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Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:48 am
by Disembodied
And now I'm wondering why I used Lidl's logo, and not Aldi's ... tsk!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:17 am
by Micha
A long time ago I hacked a version of YAH to work with OXPConfig such that it was possible to enable or disable the replacement buoys. Seems I'm not the only one that likes the OXP per-se, but dislikes the buoy replacement.

If there's interest, I can see about porting my old changes to the current version of YAH? (To save time, I just hacked it rather than adding OXPConfig support).

Personally I'd also quite like to see YAH released as 3 related OXPs:
1. ConStores - just add the original little boxy constores and a basic set of ads. (Flavour OXP)
2. YAH - replaces ConStores with the huge glittery version and adds all the additional ads and replacement buoys (Eye-candy OXP). (requires 1)
3. OoHaul - as at present; (Mission OXP). (requires 1).

This way people with low-spec systems (ie, my laptop) can get the mission/flavour of constores, and the ones with high-spec systems (ie, my desktop) can get the full shebang.


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:30 am
by Svengali
He, yes. But maybe it's not a bad idea to add the declaration OXPConfig2 will need...

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:57 am
by Disembodied
Micha wrote:
Personally I'd also quite like to see YAH released as 3 related OXPs:
1. ConStores - just add the original little boxy constores and a basic set of ads. (Flavour OXP)
2. YAH - replaces ConStores with the huge glittery version and adds all the additional ads and replacement buoys (Eye-candy OXP). (requires 1)
3. OoHaul - as at present; (Mission OXP). (requires 1).

This way people with low-spec systems (ie, my laptop) can get the mission/flavour of constores, and the ones with high-spec systems (ie, my desktop) can get the full shebang.

I think it's a good idea. Would the OoHaul option work with the full eye-candy OXP as well? I assume it would: the graphics shouldn't make any difference to the missions.

Back to the ads. I revamped the Ildi Brew advert to use the (much more appropriate) Aldi logo:


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:57 pm
by Commander McLane
Disembodied wrote:
Back to the ads. I revamped the Ildi Brew advert to use the (much more appropriate) Aldi logo:

Also nice. I see you opted for the Aldi South logo. :wink: You could do another variant with the Aldi North logo. (Yes, it's actually not one chain, but two sister chains with fixed "zones of interest" in and out of Germany.) 8)

You find both logos on their homepage.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:32 pm
by Disembodied
Commander McLane wrote:
Also nice. I see you opted for the Aldi South logo. :wink: You could do another variant with the Aldi North logo. (Yes, it's actually not one chain, but two sister chains with fixed "zones of interest" in and out of Germany.) 8)

You find both logos on their homepage.
On the Aldi North version it's harder to turn the "A" into an "I" ... to be honest I just used the logo of the Aldi brand that's colonised the UK. At least it was a more peaceful occupation than Tesco's invasion of Denmark ...

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:12 pm
by Eric Walch
Commander McLane wrote:
..... I see you opted for the Aldi South logo. You could do another variant with the Aldi North logo. (Yes, it's actually not one chain, but two sister chains with fixed "zones of interest" in and out of Germany.) 8)
But Germany is the only country were both chains are active in one country. We here in the Netherlands only have the Aldi North. Same as in Belgium. I didn't even know the other Aldi logo, although I did knew it are two fully independent firms.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:38 am
by JeffBTX
Ditto; agree with Micha on all points.

Specifically I would like something like 4.1.5 but with DEFAULT buoys (no billboard buoys at all, NOT near standard GalCop stations, and NOT near ConStores), and possibly, a texture and code fix. The billboard "buoys" just... bother me.

I tried 4.1.5 for a while.

(a) For some reason, I was ONLY finding the Star and Sainsboories stores... but maybe I didn't give it enough time... current users might keep an eye out on fresh installs of 4.1.5 and see if there is a problem with not all of the ConStore Station types showing up.

(b) On ALL ConStore stations, one of the billboards on the station was all bright white / no advertisment / blank. Not sure if this is an error, or intentional (reserved for future ads or testing?).
Micha wrote:
A long time ago I hacked a version of YAH to work with OXPConfig such that it was possible to enable or disable the replacement buoys. Seems I'm not the only one that likes the OXP per-se, but dislikes the buoy replacement.

If there's interest, I can see about porting my old changes to the current version of YAH? (To save time, I just hacked it rather than adding OXPConfig support).

Personally I'd also quite like to see YAH released as 3 related OXPs:
1. ConStores - just add the original little boxy constores and a basic set of ads. (Flavour OXP)
2. YAH - replaces ConStores with the huge glittery version and adds all the additional ads and replacement buoys (Eye-candy OXP). (requires 1)
3. OoHaul - as at present; (Mission OXP). (requires 1).

This way people with low-spec systems (ie, my laptop) can get the mission/flavour of constores, and the ones with high-spec systems (ie, my desktop) can get the full shebang.


Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:12 am
by Mauiby de Fug
JeffBTX wrote:
(a) For some reason, I was ONLY finding the Star and Sainsboories stores... but maybe I didn't give it enough time... current users might keep an eye out on fresh installs of 4.1.5 and see if there is a problem with not all of the ConStore Station types showing up.

(b) On ALL ConStore stations, one of the billboards on the station was all bright white / no advertisment / blank. Not sure if this is an error, or intentional (reserved for future ads or testing?).
a) I don't see why this should be... As far as I can see, Eric's fix appears to be the same one that I applied, which worked fine for me, and ought to spawn all the various store types. Although I haven't yet had time to go gallivanting around the ooniverse to test this. I'd probably guess that you just haven't been to the right systems yet.

b) Confirmed. Not quite all of the constores are affected: sets A and B (Pi-42 and Tescoo) appear to be fine. But there are blank boards in the others:

2 on constore C (Mall-Wart)

1 on constore D (Star)

2 on constore E (Sainsboory's)

2 on constore F (Star)

I don't recall this happening before, and I'm not sure why it would now... At some point I'll compare the code between versions 4.1.4 and 4.1.5 to see if anything's actually changed, accidentally or otherwise.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:48 am
by JeffBTX
Mauiby de Fug;

Thank you very much for testing and confirming this.

And you're probably right then on the station types... I probably just didn't travel around enough before I uninstalled YAW.

I can probably hack my own personal version to make "all default beacons" at some point... I'm (probably) experienced enough to delete the appropriate entries in the plists, scripts, etc (for the billboard beacons).

As for fixing the textures on the white / blank station billboards, I haven't got a clue.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:38 am
by Ark
From what i can see the brand name ad is not affected. Constores have 3 ad billboards 2 2x1 and 1 1x1. The upper 2x1 is dedicated for brand ad (star ect) and it uses a simpler shader file. If it is the case that we have a shader problem (either somthing has been changed in oolite or we have a graphics driver problem). Otherwise something is wrong inside the shipdata plist in the billboard supentities.
Can we have a confirmation of the bug from other users

EDIT: Moreover all constores in the pictures have the same color. That is wrong

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:42 pm
by Eric Walch
Ark wrote:
EDIT: Moreover all constores in the pictures have the same color. That is wrong
I don't understand why I didn't notice they all have the same colour. You are correct. All the shader definitions are the same, but deep inside the directory tree there is an unique colour specifier. I missed that when updating all the shaders. Will correct that as soon the white billboards are sorted out. I haven't noticed it, but maybe I just didn't look good enough. :roll:

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:21 am
by Eric Walch
Ark wrote:
Otherwise something is wrong inside the shipdata plist in the billboard supentities.
Can we have a confirmation of the bug from other users

EDIT: Moreover all constores in the pictures have the same color. That is wrong
Both things are fixed now. With updating the shaders some variations were lost in the C&P process.

All the billboards on all the stations now work again and the stations are back to their different colours. Version 4.1.6

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:27 am
by JeffBTX

Thank you kindly. Downloading.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:14 pm
by JeffBTX
A possible anomaly, I'm not sure what is happening...

I have had DeepSpace Ships installed for 2 days now, and it is working fine. It functions basically as a "drop in replacement" for all of the ship textures (but comes included with a file to change that if desired, to suppress the "overides").

Since DeepSpace Ships has been installed, I've ONLY seen the DeepSpace textures, and NONE of the default Oolite textures.

After installinging YAW 416 (and sets from YAW 4, and the updates; installation went fine);

In my current system there was a StarCon store AND a Rock Hermit. I flew by the StarCon Store to check it out. Nice.

I flew to the Rock Hermits area of space... not too far from the ConStore. There was a DeepSpace-textured Cobra Mk I mining.... and a default Oolite-textured Cobra Mk III flying from the area; it appeared to be headed for the GalCop Station (maybe).

I flew back to the GalCop station to observe ship textures. All were as expected... DeepSpace textures.

I jumped to a new system, and didn't see any Oolite default textures.

EDIT: The Demoships sequence runs as expected - ALL DeepSpace textures.