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What now?

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Re: What now?

Post by Eric Walch »

Micha wrote:
Ooops, right you are. My vote would go towards fixing it though. IMHO it shouldn't matter whether a bug has been there since the year dot or only since yesterday.
I was just worried we might add a new dis-balance before a release. Maybe you are right, I'll look how big the effect will be for different ships if I change it in a way the the damage for a cobra-III stays constant.
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Re: What now?

Post by ClymAngus »

mandoman wrote:
I like shooting asteroids, and often use them for target pracitce. The experience didn't do me a bit of good at Leesti. I have taken on whole packs of pirates with my Cobra Mark III, and won the fight, even if I did limp off the field with several blown out items. I think I have faced numerous tough situations, and learned from them to come out better the next one that came along. I didn't get that sense at Leesti. I'm sorry, I just don't feel like playing the same mission over, and over, and over, until I finally figure out the way to blow up an asteroid in a way that won't cause the mission to fail. That's not why I play the game. It's the flying from system, to system, trading, defending myself and others (occasionally), and saving my credits for a better ship, though it's kind of hard to beat the Cobra for the price. OK, I've had my say, and I'm sorry if I stepped on the toes of creator of that mission. It's a good one. Exciting, dangerous, and if played right, obviously satisfying. I didn't play it right. So what else is new.
I do have to say in Eric's defence, that he has illustrated that necessity is the father of invention or at least lateral thinking. Big bad asteroid, build a ship to tackle it, or pop the hood and turn that iron bad boy into a comet! Difficult is as difficult does. In a game of near unlimited frizable plugins, replugging, or plugging an existing plugin is practically part of the game. :D

If being called a coward offends (it ticked me off about the OXP too (Coward eh? I've killed more commanders than most people have had hot dinners)), then reword a more generic and wistful passing shot;

"Unfortunately due to insurmountable odds the station could not be saved."

My personal favourite tactic is;
1) Reset the mission in my save file
2) Fly into the station
3) Leave, setting up a good position, where I have a good view of the station and the asteroid.
4) Get out the popcorn.

Maybe next time they'll build a station with a proper defensive grid, ablative armour and low yield plasma batteries, like the monasteries or the spacebars.
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Re: What now?

Post by Gimi »

ClymAngus wrote:
My personal favourite tactic is;
1) Reset the mission in my save file
2) Fly into the station
3) Leave, setting up a good position, where I have a good view of the station and the asteroid.
4) Get out the popcorn.
Maybe next time they'll build a station with a proper defensive grid, ablative armour and low yield plasma batteries, like the monasteries or the spacebars.
:lol: Now I HAVE to try that tonight! El Viejo is unintentionally forcing me to.
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Re: What now?

Post by Switeck »

As for missiles doing less damage to big targets than small...what about when the missile is fired while injecting towards them?
I seem to recall head-on missile shots causing more "press space" results than any other angle and those weren't usually from injecting enemies.
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Re: What now?

Post by Eric Walch »

Switeck wrote:
As for missiles doing less damage to big targets than small...what about when the missile is fired while injecting towards them?
I seem to recall head-on missile shots causing more "press space" results than any other angle and those weren't usually from injecting enemies.
That is an effect of FPS values. The damage increases when exploding closer to the target. The AI of oolites missiles fire when within 25 meters. With a high FPS value that will be close to 25 meters, but with low fps values (or when injecting towards the missile), it will explode closer to the target, doing more damage.

25 meter ~ 475
20 meter ~ 625
15 meter ~ 880
10 meter ~ 1400
5 meter ~ 3000

Calculated for a Cobra III

NB I often experience much lower values than just calculated. Currently I don't see why that is
Last edited by Eric Walch on Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What now?

Post by DaddyHoggy »

You should be able to inject towards a large object - jettisoning cargo as you go - 35TCs of food at at Injection velocity of a Cobra MkIII has an awful lot of KE! (and cheaper than 4 missiles too!)

I might change the start condition for Asteroid Storm (I don't shoot anything so I'll never make the minimum start value) and try this and see what happens...
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Re: What now?

Post by Staer9 »

DaddyHoggy wrote:
You should be able to inject towards a large object - jettisoning cargo as you go - 35TCs of food at at Injection velocity of a Cobra MkIII has an awful lot of KE! (and cheaper than 4 missiles too!)

I might change the start condition for Asteroid Storm (I don't shoot anything so I'll never make the minimum start value) and try this and see what happens...
Or you might just get a message like "cargo system offline" :P
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Re: What now?

Post by DaddyHoggy »

Staer9 wrote:
DaddyHoggy wrote:
You should be able to inject towards a large object - jettisoning cargo as you go - 35TCs of food at at Injection velocity of a Cobra MkIII has an awful lot of KE! (and cheaper than 4 missiles too!)

I might change the start condition for Asteroid Storm (I don't shoot anything so I'll never make the minimum start value) and try this and see what happens...
Or you might just get a message like "cargo system offline" :P
Really? :roll: :(
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Re: What now?

Post by Staer9 »

DaddyHoggy wrote:
Staer9 wrote:
DaddyHoggy wrote:
You should be able to inject towards a large object - jettisoning cargo as you go - 35TCs of food at at Injection velocity of a Cobra MkIII has an awful lot of KE! (and cheaper than 4 missiles too!)

I might change the start condition for Asteroid Storm (I don't shoot anything so I'll never make the minimum start value) and try this and see what happens...
Or you might just get a message like "cargo system offline" :P
Really? :roll: :(
well, thats what it did in 1.75.1, I havn't tried it in 1.75.3 though...
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Re: What now?

Post by DaddyHoggy »

I would have to do a bit of script tweaking if that was the case - purely for experimental/scientific purposes of course.
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Re: What now?

Post by Staer9 »

DaddyHoggy wrote:
I would have to do a bit of script tweaking if that was the case - purely for experimental/scientific purposes of course.
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Re: What now?

Post by ClymAngus »

OK here's an option what about the rail gun? Has anyone tried plugging the mother with mag-rounds?
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Re: What now?

Post by mandoman »

You guys are all nuts.......but that's a good thing. :lol:
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Re: What now?

Post by Zieman »

ClymAngus wrote:
"Unfortunately due to insurmountable odds the station could not be saved."

My personal favourite tactic is;
1) Reset the mission in my save file
2) Fly into the station
3) Leave, setting up a good position, where I have a good view of the station and the asteroid.
4) Get out the popcorn.
I tried to watch the fireworks, but something weird happened. The bloody chunk of metal started to fly away from the station. That's right, I launched, hit my injectors to get a good side view and then the rock flies off! I followed it for a few minutes, out of station AEGIS, until it was destroyed by a Cobra mk III with one GalCop police vessel.
Got the show right on second try though...
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Re: What now?

Post by Zieman »

After the station was destroyed, I jumped to Diso, refueled there and got back. Decided to have a look on the scene, and conveniently there was a Jump Gate present. But alas, it didn't work. Got some errors on latest.log though:

Code: Select all

23:20:57.609 [AsteroidStorm]: Adding doomsday asteroid at: 10515 meters
23:22:03.359 [LBbadrock]: Rock killed by: [Station "Leesti High" "Leesti High" position: (-58966.1, 8143.57, 353965) scanClass: CLASS_STATION status: STATUS_ACTIVE], by means of scrape damage
23:23:16.656 [gnustep]: 2011-10-21 23:23:16.656 oolite[3620] src/Core/Scripting/OOJavaScriptEngine.m:2107  Assertion failed in OOJSObjectGetterImplPRIVATE.  Invalid parameter not satisfying: context != NULL && object != NULL && requiredJSClass != NULL && outObject != NULL

23:23:16.656 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefinedError]: ***** JavaScript exception (buoyRepair 1.02.8): Error: Native exception: src/Core/Scripting/OOJavaScriptEngine.m:2107  Assertion failed in OOJSObjectGetterImplPRIVATE.  Invalid parameter not satisfying: context != NULL && object != NULL && requiredJSClass != NULL && outObject != NULL
23:23:16.656 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefinedError]:       ../AddOns/buoyRepair1.02.8.oxp/Scripts/buoyRepair.js, line 55.
23:28:04.062 [universe.setup.badStation]: Failed to set up a ship for role "none" as system station, trying again with "coriolis".
23:28:06.015 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (gates_jumpGate 1.12): TypeError: system.mainStation is null
23:28:06.015 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]:       ../AddOns/Gates 1.12.oxp/Scripts/gates_jumpGate.js, line 26.
23:28:06.015 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (vector_richman 1.4.4): TypeError: system.mainStation is null
23:28:06.015 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]:       ../AddOns/Vector1.4.4.oxp/Scripts/vector_richman.js, line 23.
23:28:06.031 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (gates_jumpGate 1.12): TypeError: system.mainStation is null
23:28:06.031 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]:       ../AddOns/Gates 1.12.oxp/Scripts/gates_jumpGate.js, line 26.
23:29:25.734 [gnustep]: 2011-10-21 23:29:25.734 oolite[3620] src/Core/Scripting/OOJavaScriptEngine.m:2107  Assertion failed in OOJSObjectGetterImplPRIVATE.  Invalid parameter not satisfying: context != NULL && object != NULL && requiredJSClass != NULL && outObject != NULL

23:29:25.734 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefinedError]: ***** JavaScript exception (buoyRepair 1.02.8): Error: Native exception: src/Core/Scripting/OOJavaScriptEngine.m:2107  Assertion failed in OOJSObjectGetterImplPRIVATE.  Invalid parameter not satisfying: context != NULL && object != NULL && requiredJSClass != NULL && outObject != NULL
23:29:25.734 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefinedError]:       ../AddOns/buoyRepair1.02.8.oxp/Scripts/buoyRepair.js, line 55.
23:30:50.625 [gameController.exitApp]: .GNUstepDefaults synchronized.

Closing log at 2011-10-21 23:30:50 +0300.
Umm, Trunk on WinXP pro 32 bit
...and keep it under lightspeed!

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