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Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:12 pm
by Commander McLane
Yes, you can fix this easily be setting the weapon_position_forward to the exact same value as view_position_forward in any ship's shipdata.plist, and the same of course for the other three directions. This makes the laser shoot out of your camera lense, so to speak. No parallax, pure accuracy.

This isn't a solution, however. At least not for everybody. Personally I don't want my lasers shoot out of my camera lense. I want to see a beam, not a flickering cross. And from an in-game perspective it doesn't make sense to have the laser come out of the camera lense. That would be an impossible design.

So I rather live with the parallax. For me it's a small price to pay.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:25 pm
by ClymAngus
unfortunately I get the feeling it's a ground up solution. Arguably it might be possible to leave out the model alignment and just sinc the view with the laser. It would be worth an experiment.

I can see how this might annoy some people, but I was going for accuracy with this particular design sacrifices had to be made as a result.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:47 pm
by amix
ClymAngus wrote:
The reason your getting the flashing and not a pretty light that comes from the bottom of the view screen and shoots towards your cross hairs is the targeting on the caddy is 100% accurate at any range.
That's cool :) You really put a lot of work (and love) into this ship!

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:53 pm
by amix
Disembodied wrote:
Amix: check the F5 equipment screen. If it says "Forward Military Laser" there, then that's what you've got.
Checked. And you are right! I did look for it several times, but for some reason I must have overlooked it. I already thought, that the laser may be a custom-laser, since it already heated up pretty quickly in the beginning and, well, as lined out, it did not change the color.

Now all is clear. I got a Mil.Laser.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:54 pm
by amix
ClymAngus wrote:
I can see how this might annoy some people, but I was going for accuracy with this particular design sacrifices had to be made as a result.
As for me: It does not annoy me. The accuracy is of highest precedence :)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:47 pm
by ClymAngus
amix wrote:
ClymAngus wrote:
The reason your getting the flashing and not a pretty light that comes from the bottom of the view screen and shoots towards your cross hairs is the targeting on the caddy is 100% accurate at any range.
That's cool :) You really put a lot of work (and love) into this ship!
Well it's getting there I need to finish the bump map though. The organics is making this a little difficult though. Then there is the dragon refit to finish.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:24 am
by amix
ClymAngus wrote:
The organics is making this a little difficult though. Then there is the dragon refit to finish.
Yes, I can imagine. Doing organic stuff on a computer seems difficult to imagine. The computer is all about pattern and order. Not chaos and "accident". It's all so even. Even if one would use scales (which are pretty evenly ordered and would allow for easy working with patterns, one may see there is too much order).

Good luck! Going to meet some Thargoids now ;-)

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:44 pm
by allikat
Wow, I just found the best stocked dredger in the Ooniverse... they had 2 caduceaus alphas in stock, plus an omega!

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:26 pm
by ClymAngus
Hmm maybe I should dial down the availability.

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:31 pm
by amix
In the two (one?) weeks I have it installed I got offered four Alphas and two or three Omegas. I play about 4-5 hours a week, atm.

Oh, could it be, that the Caduceus can not board onto the Castle-Rocks in "Feudal States"? I always crash. Manually as well as SHIFT-C. May well be a problem with the Feudals OXP.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:43 am
by Commander McLane
amix wrote:
Oh, could it be, that the Caduceus can not board onto the Castle-Rocks in "Feudal States"? I always crash. Manually as well as SHIFT-C. May well be a problem with the Feudals OXP.
Could be another incarnation of the can't-fly-through-fuel-stations bug? Or you have to dock more carefully. The Caddy is quite big, I am told. So you may try to enter the dock either higher or lower.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:26 am
by ouklos
ClymAngus wrote:
Hmm maybe I should dial down the availability.
No, it's fine for me.
I installed your oxp two months ago, and I docked dozens of times at high tech levels stations. I don't recall seeing an Omega at a main station, only Alphas. (sometimes two are available, but very rarely)
The only place I see Omegas are Dredgers shipyards in TL 14 or 15.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:27 am
by Eric Walch
Commander McLane wrote:
amix wrote:
Oh, could it be, that the Caduceus can not board onto the Castle-Rocks in "Feudal States"? I always crash. Manually as well as SHIFT-C. May well be a problem with the Feudals OXP.
Could be another incarnation of the can't-fly-through-fuel-stations bug?
I assume this is the case. With the fuel stations the Caduceus can only fly through in one direction without crashing. It seems to be more general for stations. You can only dock with stations that have the dock at the front and not at the back. :cry: Can someone conform this. e.g for the two types of behemoths?

At least one Behemoth is OK

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:54 pm
by amix
Eric Walch wrote:
Can someone conform this. e.g for the two types of behemoths?
I do not know the ships so well, that I could give a clearance on this. At least on one type of behemoth (did not know there to be more), all is fine. Yesterday I was playing as reserve in a Thargoid war scene and I successfully landed on the Behemoth several times in repeating missions. The Behemoth had the dock in the center at the back in between the two jets. Looked a bit like a whale.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:00 pm
by amix
Commander McLane wrote:
Or you have to dock more carefully. The Caddy is quite big, I am told. So you may try to enter the dock either higher or lower.
Well, I can not rule my own lameness out completely. I tried to dock about 4 times manually and three times with the auto-pilot (SHIFT-C). Each time I crashed right in front of the dock.

So it's the Fuel Stations and the Feudal Castle Rocks. All other, Hermits, Free Trade Zones, Salvage Gangs, Corrolis Stations, Ring Stations (Zaonce I think has one, 2001 style), Con Stores, Military Stations, Buoy Repair, Commie's Gulag Stations, Manufacturing Stations (there is a very few added by some OXP), Black Monk Stations, Guild of the Headhunter's Stations, then the station which is a huge cylinder (OXP), sometimes positioned next to a Corrolis; it's got no dock, really, you just fly into it, Salvage Dredgers, BooHoo Casinos (or what they are called) work as expected. All is fine. Another time I crashed was a TransHab station but I did not retry. However, also there I crashed a good way before entry to the dock. I assume it might be the same bug (if it is a bug).