(you also mentioned something about custom syntax highlighting?

Moderators: winston, another_commander
This is is color schema I'm using for shipdata.plists. But I'm only using it in a few cases (after converting XML plists, when working on older shipdata.plists and before releasing a new version). The exported shipdata schemata is done in NPP 6.2.3.Diziet Sma wrote:(you also mentioned something about custom syntax highlighting?)
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Damn I wish I could get Linux to do that..Svengali wrote:Dropping a file works under Windows and places the new file in the same folder as the original one.
Nice.. I like the difference.Svengali wrote:btw: I'm using a tweaked version which doesn't use quotes for the inner keys (except if a minus is used like inescort-ship
Note that the fixed-for-Linux version you (well, I guessing it was you) just downloaded is the older, non-Svengali version of the script.GGShinobi wrote:This is good, thanks!
Whoops, indeed. I guess that's what you get for rushing through the news instead of properly reading themDiziet Sma wrote:Note that the fixed-for-Linux version you (well, I guessing it was you) just downloaded is the older, non-Svengali version of the script.GGShinobi wrote:This is good, thanks!
I had a little problem with Svengali's version:Diziet Sma wrote:No worries..
I'd like to formally nominate Svengali's version of the script for inclusion as the new official version. How say ye?
Code: Select all
bash: ./xml2ns-svengali.py: /usr/bin/python^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
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dos2unix xml2ns-svengali.py
Thanks to Gimi, I got an eBook in my inbox tonight (31st May 2014 - Release of Elite Reclamation)!Gimi wrote:Maybe you could start a Kickstarter Campaign to found your £4500 pledge.drew wrote:£4,500 though!<Faints>
Weird.. how did you create your copy? I copy/pasted into Geany, saved it, and it ran fine.. (but now I think about it, I've set Geany to auto-strip CR characters from line endings..GGShinobi wrote:I had a little problem with Svengali's version:So I had to resolve it by runningCode: Select all
bash: ./xml2ns-svengali.py: /usr/bin/python^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
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dos2unix xml2ns-svengali.py
Yes, there is a version for Windows. You want Python 2.7. NOT Python 3.3.JazHaz wrote:What do I need to get one of these working on Windows? Python? No experience of running that. Is there a runtime version?
Downloaded and installed Python v2.7.3.Diziet Sma wrote:Yes, there is a version for Windows. You want Python 2.7. NOT Python 3.3.JazHaz wrote:What do I need to get one of these working on Windows? Python? No experience of running that. Is there a runtime version?
run xml2ns.py
or load xml2ns.py
or just xml2ns.py
but nothing seems to happen. It's been years since I last used MS-Dos, so maybe missing something else obvious?Code: Select all
xml2ns.py shipdata.plist