I'm flattered.Dragonfire wrote:That is so well put, I'm going to borrow that and quote you in the manual.
Up above, I've posted the updated version of the manual.

For example, sniping can be a very effective tactic, as you're seeing from people's thoughts on it here. I don't snipe often. My style is more to close in fast and rely on fancy flying to keep my ship in one piece. I'm mostly an aggressive dogfighting sort of player. The exception for me is those rare cases when I've actually run into a good enough asteroid field. I LOVE asteroid field fights!

Usually, NPC ships won't follow into a mess like that, or if they do, they don't last long. I think it's a bit too much for their collision avoidance programming, perhaps. But they'll hang around outside waiting for you to come back out, and if you explore a bit, you can usually find a place where you can get a clear shot at them from inside the cluster. That's when I'll use sniping. LOL If you keep moving around inside the cluster, you can pick off several opponents while most of their shots will hit rocks. The bigger worry than those NPC opponents is making sure you don't get crushed or collide with the asteroids yourself, but that's part of the fun of it if it's something you like.
It's not something to everyone's taste and it takes a bit of practice to get good at, so it'd have no place in a beginner manual as a trick, but my point is that there's lots of ways to fight effectively in this game.
I would have to agree with others that have said that piracy certainly can pay, even in the long run. My pirate "character" in Oolite has barely a tenth of the kills of my law-abiding bounty hunter, but twice the bank account. And usually a clean legal status unless her's an opportunity that will make being listed as criminal for a while pay enough, or I want to get into places where a clean legal rating is less than welcome (some OXP places that are worth doing biz with pretty much require a fugitive status). But it can definitely pay, if you use your wits a bit.