(NEW RELEASE) ChupacabraHUD.oxp

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Re: (WIP)ChupacabraHUD

Post by maik »

Looks great, looking forward to the final version! I added a link to this thread in the WIP section of the [wiki]OXP List[/wiki].
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Re: (WIP)ChupacabraHUD

Post by Captain Beatnik »

Great HUD-design!

I hope the final version is available for download soon.

Best regards

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Re: (WIP)ChupacabraHUD

Post by ramon »

Disembodied wrote:
That's a nice, compact display layout. My one comment would be that it might be better to have the energy display more central (as it's important information you need in a fight), and to sideline the cabin temperature and altitude readouts, as they don't change much during normal operations.
I agree with Disembodied. I think it'd work better with the shields on the left hand side and the alt & ct at the top.

But I can see why you've done it your way - it does look very, very nice.
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Re: (WIP)ChupacabraHUD

Post by Zireael »

Awesome HUD!
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Re: (WIP)ChupacabraHUD

Post by Kaks »

CommonSenseOTB wrote:
1)Cycling compass modes when you have a target from target mode to nav mode doesn't trigger the compassTargetChanged handler.
I think this is sorted already... if not, I'll have a look, and see if it's doable! :)
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
I believe that making the compass mode writable and perhaps the compass target writable as well would allow a lot of cool things to be done with the compass, like a real nav screen, some custom scripted nav modes, custom scripted targetting options, etc.

Any thoughts on the above 2 points?
Not likely to happen, as it can easily result in OXPs overriding players' decisions: one of the premises of the game is to keep pilots in full charge of their ships.

In any case, impressive HUD you've got there! :)
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Re: (WIP)ChupacabraHUD

Post by Cody »

Kaks wrote:
one of the premises of the game is to keep pilots in full charge of their ships.
Except on those odd occasions when you have a nutter as a co-pilot, of course!
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Re: (WIP)ChupacabraHUD

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

ChupacabraHUD is finished! PM'ed the download link to Staer9 and now will wait for him to release his oxp and then shortly after I will post the stand-alone version for download as well. :D

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Re: (WIP)ChupacabraHUD

Post by commanderxairon »

i will get a card on this

my main artist on the company will help you...

[email protected]


say him that alejandro sent you

ask him to make a very good design for the hud's screen
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Re: (WIP)ChupacabraHUD

Post by maik »

CommonSenseOTB wrote:
ChupacabraHUD is finished!
Yeay--looking forward to the stand-alone version!
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Re: (WIP)ChupacabraHUD

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Staer9 has just posted the Chupacabra.oxp which has a modified version of the stand-alone ChupacabraHUD.oxp included and the script attached to the ship itself. To allow you all to enjoy his ship, I will wait (1) week to post the stand-alone version. Have fun with his ship and post what you think about the chupacabra.oxp and the built-in hud in that thread. Any problems with the BUILT-IN hud should probably be reported there as well as to not confuse which one is being discussed.

See you here in a week. :D
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Re: (WIP)ChupacabraHUD

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

It's here! :D

ChupacabraHUD.oxp stand-alone version.

Download link:


Any comments on your playtesting and experiences with this HUD may be posted here and are most welcome. Have fun with this and enjoy! :D
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) ChupacabraHUD.oxp

Post by sdrubble »

Hi CommonSenseOTB,

I've just made a quick test of ChupacabraHUD.oxp. It looks really nice and promising. :D

Unfortunately I had to make it a VERY quick test... cancelled it :( as soon as I spotted these lines in the log: :shock:

Code: Select all

21:24:34.911 [script.javaScript.timeLimit]: ***** ERROR: Script "Caduceus Damage Control Node" ran for 1.69931 seconds and has been terminated.
21:24:34.911 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:  0 (../AddOns/Dark_Rainbow(remove_RepairBots).oxp/Config/script.js:159) <anonymous function>
21:24:34.911 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     this: [Script "Caduceus Damage Control Node" version 2.0]
21:24:34.911 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     scriptEq: [EquipmentInfo EQ_CHUPACABRA_GREEN_37_AFTSHIELD ""]
21:24:34.911 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     listCounter: 95
21:24:34.911 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:  1 (../AddOns/Dark_Rainbow(remove_RepairBots).oxp/Config/script.js:136) <anonymous function>
21:24:34.911 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     this: [Script "Caduceus Damage Control Node" version 2.0]
21:24:34.911 [script.javaScript.stackTrace]:     repairTime: undefined
I DID try to take a look at your code, as well as at the complaining script, in order to maybe fix things myself... no go. :oops:

My best guess would be that the "Caduceus Damage Control Node" script (which AFAIK carries the same logic from RepairBots) is choking with the large number of different equipment parts that ChupacabraHUD.oxp brings into play. I believe it tries to stuff all the equipment in the ship into some sort of array... which in this case wouldn't be large enough to accommodate all of ChupacabraHUD parts. :|

I'll gladly resume testing whenever some sort of fix or workaround is available. :) The DCN is central to my playing style, wouldn't think of flying without it. :roll:

Oh, and I think you might need the following, since I've done some string changes and added some comments to the DCN script - so that the offending lines shown in the log have higher line numbers than their counterparts in the original. Other than these offsets, it's the original [b]script.js[/b] from the neocaduceus.oxp.

Line 136...

Code: Select all

Line 159...

Code: Select all

for(listCounter = 0;listCounter<player.ship.equipment.length;listCounter++)
Cheers :mrgreen:
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) ChupacabraHUD.oxp

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

First, let me say thanks for trying out my hud and glad you like it. :D
21:24:34.911 [script.javaScript.timeLimit]: ***** ERROR: Script "Caduceus Damage Control Node" ran for 1.69931 seconds and has been terminated.

This is not my huds script that is having an error.

I tried using my hud with a fresh repairbots download and installed the repair system and let vipers shoot up my ship and cause damage to activate the repair system. Result: no log errors. Nothing. :?:

Is it possible that your dark rainbow version of the neocaduceous has some script issues?

Anywho, I don't see what the problem is and if there is one it is not caused by the hud(having too much equipment?). Probably should have posted in the viewtopic belonging to the oxp whose script is having the error, maybe?

I'm glad you like the hud, thanx for stopping by. Cheers! :D
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) ChupacabraHUD.oxp

Post by Capt. Murphy »

CSOTB - It is an error in the damage repair 'caused' by the player having a lot of equipment items installed, possibly coupled with a slowish computer or other stuff going on that was slowing down Oolite in general.

sdrubble - I haven't tested this at all but try replacing

Code: Select all

this.checkSystems = function()	
	this.playerDamagedList = [];
	var listCounter = 0 ; // reset the counter
	for(listCounter = 0;listCounter<player.ship.equipment.length;listCounter++)
		var scriptEq = EquipmentInfo.infoForKey(player.ship.equipment[listCounter].equipmentKey);
		if(	player.ship.equipmentStatus(player.ship.equipment[listCounter].equipmentKey) == "EQUIPMENT_DAMAGED"
			&& ((scriptEq.scriptInfo.thargoidRepairBotChance === undefined 
				|| isNaN(scriptEq.scriptInfo.thargoidRepairBotChance))
			|| (!isNaN(scriptEq.scriptInfo.thargoidRepairBotChance)
				&& scriptEq.scriptInfo.thargoidRepairBotChance > 0))
			this.playerDamagedList.push(player.ship.equipment[listCounter].equipmentKey); // if it's broke and fixable, add it to the list.

Code: Select all

this.checkSystems = function()	
	this.playerDamagedList = [];
	var listCounter = 0 ; // reset the counter
	for(listCounter = 0;listCounter<player.ship.equipment.length;listCounter++)
		var scriptEq = EquipmentInfo.infoForKey(player.ship.equipment[listCounter].equipmentKey);
		if(	player.ship.equipmentStatus(player.ship.equipment[listCounter].equipmentKey) == "EQUIPMENT_DAMAGED")
		{if ((scriptEq.scriptInfo.thargoidRepairBotChance === undefined 
				|| isNaN(scriptEq.scriptInfo.thargoidRepairBotChance))
			|| (!isNaN(scriptEq.scriptInfo.thargoidRepairBotChance)
				&& scriptEq.scriptInfo.thargoidRepairBotChance > 0))
			this.playerDamagedList.push(player.ship.equipment[listCounter].equipmentKey); // if it's broke and fixable, add it to the list.
It should reduce the number of condition checks the repair script is undertaking for each equipment item by only looking at the thargoidRepairBotChance conditions when "EQUIPMENT_DAMAGED" is true, and reduce the chance of a timeout error.

Disregard that advice - I've just done testing with the :time macro from the debug console and this change makes a negligble difference to the time taken for the function to run. The main overhead appears to be from var scriptEq = EquipmentInfo.infoForKey(player.ship.equipment[listCounter].equipmentKey);
if( player.ship.equipmentStatus(player.ship.equipment[listCounter].equipmentKey) == "EQUIPMENT_DAMAGED")

which increases dramatically (about 10x as long) with the HUD installed due to the sheer number of equipment items installed for the HUD to work. I'll continue experimenting (day off work today).
Last edited by Capt. Murphy on Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:41 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) ChupacabraHUD.oxp

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Thanx for helping here, Capt. Murphy. Testing with my 2 year old acer aspire slowbook I find it hard to believe this is what the problem is as it works fine for me. If , on the other hand, there was some scripting added to the this.checkSystems function in sdrubbles copy then it could possibly cause the problem. Perhaps a look at that function in his scripting would be of use instead of just a couple of lines.
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