Detailed Textures*

General discussion for players of Oolite.

Moderators: winston, another_commander

As you find the detailed textures?

pretty good
nice to have, but...
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I don't need this
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I'm a purist, I don't need gfx
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Post by Sung »

This is not fair.

You remove the notice.txt in the zipfile.
You rename to another author of the textures.
You don't remove the link in your topic above.
The link to your filebox allways work.


The Host and Author of Oolite maybe don't want to see the textures in his game. I respect this. The textures are not freeware, they are under GNU License as you see in the notice.txt :x
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Post by CaptKev »

I don't mind hosting the original Textures.oxp on my site until it shows up at Oosat2, Sung let me know if this is okay?
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Post by LittleBear »

I can only say I'm sorry.

I have removed the link and delted the file from Box.

Oosat is updated very infrequently and I love your work.

I only posted it to make it available to others. I am very sorry to upset you.
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Post by LittleBear »

I can only say I'm sorry.

I have removed the link and delted the file from Box.

Oosat is updated very infrequently and I love your work.

I only posted it to make it available to others. I am very sorry to upset you. I cannot delte the orginal post, I can only post here to remove the link and delte the file. No Offence to you was intended. The link should not work as I have delted the file.
Last edited by LittleBear on Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sung »

The only place i will load up is Oosat2 (with my story, picture and credits).
Maybe i made a own site for the textures, with some new files in it.
The textures are a outstanding change to Oolite and it is a advertisment for my work. I hope that you will respect this.
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Post by JensAyton »

Sung wrote:
The Host and Author of Oolite maybe don't want to see the textures in his game. I respect this.
The host of Oosat and the (primary) author of Oolite are different people. Neither of them are very active in the community at the moment, to the extent that they probably aren’t aware of your texture pack, but I doubt either would have anything against it. The proper way to distribute a texture modification set would be as an OXP, and I’m sure Giles never intended to limit people in which OXPs they were “allowed” to make.
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Post by Sung »

Ahruman wrote:
The proper way to distribute a texture modification set would be as an OXP, and I’m sure Giles never intended to limit people in which OXPs they were “allowed” to make.
It is not my intent to make an OXP. My intent was that the development of Oolite is going on. To make the textures was an advertisment. If this hadn't work, i was going to load it up to Oosat2 for hosting with story and credits.
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Post by LittleBear »

The Copyright position of Oolite in general has always been frankly doubious as it is based upon Bell & Barben's Elite. This work is copyrighted to them and their moral rights are infringed by anybody using their models and textures in any way whatsoever.

Bell and Barben have not attempted to assert their moral rights or sue anybody who contributes to Oolite (and therefore breaches their copyright) over the last 4 years, presumabley on the basis that nobody has attempted to make any money out of their work.

In my view describing retextured models of Bell & Barbens orginal work as an "Advertisment" for commercial services crosses the line.

In UK Law a "Tort" is not actionable without loss. So whilst Oolite remained as a "this is for fun not for profit" undertaking, contributors to the project had nothing to fear legaly.

Many taleneted Freelance Artistis (such as Ramon and Griff - not even their real names, which rather shows their approch to the project) have contributed work to Oolite using their original designes. They have not regarded their work as "their own" nor have they directly or indirectley attempted to profit from it.

I have always approached the Oolite project on the basis that anything I submit is just for fun and anybody can do anything they like with my work (such as it is). If Sung whats to assert moral rights to work he has done and use it for commerical purposes, then a line has been crossed.

I fail to see how you can take another authors work, retexture it, use it as an advertisment on a web site, and then start crying foul over moral rights. The moral rights to the Asp, Cobra Mk III, etc belong to Bell & Barben. The only reason they do not sue the pants of people who use their work is because it is fan fiction and we are not trying to make money out of it. Once you start using their work to make money, it is wrong and a line is crossed.

I dissassoacte myself from the Oolite project and will not contribute anything more.
Last edited by LittleBear on Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ArkanoiD »

LittleBear wrote:

I dissassoacte myself from the Oolite project and will not contribute anything more.
Hey! Calm down! Don't let all this upset you too much! We appreciate your work and such a decision will hurt the whole community!
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Post by ArkanoiD »

LittleBear wrote:
I fail to see how you can take another authors work, retexture it, use it as an advertisment on a web site, and then start crying foul over moral rights.
Have you seen the site? Sung did not mean that at all, just re-read his message, all this is just complete misunderstanding :-(
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Post by Sung »

LittleBear wrote:
I fail to see how you can take another authors work, retexture it, use it as an advertisment on a web site, and then start crying foul over moral rights.
I didn't youse the textures as advertisment. I advertisment myself, my work, If anybody search for an GFX-Artist. I didn't want that you distribute my work, with another name and replacing the notice_txt. Also changing the files in a zipfile. That is absolutly different from that what you said.

I didn't take you oxp's change it to another name and give the link in a board to another user.
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Post by LittleBear »

Sorry. But in my view, YOU CANNOT OWN what you submit to Oolite. We are all ripping off B&B. Anybody can do anything they like with anything I submit to the project. Its not my work, I'm using Giles's code and Giles in turn is using B&B's idea's. Nobody should assert ownership or use any Oolite stuff for commerical purposes. The idea of the project is surley that anything we do for Oolite is share and share alike. If people are gonna start getting on their high horses about stuff and using Oolie for advertising Real World stuff, this is not in the spirit of the the project. Anything I submit is on the basis of "free free to rip off steal or post anything you like from my code" (as long as you are doing it to make Oolite a better game and are not making money out of it). I'm sure every other OXP writer writes code on the same basis. If that is not the spirt then I don't want to be involved.

I really didn't mean to offend Sung by making his work available on a link without formal permission and I didn't delte Asterod text or notice to hurt his feelings. I did it cos I couldn't upload the pack unless it was less than 10 Megs. I thought other Ooliters would want to be able to grab sund excelect texts to enjoy until they are updated to Oosat2. Honest Sung I didn't do it to annoy you!
Last edited by LittleBear on Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sung »

LittleBear wrote:
YOU CANNOT OWN what you submit to Oolite. Nobody should assert ownership or use any Oolite stuff for commerical purposes.
I did not make any money! And i didn't make any commercial purposes or what ever.

And yes, the textures are my personal work. Not yours and not Giles or anybody else. It is my right to choose where i host my files. And when i wan't to delte it - thats also my right.

As i post the first texture, everybody was surprised how these easy mesh can be looked. After half of work some players began to critic the work. Now it is finish everybody wants these textures, it was download 250 times from our game server. I tryed to upload it to Oosat but it didn't work. In the meanwhile the textures were repaint, rextured, linked under another name, the credit txt was deleted and so on. I think that is a reason why projects like Oolite have not a productive modding community as other commercial games.
Last edited by Sung on Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Charlie »

LittleBear wrote:
I dissassoacte myself from the Oolite project and will not contribute anything more.
Bugger... :shock: :cry:

I can see LB's point:
Oolite is based on Bell & Barben's work & if they take umbridge the whole project is up do-do creek!
( That possibly includes the main contributors if B & B got really upset )

We really need to keep this whole business rooted in the 'happy-sharing community' mode we have had up to now. ( By the way, that's why I'm here ) Anything else will run Oolite into trouble...

You're tallented & I see no reason why you shouldn't get all the credit you deserve for your work. But please remember if you aren't very careful you may step on B & B's toes - that will see the end of Oolite!

You will be sorely missed - I have very much appreciated your contributions. ( you've probably seen bits of them in my .oxp's!! )
Speaking purely selfishly I hope you will be back when you feel the heat is off.
All the best for the future if we don't see you here again.
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Post by Roberto »

Yipes! Have just read through the last couple of pages.

Don't go, LB! You're awesome.

Sung - you're a great artist, but LB has every right to feel miffed, because by hosting your textures (however imperfectly you feel he was doing it), he was trying to help you (with Oosat2 being in such a poor state at the mo). And he's absolutely correct to say that Oolite is all about the sharing - talk of you having to "give permission" for others to do stuff with work you've created for Oolite isn't going to go down well.

See the "Creative Commons License" link on the Oolite homepage:

You may have a point about attribution - if there was no mention among the files he posted (or on his site) of you having created the textures - but I'm sure this wasn't intentional. Laying aside all the legal/copyright stuff, I think this boils down to a misunderstanding - the notion that LB was taking liberties with your work, when in fact he was trying to help you get it seen by more people.