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Re: Do you push your ship too hard?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:47 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
Option 2: All the time. My trade route includes one or more Anarchies. Most of my income goes into equipment repairs

I'm flying a Terrapin (basically like a slightly souped-up Cobra Mk3), crippled with the Breakable 'Standard' Equipment OXPs but with a competent engineering team, and then fitted with almost every internally-mounted gadget in existence...
I quickly found that an energy recharge rate of 5 may be adequate for an iron ass but is manifestly insufficient for a pocket frigate, so I resisted the temptation of buying an uber ship and removed a lot of equipment instead.

My current game style involves mainly criss-crossing the charts following hits, military deployments, contracts, escort services, deliveries and destroying almost everything that has a bounty on it - except Black Monks Gunships :evil: , which I always attack (the Black Monks are known of taking entire families into slavery as loan collaterals after executing the debtor), and asteroids, which for me is akin to shooting at the (variegated and often ruggedly pleasant) landscape.
Asteroid-watching aside, my savings tend to climb steadily, a couple of Ks at a time, only to suffer catastrophic setbacks every time I miscalculate when to leave or get caught in an unfortunate crossfire.

Re: Do you push your ship too hard?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:58 pm
by Nemesis The Warlock
Live to fight, Fight to live! :twisted:

Re: Do you push your ship too hard?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:30 pm
by ClymAngus
"Nemesis the Warlock", You see this is what I love about the internet the opportunity to live a larger than life persona.
If I had a pound for every net thing I've come across with names like "Steelthrust", "Ramsocket" or "pumpmachine", that later turned out to be called a Dave, Tony, Alan, John or Robert. I'd be a rich man.

It set me wondering If we want the larger than life versions of ourselves then why do we have the greatest of difficulty giving these sorts of names to our children? Might they not do better in this brave new world if instead of Sue or Alison or lizzy they were called hottie69 or lonely26?

Also as we have seen from recent news events; that an outlandish name cannot protect us from the harsher aspects of libel and defamation of character. If anything it helps reinforce online/real world schizophrenia. A psychological seduction that more and more is biting ordinary people in the ass.

Sure we all indulge in minor deceptions and opportunities to "start fresh with a clean canvas" are very seductive. Also play acting? Fine. Many people do it, as the Greek quote goes "to wear the mask is to become the spirit of the depiction."

I don't wish in anyway to make light of the choices you have made in this virtual world. That said I find nothing more life affirming that watching humans being human.

I do have to say that just by existing, you have put a big old smile on my face. :)

Re: Do you push your ship too hard?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:38 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
@Nemesis the Warlock:

Non sequitur incursions into existentialism, or sometimes nihilism, are not unknown in these parts. Please don't be too distraught is someone quotes Nietzsche or starts praising the virtues of Malthusianism...

Re: Do you push your ship too hard?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:43 pm
by Disembodied
Credo! :D

Re: Do you push your ship too hard?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:48 pm
by ClymAngus
What can I say? I'm bad at encouragement. Even heartfelt praise sounds like insult when issuing from my poisoned face flaps. :D

Is it too late to say "Welcome to the friendliest forum this side of Riedquat!™" ?

Re: Do you push your ship too hard?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:25 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
ClymAngus wrote:
Even heartfelt praise sounds like insult when issuing from my poisoned face flaps.
...I, also, intended no insult...
Please, remember that Nietzsche aimed to bring out the best in each Human, as opposed by the beast on the so-called best, as portrayed by the nazis... or maybe you'd rather be associated with Sartre? :mrgreen:

This just took a turn to the surreal...

Re: Do you push your ship too hard?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:53 pm
by ClymAngus
Hey, self deprecation; its an English thing. :D

Re: Do you push your ship too hard?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:52 pm
by Nemesis The Warlock
Looks like I definitely joined the right forum! :lol:

As for the name, it comes from my misspent youth reading 2000AD comics and playing Elite, it's my old hacker monicker.
As for bringing out the best in people, I quite like the persona of a reformed demon lord who travels the ooniverse fighting evil.
Glad to have evoked such positivity so easily :D

P.S. Self depreciation is a British thing :wink:

Re: Do you push your ship too hard?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:31 pm
by ClymAngus
Ah! ABC.... of course how could I forget? I miss judged you sir, I took you for light folly when the ironic card was being played. More fool me for not catching the joke!

As for deprecation:
I've known many a Welsh man and many a Scot. They can do quiet, and they certainly do purposeful, dedicated, resourceful and inventive. Few I will attest, prod the balloon of self folly quite like the English. Not much of an accolade, but you've got to start from somewhere. :D

Re: Do you push your ship too hard?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:34 pm
by drew
I think I must put too much imagination into my fiction... my forum name is 'drew' and my name is 'drew'. :?


Drew (Drew).

Re: Do you push your ship too hard?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:41 pm
by Cody
ClymAngus wrote:
As for deprecation:
I've known many a Welsh man and many a Scot. They can do quiet, and they certainly do purposeful, dedicated, resourceful and inventive. Few I will attest, prod the balloon of self folly quite like the English.
Oh so true, sir!