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[UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/12)

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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.5 (05/05/

Post by Capt. Murphy »

No worries, as you may have gathered I tend to get myself caught up with new projects/grand plans with alarming regularity but little actual time so my own play-testing of recent changes to this has been fairly minimal. I should have considered keeping the mother in place when moving to a set spawn location as the behaviour of heading full pelt to witch point isn't necessarily needed until the player gets a bit closer. Feedback is appreciated - honest (both cim and Lone_Wolf) - and I'm glad you like doing the contracts. :)
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.5 (05/05/

Post by Lone_Wolf »

Capt. Murphy wrote:
Lone_Wolf wrote:
some general comments :
Since the mother is placed further away from the main Station, upon launch it is now everytime on the opposite site of the station.
This means players have to watch out for not bumping into the station when heading towards the mother.
Before the placement was changed this was not the case.
Thanks for the feedback Lone_Wolf. Do you really see this as a problem? I've heard of people having problems with manual docking, but with launching and navigating round a station as-well?
I tend to turn to get in direction of the mother immediately, then use fuel injectors to get close to them fast.
As i usually fly at around 3/8 speed ( speed is close to end of 3rd energybank out of 8 ), i can make fast turns.
It's not a problem, but it does mean players have to be careful.
Capt. Murphy wrote:
Lone_Wolf wrote:
- When mother uses fuel injectors to get out of mass lock, it often seems to continue doing this even when condition green is met.
This costs more fuel then needed, maybe it's not checked often enough ?
The check is every 3 seconds whilst under injectors via an AI update. The check isn't only for player mass lock but also for mass locking entities within scanner range of the mother. So there could be something off your scanner-range that the mother is detecting as mass-locking and wants to get past. The other thing to bear in mind is that some of the mothers have quite a low thrust - the upshot is that it takes them a long time to slow down from injector speed. So even though the AI has told them to slow down to normal speed it may be a number of seconds before they actually get to normal speed (the exhaust plumes remains purple but gradually shorten as they slow down). I don't think they use fuel as they are decelerating (I vaguely remember Eric fixing a bug a while back to do with this), although you might have to use your injectors a bit as a player to keep up whilst they stand on their ineffectual 'brakes'.

The native AI commands handle injecting away from a fight, using a standard "FLEE" AI.
I had figured out the ships in scanner range of the mother, but not in mine situation, but hadn't realised the low thrust could make it LOOK like they were slow with getting back to normal speed.
cim wrote:
A better solution might be for them to generally limit their top speed based on what the player is flying, as traders do for NPC escorts - Asp II pilots won't have any problems anyway; Cobra I pilots won't be able to follow even a stock Boa II without burning up injector fuel. I'm not sure how practical that is, though.
Good idea

I'm currently staying in Galaxy 1 to do Feudal missions and join a Feudal house, while also doing RH missions.
The escort contracts make a nice change from my usual bounty hunting, as i now got a job to do :
make sure the mother gets to station safe.
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by Capt. Murphy »

Thanks both - version 1.5.6 is out which I think addresses all the issues you've raised. I've done a couple of hours of testing this morning and all seems to be working as intended. First post for download link as usual.
Version 1.5.6 (07/05/12)

Mother spawn position set to sphere radius 4km centred on a spot 14km directly behind main station.
Mother will hold this position until player approaches and then start moving directly away from station/planet rather than towards witchpoint, whilst preparing to jump.
If mother's maxSpeed is greater than 95% of player.ship.maxSpeed she will limit her cruising speed and injector speed to 95% of equivalent player.ship.maxSpeeds (apart from in combat).
Fixed logic bug with behaviour controlling when to start/stop injecting. Starting was based on player's mass lock status, ending on the mothers only. Ending now checks both.
Increased frequency of check to stop injecting to every second - previously every 3 seconds.
Thanks to Lone_wolf and cim for highlighting the issues leading to these tweaks.
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by DeathKnyte »


I was running out of things to do in Oolite, and gave this oxp a try.
This is great.

Problems I have encountered, though...

When deciding to verify the galaxy map (F6, and sometimes F6+F6). The computer voice tells me to look at it, and press this key to return, etc. That's fine, but she tells me that every 2 seconds. I know I'm not the smartest human that applies for an I.T.H.A. license, give me a break, and let me look at the map for a couple of seconds - in peace. Feels like I'm constantly being rushed to make a decision.

Solution: Have the computer voice tell the player once, or maybe every minute at the most.
If you have ever tried the UPS oxp, it has a very similar option to look at the galaxy map, but it gives you all the time in the world to do so.

When launching from the station, the mother ship calls: "Hey man, I`m here, come to my ship and get ready to jump!" (or something like that)

That's good, I like getting directions, but as soon as I have turned, because I can't do anything for the first second or two from launch, the mother repeats the same thing. Okay, gimme a second, and turn my ship and increase power - and the mother says it again, and again, and again, etc.

I've timed it, and she repeats it every 2 seconds, after finishing the sentence, and if she has a long shipname, then it is nearly on top of the previous phrase. My message log just starts to fill 1/4 the screen, when you push the "`" key on the keyboard. I'm so happy when she goes into the process of creating the wormhole, so that she stops saying that message.

Solution: I think that setting the timer for repeating the message should be elongated, or better, said once and then maybe a second time, after 20 or 30 seconds or so, from station launch.

Next is when I'm trying to fly "top cover" on the way to the destination station nav buoy. Looks like I have to maintain from 500 to 2500 meters from the mother - and be behind her.
Behind isn't bad, but I find 2500 meters too close, I like to be able to have a little more flexibility in my position, so that I can scan contacts, intercept ahead of the mother, and roam a bit.

Solution: I think that up to 4 km would be good, and if possible, not have to be behind her.

Edit: Thinking about it, it would be impossible to synchronize jump engines. So having to stay behind would be mandatory.

Next, is when she decides to use injectors.
Man, if I'm not escorting an Anaconda, or a Python, I'm in trouble trying to keep up (was using a Fer-de-Lance testing this oxp).
Worse still, is if she detects bandits - and she always knows about them before I have a chance to scan every contact myself - she bolts on injectors straight for them!
That leads to quite some hairy situations. (lol)
Incidentally, I have discovered that ECM has a big range, because I killed missiles targeted on her from like real far away, in an act of desperation, during one such occasion.

Solution: Not sure, here, what can be done. I'm questioning why the mothership would want to engage a mass of pirates with just me as an escort. I'd think that she should try and run, while I intercept. But I don't know what is possible with programing, and this might be a lot to ask. For "en route" injector use, as soon as she is no longer mass locked, she should stop using them, so that I can catch up to her.

Edit: Maybe you could also indicate what type of ship you are being asked to escort (Anaconda, Boa, Boa 2 Class Cruiser, Python). That would help in my decision making prior to accepting a contract.

Things I like:
- The opening screen. Very nice and picturesque. What is the centrally placed, blueish grayish ship in the picture?
- You can refuse a mission with no penalty.
- You are told the destination system and the government type, and given an estimated chance of meeting hostiles.
- You have to actually buy a license.
- Success is determined by accomplishing the mission - not how many kills you receive. This really keeps you on your toes in fights. I have let many a pirate go, having to turn back and protect the mother. I've also thrown myself in between a bunch of them and her, hoping to draw fire and ECM missiles.

Another idea: The readme says that injectors are used to keep it from being boring by being mass locked, etc. Well, one should know that you are willingly accepting to escort a trader vessel through the space lane. Some boredom should be expected, and to be frank, the better chance the mission is going to succeed if you encounter no bandits. I wouldn't mind at all if the mother did not use injectors to get out of mass locks, but used them instead to run from pirate bands.
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by cim »

DeathKnyte wrote:
Next is when I'm trying to fly "top cover" on the way to the destination station nav buoy. Looks like I have to maintain from 500 to 2500 meters from the mother - and be behind her.
Behind isn't bad, but I find 2500 meters too close, I like to be able to have a little more flexibility in my position, so that I can scan contacts, intercept ahead of the mother, and roam a bit.
A couple of kilometres ahead works too, but it's a bit harder to get into position for it. Rather than pulling in behind the mothership when the scanner is clear, fly four or five kilometres ahead, and use your aft view to match headings. Then cut your engine speed down a bit so they can catch up. Once they get close enough, they'll sync the drives and you'll be in position to spot things first.
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by DeathKnyte »

cim wrote:
A couple of kilometres ahead works too, but it's a bit harder to get into position for it. Rather than pulling in behind the mothership when the scanner is clear, fly four or five kilometres ahead, and use your aft view to match headings. Then cut your engine speed down a bit so they can catch up. Once they get close enough, they'll sync the drives and you'll be in position to spot things first.
Ah, smart thinking, cim.

I haven't been able to accomplish a synch while being ahead of them (yet), but have managed it with my side (port, starbord) views.

Also, now I'll break formation - or ignore the mother's call for maintaining it, and head straight for a pirate pack. It gives me a few more seconds to get the bandits to target me, instead of her. Surprisingly, I have yet to fail an escort mission - but now that I have said so in print, that could very well be my downfall. (lol)

I had a surprise encounter last night, escorting a python mother...
We we're in the midst of tangling with a couple bandits, when 5 blips appeared at the edge of my scanner - that is red/green blinking blips!
I desperately tried to finish off the remaining pirate, but all the while my mind was racing with thoughts as to how I could possibly survive the incoming thargoids.
The mother ship was blaring messages, but since my mind was trying to concentrate on so many things, I was oblivious as to her exact message, I just assumed it was the usual "Pirates detected, prepare for combat", and she'd be injecting towards the fray.
I overheated my forward laser, but killed the pirate simultaneously, instinctively pulled the nose of my Fer-de-Lance towards the incoming pack of alien invaders, steeling myself for the upcoming onslaught of laser fire on my shields. I was hoping that I'd survive a fly through, else, perhaps the "Foole's autoeject system" might receive a good test.
Then I saw the mother's blip racing away from the scene - like in the complete opposite direction.
Wow, wonderful, good choice - I was elated!
I pulled so hard on the stick to 180 around, hit the injectors, get away from the thargoids and follow the mother - which had now gone off screen - but I just pointed my ship in her direction with the "M" on my advanced space compass.
Turns out, the mothership had gone so far away, that I eventually reached her by jumpdrive - beyond the witchpoint beacon, heading for interstellar space.

I suppose that the mother programing is to intercept pirates, but run from thargoids. At least that was the case here.

Other thing I like about this oxp, is that it takes quite a few successful missions (compared to passenger / cargo contracts), before your standing with the I.T.H.A. starts to improve.
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by Cpt »

Feedback on discovered anomaly...

Probability of reoccurring: Low to moderate
Severity of problem: Very Low
Impact of problem: Minor

Details: I had a mission which I sort of completed as we got to the 'S' Aegis on the Anarchy planet... except since lots of 'orange' kill fodder was coming out of the Station I didn't press 'C' and although I got the trader home in the dog fight one of my laser accidently (honest) hit a Galcop vessel. So I couldn't dock. and I had to WS out and then come back, however the Mission remained on my Mission screen as still to do and (it was not cancelled like normal and going back to the Station didn't resolve it one way or the other). To keep my F5 missions accurate I resorted to removing and installing the 'Add On' again. I thought you might want to know so you may address this matter, which I hope you get to resolve in future updates. Suggestions perhaps the pilot could leave a message at the station? or at the very least you cover such an eventually as completing the mission or not, so as not to leave the mission as open and unclosable... I also wonder if the same thing would happen if the trader died when in the 'S' area? ::shrugs::

Overall I think this is a great Oxp, and I love doing these missions, this is the only problem I have identified. This OXP most fits the way I like to play, thank you for the addition to the game play, please keep up the good work.
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by DeathKnyte »

Cpt wrote:
... I had a mission which I sort of completed as we got to the 'S' Aegis on the Anarchy planet... except since lots of 'orange' kill fodder was coming out of the Station I didn't press 'C' and although I got the trader home in the dog fight one of my laser accidently (honest) hit a Galcop vessel. So I couldn't dock. and I had to WS out and then come back, however the Mission remained on my Mission screen as still to do and (it was not cancelled like normal and going back to the Station didn't resolve it one way or the other). ...
I experienced a similar problem, which resulted in the same "mission in limbo" effect as Cpt, above.
My occurrence was that one of my errant laser firings hit a Moray SAR boat, and you know what that means... So I witched out, cleared my name (standing), came back to the system station, but the mission never completed.
My solution was to reload a prior save to the escort contract being accepted (which was a PITA, because it was a long time before).
Cpt wrote:
I also wonder if the same thing would happen if the trader died when in the 'S' area?
From the Escort Contracts version 1.5.6 Readme:

Code: Select all

The contract is fulfilled once the mother has entered the aegis of the target system's main station, unless there are hostile craft in the vicinity in which case the player must stand by to protect the mother until it has safely docked.
I have fought a few times already, within the station aegis, protecting the mother ship until she's docked. So I know this works, or is a condition.

DeathKnyte wrote:
Surprisingly, I have yet to fail an escort mission - but now that I have said so in print, that could very well be my downfall. (lol)
Well; I have now (not including the lost in limbo mission) failed twice...

First failure was when jumped by 12 bandits (in total), I managed to get 4 before the mother (ship was a Boa) blew up. And the second was with 15 bandits against us (Smivs Boa Clipper mother), of which I managed six kills before the inevitable.

In both instances - as well as most other times - the mother ship not only detects the status of the yellow blips before I can, but also injects towards the pack(s). Only time I have seen a mother ship inject away from danger, was when we encountered the Thargoids, in my above post in this thread.

Now then; I mention that again, because lately I have been watching very carefully some regular traders being escorted, and the mother ship will peel away from the threat (even send a Mayday / S.O.S, at times), while her escorts move to intercept. So I know, that it is possible to program something similar, since the core game reacts in such a manner.
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by Cpt »

I failed a mission when we jumped into Witchspace and were ambushed by a Thargon carrier 'and friends'... I got out hideously expensively damaged the trader didn't follow me through... *sigh* and no I wasn't going to risk waiting for the trader to decide to try jumping again after the seemingly obligatory 30 seconds or so flying asking me to 'form up' ... we didn't have that much time...
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by Commander McLane »

laxori666 wrote:
Cody wrote:
Do you have [EliteWiki] Random Ship Names installed? Adds to the immersion rather well, does that... and welcome aboard!
Thanks! I do indeed have Random Ship Names installed. That's one of my favorites. That little change did so much to bring the universe to life. There was an unfortunate discontinuity that happened with it recently.. I accepted an [EliteWiki] escort job and unfortunately got exploded, but when I reloaded and relaunched to try again the trader's name was different =(. I assumed the way the game engine was set up made it impossible to work around but now that I think about it I might as well report the bug, eh?
It's actually worse than that. I just installed and tried Escort Contracts. Not only the random name, but the ship is different. I took an escort contract, saved my game and launched, and the mother was an Anaconda. I quit, reloaded the saved game, and launched again, and the mother was a BCC. Obviously Capt. Murphy didn't consider the case of saving and reloading mid-mission. It's an easy oversight. It happened to me more than once in my OXPs.

But it means that it's not so easy to fix. Not only the random name part, but the whole ship has to be stored.

Capt. Murphy hasn't logged in for a year. As far as his license is concerned it's no problem for somebody else to fix this bug, but considering that I still have enough of my own OXPs to fix, I'm reluctant to dive into somebody else's work as well.

There's always the possibility that you could reach Capt. Murphy via PM. I think that should be tried first.
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by laxori666 »

Commander McLane wrote:
It's actually worse than that. I just installed and tried Escort Contracts. Not only the random name, but the ship is different. I took an escort contract, saved my game and launched, and the mother was an Anaconda. I quit, reloaded the saved game, and launched again, and the mother was a BCC. Obviously Capt. Murphy didn't consider the case of saving and reloading mid-mission. It's an easy oversight. It happened to me more than once in my OXPs.
Ah alright, that makes sense. So I also noticed that sometimes when I leave the station there's a huge swarm of 10 ships all fighting each other, yet as I more likely than not die after joining the fight, after reloading and relaunching it's all quiet as can be. Would this be the same exact bug for the [EliteWiki] Furball OXP? If so then I'll post a bug report at that thread. I'm just not sure whether this happens in the core game.
Commander McLane wrote:
Capt. Murphy hasn't logged in for a year. As far as his license is concerned it's no problem for somebody else to fix this bug, but considering that I still have enough of my own OXPs to fix, I'm reluctant to dive into somebody else's work as well.

There's always the possibility that you could reach Capt. Murphy via PM. I think that should be tried first.
I'll try PMing him now, thanks for the suggestion. I'm actually a coder by passion and profession, and I am thinking of getting involved in the OXP making game, but that will be a ways down the line if at all.
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by cim »

laxori666 wrote:
Would this be the same exact bug for the [EliteWiki] Furball OXP? If so then I'll post a bug report at that thread. I'm just not sure whether this happens in the core game.
It's not completely impossible in certain systems that the core game will drop a pirate pack, a trader, and a hunter pack right on top of the main station for a giant fight. But if it happens more than once it's the Furball OXP... (Whether it's a bug or just intentional randomness is harder to say: that sort of 'same after reloading' is a lot harder to get right)
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by JazHaz »

Commander McLane wrote:
Capt. Murphy hasn't logged in for a year. As far as his license is concerned it's no problem for somebody else to fix this bug, but considering that I still have enough of my own OXPs to fix, I'm reluctant to dive into somebody else's work as well.

There's always the possibility that you could reach Capt. Murphy via PM. I think that should be tried first.
I PM'd him on another matter back in January. The PM still sitting in my Outbox, meaning its still unread. Doubt that he's around any more, but another one can't hurt.
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by spara »

If someone fixes something, it might be better to make fixes to ZygoUgos updated Escort Contracts. Should the wiki be updated with it, btw?
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Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] - Escort Contracts OXP - 1.5.6 (07/05/

Post by Norby »

Wiki page is updated due to Keeper said me the old version doesn't really work too well in 1.77. See Changes in v1.5.9.
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