Re: [WIP] Borg OXP

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:28 am
by Smivs
Following on from Thargoid's point, of course many OXPs including my Xeptatl's Sword would be wrecked without Thargoids.
And if the Borg have assimilated the Thargoids, how come they haven't got the WMD countermeasures the Thargoid Annihilator has. The Annihilator can detect and disarm Q-bombs and all other known WMDs remotely, a feature the Borg would no doubt appreciate. :wink:

Re: [WIP] Borg OXP

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:05 pm
by ClymAngus
Smivs wrote:
We are the Brog. Your spelling errors will be aslimitated!
Maybe they are regional,

"I am Angus of brogue"

"All ya wee toddies will be assimilated, ingested and if we're slamming too many regurgitated."

Beware the tartan cube!

Speaking of borg.

Hmm fluidic space. You mean like wot how our oolite ships fly? :D

Re: [WIP] Borg OXP

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:07 pm
by RyanHoots
Thargoid wrote:
In doing so you've possibly broken at least one trunk mission (Thargoid Plans) plus a few OXP ones if this OXP is installed. That may be something to investigate and consider.
This OXP isn't exactly designed for use as part of the standard Ooniverse, but rather as a little bit of fun. I usually like to keep my favorite sci-fi universes separate. However, Oolite is a partial exception because it's so easy to add new ships.
Maybe, instead of lurking in interstellar space like the 'goids (who could stay in-game), the Borg attack the systems. I could add them like Generation Ships to interstellar space, so you might see them there from time to time. Maybe they could even try to assimilate the 'goids. Maybe a thargoid-like AI that makes the Borg attack anyone but other Borg. I'm using the bug's AI right now, resulting in a Thargoid-Borg "truce", hence my reason for removing the Thargoids.

Re: [WIP] Borg OXP

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:06 pm
by Thargoid
I have no problem at all with the narrative, and indeed wouldn't have an issue with the incompatibility with other OXP missions as long as it's documented. I have more problems though with the incompatibility with Thargoid Plans, as players will by default have that installed.

Your proposal about having them appearing in witchspace and attacking anyone other than other borg is a better way than by removing Thargoids completely. It would also be quite simple to do, something that we can help you with if you're not sure on how to code the AI, scripting and/or shipdata to make them appear alien but still attack anything. I would however not make them directly scanclass alien (CLASS_THARGOID) as that by nature will make them ignored by the existing alien AIs.

Re: [WIP] Borg OXP

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:20 pm
by RyanHoots
Thargoid wrote:
I would however not make them directly scanclass alien (CLASS_THARGOID) as that by nature will make them ignored by the existing alien AIs.
Yeah, we want the Borg to be at war with everybody. No exceptions. :D

Re: [WIP] Borg OXP

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:38 pm
by mandoman
That Borg idea is exactly (well, not exactly) like what I wanted to accomplish, but have so far failed, with my UFOship, except the UFOship only attacks Thargoids. It will attack any other ship that attacks it first, though. Still haven't got an AI to deal with it, though Smivs made a simple one for me that has the general idea, but not full. I'm going to have to check out that Borg oxp. It sounds like fun. :D

Re: [WIP] Borg OXP

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:47 pm
by RyanHoots
mandoman wrote:
That Borg idea is exactly (well, not exactly) like what I wanted to accomplish, but have so far failed, with my UFOship, except the UFOship only attacks Thargoids. It will attack any other ship that attacks it first, though. Still haven't got an AI to deal with it, though Smivs made a simple one for me that has the general idea, but not full. I'm going to have to check out that Borg oxp. It sounds like fun. :D
I need to write myself a Borg AI someday... but I've been busy with my more "official" projects.

Also, thanks to my brother, who is stuck with Oolite 1.65 due to computer compatibility, I know that Borg OXP doesn't work properly in that version.