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Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:43 pm
by Cody
I wish I still had Taliesin… I still have my old 4000 AD board game, which was quite innovative for its day, and great to play.

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:01 pm
by DaddyHoggy
El Viejo wrote:
I wish I still had Taliesin… I still have my old 4000 AD board game, which was quite innovative for its day, and great to play.

Oh, now you're talking - I'd forgotten all about 4000 AD! Brilliant - thank you for shaking the memory tree.

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:54 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
Generally, I pull ship's names out of my tailend.

From first to last -
Cobra mk3 "Purchased a dream"
Excalibur "Wraith"
Paladin "No Compromise"
Dragon M "Lady Tiomat"
Kirin 1-X "Therenback"
Caduceus Omega "Persistence of Memory"
...And when Persistence is berthed for bio-repairs, my two-seater Vampire mk1 Pergatori "Stormbringer".

EDIT: Most of my ships (except for Persistence of Memory) get a repaint in Roh'i colors. Here's the Stormbringer in her bright shiny coat.

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:01 pm
by RyanHoots
I've code named my current ship Lucid Lynx, after the Ubuntu version, but I still need to find a name. It's a prototype Constrictor.

Edit, five minutes later:
I just found a name. I now call my vessel Lynx of Destruction. I found a name by looking at the names of Caduceus ships on the wiki. Stuff like Vortex Of Hate and Edge Of Infinity.

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:22 pm
by Smivs
As I was working up through the ships I had a python for quite a long time, and she was as Iron-assed as you can make one. She was called the Fatal Attraction.

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:16 pm
by Disembodied
My Wolf II SE is called the Radio Maru, largely because I was reading M John Harrison's Light when I got it and was very taken with the name "Radio Bay", given in the book to a cluster of stars within the (equally fictional) Kefahuchi Tract, littered with the detritus of extinct civilisations. The "Maru" bit, like Smivs, I got from the Japanese.

As for Pelican, that was the original name of Francis Drake's Golden Hind. Drake changed it mid-voyage (possibly because he didn't think "Pelican" was cool enough, I don't know ...:)). Then again, there were pirates with ships called the William, the Dainty and the Fancy (formerly the Charles), all of them commanded by men who would cheerfully kill you if you looked at them cross-eyed.

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:02 am
by RyanHoots
Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
... Most of my ships (except for Persistence of Memory) get a repaint in Roh'i colors. Here's the Stormbringer in her bright shiny coat.
I like the paint job! :D I'm still working on mastering GIMP, so I can't do much right now.

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:53 am
by Yah-Ta-Hey
I , Yah-Ta-Hey, a warrior of the Dineh people ride the space skies in three ships:

a military Stingray named Tatanka... the Buffalo of the great Plains... a mystical beast that protected many tribes by it's total sacrifice in the circle of life. The Beast has stood up to time but is getting outclassed by the newer types but like the Buffalo of my lineage, it is a survivor.

an alpha caudecus called Calypso in honor of the great sea farer and research vessel: Jaques Costeau and his Calypso. This is my reservation ship... I trade throughout the galaxies on the path of the peace pipe.

I have also saddled up a Vortex that has no name... other than the whispered name among those that I hunt: Nemesis.
this is now my main mount as I hunt the skies for those who look to have their ships counted for coup or have their scalps brought in for the bounties on them.

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:14 am
by Azured
My Cobra mk.3's name is Profitable Justice.

I intend to do good in the galaxy during my voyages, but since I'm saving money to buy myself a nicer craft, I wouldn't screw myself over financially just to save some doomed rookie trader from a 10-ship pirate fleet.

An 8-ship pirate fleet, on the other hand... they might just be in a world of hurt.

I probably have to design myself a new ship, since I can't find anything in OXPs that really strikes my fancy. I will probably name it The Jesting Humiliator, Deus Rex, Paladin Phantom or something else like that. We'll see.

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:25 am
by Wildeblood
Yah-Ta-Hey wrote:
I have also saddled up a Vortex that has no name... other than the whispered name among those that I hunt: Nemesis.
this is now my main mount as I hunt the skies for those who look to have their ships counted for coup or have their scalps brought in for the bounties on them.
Vortexes choose their own names with a "Something of Something" format. When I took one for a test drive, I was eager to see what it would choose. Fortress of Destiny? Bastion of Righteousness? Nah, no such luck. "Hello, I'm your new Vortex, Keeper of Darkness." WTH, I got me some kind of depressive, goth vortex? I took it on a suicide mission and went back to the Cobra 3 - it seemed appropriate.

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:11 pm
by Yah-Ta-Hey
This ship may have named it self.. but I reserve the right to name my own shops.. right now it is nameless....If it doesn't like it, I will play 2001 space oddessy through it's memory banks and remind it, that it is not HAL. (while wearing my space suit with helpmet attached.) :D

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:17 pm
by Okti
There may be a use for Cabal Common keyboard than to enter a name for the ship you purchased, Though I am not sure about changing the name of the player ship script wise. And I am feeling I am not in a searching mood tonight, if some one knows a way please inform me :)

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:24 pm
by Thargoid
Yah-Ta-Hey wrote:
I have also saddled up a Vortex that has no name... other than the whispered name among those that I hunt: Nemesis.
this is now my main mount as I hunt the skies for those who look to have their ships counted for coup or have their scalps brought in for the bounties on them.
The Vortex should have introduced itself when you first teamed up with it. They all have individual names.

Some even have genuine people personalities, as Wildeblood found ;)

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:39 pm
by Selezen
My "character's" Cobra is called Legacy. He's flown her since he qualified as a pilot.

My "own" Cobra is called Alice, named after her A.I. It's hard not to personify a ship when you spend all day talking to her and she's built up her own personality "quirks" over the years. Of course, it's not the first or only Cobra Mk III I've had. I've claimed on the insurance three times, but since the AI core is in the central console it ejects with me and I keep backups as well in case of disaster.

Too much?

Re: Ship names and origins

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:40 pm
by mandoman
My three ships are a Cobra Mark III, dubbed "Slug II", a Werewolf dubbed "Vengence", and a Merlin dubbed "Lightening Striker". All are fun in their own way. :D