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Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 6:56 pm
by Yodeebe
Hi Eric.
I had one before though (maybe 2 yrs ago?), and it had working turrets, as in the picture above.
There seems to be turret info in the oxp, although maybe thats for the npc's
Maybe I got the Falcon ship from a different oxp though, like maybe Lestraedes mega bundle, or Star Wars.
I don't seem to have it any more, anyway.

Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 7:46 pm
by Eric Walch
Yodeebe wrote:
Maybe I got the Falcon ship from a different oxp though, like maybe Lestraedes mega bundle, or Star Wars.
I don't seem to have it any more, anyway.
It could be that you had even the original from Charley? I looked it up. Player working turrets were introduced in Oolite 1.72. Kaks optimised that oxp for 1.70 or 1.71. So it is even possible that he removed the -at that time- wrong stuff for player turrets. It was not from Lestraedes work as his player Falcons didn't have turret initialisation code either.

Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:18 pm
by Ironfist
I had a look at the contents of the The difference in the player and NPC variants of the Falcon S is in the definitions of the player and NPC turrets - the NPC turret definition has an additional 4 lines of code:-
this means that the NPC versions will have working turrets while the player ones will not.


Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:45 pm
by Yodeebe
[flutters eyelashes] so if i insert those lines somewhere in the player falcon? any advice most appreciated! [/flutters eyelashes]

Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:11 am
by Yodeebe
"..... just twist the red & green wires together, cut the blue[PfIzzzzZT] oops, not the yellow one, give it a kick, and hey presto, turrets working"
"Not ready for the scrap heap yet, are you girl"


Thanks for the pointer Ironfist.

Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:08 am
by Wirenut
Hello everyone! first post here, i have been playing Oolite for a while now and having fun i did manage to make enough running computers bought at 64 CR/T and sold on a planet buying at 100cr / t bought myself a nice shiney new Falcon-S at the Zaonce shipyards and to my dismay my turrets do not function. Now i tried to gleen my way thru it with the help of Ironfists advice but i can't follow it properly.

these 4 lines need to be somewhere in the Player section of shipdata for falcon-S but i can't figure it out, could someone help me out please :)

Mr Giles thanks for a great game
all you modders thanks for your hard work

<griff needs more bandwidth, i wanna try that proto boa>

Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:06 am
by Cody
Hi Wirenut, and welcome aboard. I can't help you with the turrets thingy, I'm afraid. Hopefully, someone will be along in the morning (euro-time) who can.

The Griff bandwidth problem may be sorted tomorrow... I hope.

Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:07 am
by Wirenut
Legit thanks for the reply.

Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 2:42 am
by Diziet Sma
Wirenut wrote:
Now i tried to gleen my way thru it with the help of Ironfists advice but i can't follow it properly.

these 4 lines need to be somewhere in the Player section of shipdata for falcon-S but i can't figure it out, could someone help me out please :)
G'day Wirenut, and welcome!

Without having tried it out (I'm going to, though :twisted: ) this should do the trick for you. Firstly, save a copy of the original shipdata.plist in the Kestrel & Falcon OXP, so that you can always revert to it if something goes wrong. (If you're using Windows, do not use Notepad for the following, it will mangle things. Use Wordpad, or better yet, Notepad++ instead)

Then, find the section in the shipdata.plist that looks like this:

Code: Select all

And insert the following code just before the line <key>smooth</key>

Code: Select all

So that you end up with:

Code: Select all

That should do the trick.. Save the file, and be sure when you re-start Oolite to hold down the shift key until you see the spinning Cobra MkIII, this forces Oolite to rebuild its cache, otherwise your changes won't take.

And don't forget, you need to use 'shift-n' and 'n' to enable/disable the turrets, as described above.
Edit: shift-n Turret Switching not working. Turrets appear to work though, going by Wirenut's report.

Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:13 am
by Wirenut
Oh thanks so much for the quick reply, those shortcuts thru the anarchy systems are a snap now :twisted:

Obviously it worked and yes she' brutal.

Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:44 am
by Diziet Sma
Excellent. 8)

(shift-n Turret Switching doesn't seem to be active though.. I assume the turrets are simply always online?)
Wirenut wrote:
those shortcuts thru the anarchy systems are a snap now :twisted:
Hmm.. maybe consider adding Tough Guys OXP to even things up a little.. :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:50 am
by Wirenut
Seems to me from early furballing with pirate :twisted: the turrets autofire on my selected radar target. rarely do i need a second pass after that initial laser blast headon and targeting. once they fly past and are withen the turrets arc, it's over.

ToughGuysOXP i will do that. I was already attacked by a Serenity LoL.


Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:56 am
by Diziet Sma
Sweet! I think I've found my Contrabandista ship.. :twisted: :lol:

Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:04 am
by Wirenut
Yea she's a bueaty for sure, thanks for the help!

I have a playthru planned

like Hans Solo, I "inherited" a ship way above my paygrade to do my "rogueish" activities with,
ship is barebone cept for the massive engines, turrets, and cargo hold with 2 passenger berths.
Playthru starts out with 100cr toughguys oxp installed

I think high value dangerous routes are gonna be this girls claim to glory.

Re: Millenium Bug? Star wars ships..

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 6:01 am
by Rese249er
Wirenut wrote:
Yea she's a bueaty for sure, thanks for the help!

I have a playthru planned

like Hans Solo, I "inherited" a ship way above my paygrade to do my "rogueish" activities with,
ship is barebone cept for the massive engines, turrets, and cargo hold with 2 passenger berths.
Playthru starts out with 100cr toughguys oxp installed

I think high value dangerous routes are gonna be this girls claim to glory.
Godspeed, my fellow hunter-trader!