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Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:55 pm
by pagroove
Could you make it work with Oldships 2010 too? That would be ultra cool.

Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:30 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
pagroove wrote:
Could you make it work with Oldships 2010 too? That would be ultra cool.
Hi pagroove! :)

Do you/did you use MFLPS? What ships(s) and how was it for you?

Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 5:44 pm
by Zireael
The discussion in E:D thread brought to my mind this OXP.

Would it be possible to tweak the core Oolite code so that it is an option to have two legitimate forward lasers (so that I can then make an OXP giving all core ships two forward lasers)?

Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 7:03 pm
by mossfoot
Zireael wrote:
The discussion in E:D thread brought to my mind this OXP.

Would it be possible to tweak the core Oolite code so that it is an option to have two legitimate forward lasers (so that I can then make an OXP giving all core ships two forward lasers)?
Just make sure to have it so the pulse lasers alternate fire, instead of in sync. That'll look really cool (Beam and Military won't matter as much ;) )

Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:20 pm
by dertien
Hello CS,

This is a neat idea, but I must be a complete idiot, since I don't get it to work;

I have both oxp's MFLPS and Oldships 3.2, a standard hud and I do see this in the equipment list of my "prospector cobra"


Pressing V in flight gives me a guncamera, but only the laser at the left fires. What is the aft weapon conversion kit, how do I fill up the secondary weapon mount, or what should I do to have 2 lasers firing at the front ?

What am I not doing/doing wrong ?


Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:38 pm
by mossfoot
mossfoot wrote:
Zireael wrote:
The discussion in E:D thread brought to my mind this OXP.

Would it be possible to tweak the core Oolite code so that it is an option to have two legitimate forward lasers (so that I can then make an OXP giving all core ships two forward lasers)?
Just make sure to have it so the pulse lasers alternate fire, instead of in sync. That'll look really cool (Beam and Military won't matter as much ;) )
Oh, additional thought - are you going to half the damage on each for balance sake so that the damage output per second is about equal, or just let the spacelanes become a gauntlet of death (er... more so)

Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:47 am
by Smivs
Zireael wrote:
Would it be possible to tweak the core Oolite code so that it is an option to have two legitimate forward lasers...
I very much doubt it, and sincerely hope not personally.

Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:25 pm
by Zireael
mossfoot wrote:
mossfoot wrote:
Zireael wrote:
The discussion in E:D thread brought to my mind this OXP.

Would it be possible to tweak the core Oolite code so that it is an option to have two legitimate forward lasers (so that I can then make an OXP giving all core ships two forward lasers)?
Just make sure to have it so the pulse lasers alternate fire, instead of in sync. That'll look really cool (Beam and Military won't matter as much ;) )
Oh, additional thought - are you going to half the damage on each for balance sake so that the damage output per second is about equal, or just let the spacelanes become a gauntlet of death (er... more so)
Halving the damage would be possible, definitely - I was rather thinking of 'oh wow that looks EPIC' rather than 'deal EPIC damage' :P

@ dertien: I believe you need to press tab after V? Alas, CSOB is MIA, he would be best equipped to answer your query...

Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:43 pm
by dertien
Since some people downloaded this and are playing with it, the also know the answer; Pressing V and then tab does nothing...

There is also nothing in the readme file about what keys to press... It certainly doesn't work out of the box...

Ah well, I'll sit it out and send him a PM

Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:52 pm
by JazHaz
dertien wrote:
Ah well, I'll sit it out and send him a PM
CommonsenseOTB hasn't been seen for about 18 months, so you'll be very lucky if you get a reply!

Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:23 am
by Potential Debris
This is an interesting OXP idea but when I read a name like MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS), all I can think of is



Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:41 am
by ffutures
I don't particularly want two lasers for combat, but it would occasionally be useful to have the option to switch laser mode. For example, to switch from Military Laser mode to Mining Laser mode when mining asteroids. I usually seem to vaporize asteroids when I shoot them, allegedly the mining laser is better in this respect but I don't know because I prefer to have the military firepower for combat.

That doesn't seem to be something that would break the game, so if anyone feels like adding it as a suitably expensive add-on modification for the military laser I'd be grateful. Maybe the failure mode could be that it stays stuck on the last setting used (e.g. beam laser) until fixed...

Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:46 am
by maik
ffutures wrote:
I don't particularly want two lasers for combat, but it would occasionally be useful to have the option to switch laser mode. For example, to switch from Military Laser mode to Mining Laser mode when mining asteroids. I usually seem to vaporize asteroids when I shoot them, allegedly the mining laser is better in this respect but I don't know because I prefer to have the military firepower for combat.
You could always add a mining laser on the side of the ship. Unless you use 4 military lasers for combat, that is 8)

Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:06 am
by Potential Debris
What if your preferred ship only has front and rear lasers?

Of course, that's the point. If you can effectively have multiple lasers on one mount, what's the point in ships with restricted number of mounts? The different ships (not counting uberships like the Vortex of course) force the player to choose between different roles (combat, trading, mining), or to choose a jack-of-all-trades like the cobra3 and do all roles but none of them particularly well. Adding tools to bypass these restrictions is just creeping uberism.

If you really want a mil laser and mining gun on one mount, there's always this OXP:

Re: (NEW RELEASE) MultipleForwardLaserPlayerShips(MFLPS).oxp

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:27 am
by spara
Potential Debris wrote:
Adding tools to bypass these restrictions is just creeping uberism.
It would require proper balancing of course. This is a totally oxp-able idea that would make limited ships more versatile. If implemented I would consider adding a cargo cost as the mechanism should cost space and the mechanism and the spare gun should both definitely be damageable. Breaking while switching doesn't feel good to me as the other equipments work flawlessly, but that's just me of course. And the mechanism should have a five figure price tag.