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Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:45 pm
by drew
Michael Brookes wrote:
They are indeed. I'm jumping the gun a little here, so this isn't official yet (although posting it probably does make it official!), but I will be looking after the fiction for the Elite universe, so I'll be working with all of the authors.

I probably can't help you edit directly, but I can certainly provide feedback. It's something I do for other authors already :-)

I wonder if he'll allow me to give feedback on "Whatever the sequel to the Dark Wheel is going to be called" ? :wink:



Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:47 pm
by Selezen
cim wrote:
(And which "Elite Universe"? The one in the manual, or the one in the game? I was going through the statistics of the F7 data a while back and it's ... not implying a universe anything like the one in the manual)
Which does beg the question - which of the conflicting back stories to Frontier staff consider to be "canon"? I'm not the most objective person to answer that cos I spent a significant amount of time trying to make all of it canon (from a certain point of view). But specifically with the Elite game and its literature, there are a lot of contradictions as you point out. For example, a "Federal" body is mentioned in the manual once but nowhere else. GalCop is pictured as being an alliance of worlds but there's a royal space navy (His Majesty's Space Navy) that can enlist GalCop pilots. Who is this Majesty?

I think I'm going to be pouting for a while after ED comes out. Then I'll pick up the shattered remains of my universe and start over again. ;-)


Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:58 pm
by Cody
Selezen wrote:
Who is this Majesty?
Her Imperial Majesty Queen Elizabeth XIV... who else?

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:03 pm
by Selezen
But the game says HIS Imperial Majesty, you silly man.


Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:09 pm
by Wolfwood
drew wrote:
I wonder if he'll allow me to give feedback on "Whatever the sequel to the Dark Wheel is going to be called" ? :wink:
It would be a smart move, given your experience in the area, but very, very unlikely.

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:11 pm
by drew
I wonder what it will be called...

The Opaque Wheel? The Translucent Wheel? The "don't reinvent the" Wheel? :lol:



Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:12 pm
by Cody
Selezen wrote:
But the game says HIS Imperial Majesty
Well... in Oolite it is Her. Was it different in Elite? I don't think so... you silly man!

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:14 pm
by Commander McLane
Selezen wrote:
But the game says HIS Imperial Majesty, you silly man.

No, it doesn't:

Code: Select all

	"constrictor_hunt_brief1" = "---INCOMING MESSAGE\n\nGreetings Commander,\n\nI am Captain Curruthers of Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy and I beg a moment of your valuable time. …
I believe that Oolite is faithful to Elite with regard to the gender.

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:22 pm
by drew
Given we've only had 2 Queen Elizabeths in a thousand years, it would probably only be Queen Elizabeth the III or IV... :wink:



Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:27 pm
by Cody
drew wrote:
Given we've only had 2 Queen Elizabeths in a thousand years, it would probably only be Queen Elizabeth the III or IV...
Hmm... seeing as how we're about to change the law on female succession, Queen Elizabeths may be more common in future.

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:27 pm
by Commander McLane
drew wrote:
Given we've only had 2 Queen Elizabeths in a thousand years:
And none of them was an Imperial Majesty (the first one too early, the second one too late; kind of tragic).

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:28 pm
by Commander McLane
El Viejo wrote:
drew wrote:
Given we've only had 2 Queen Elizabeths in a thousand years, it would probably only be Queen Elizabeth the III or IV...
Hmm... seeing as how we're about to change the law on female succession, Queen Elizabeths may be more common in future.
There may be one in the making right now …

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:31 pm
by Cody
Commander McLane wrote:
El Viejo wrote:
drew wrote:
Given we've only had 2 Queen Elizabeths in a thousand years, it would probably only be Queen Elizabeth the III or IV...
Hmm... seeing as how we're about to change the law on female succession, Queen Elizabeths may be more common in future.
There may be one in the making right now …
If it's a girl, I wouldn't mind betting that they name her Victoria... and the British Empire will rise from the ashes! The rest will be history!

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:32 pm
by drew
El Viejo wrote:
Commander McLane wrote:
There may be one in the making right now …
If it's a girl, I wouldn't mind betting that they name her Victoria... and the British Empire will rise from the ashes! The rest will be history!

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:37 pm
by Selezen
Commander McLane wrote:
Selezen wrote:
But the game says HIS Imperial Majesty, you silly man.

No, it doesn't:

Code: Select all

	"constrictor_hunt_brief1" = "---INCOMING MESSAGE\n\nGreetings Commander,\n\nI am Captain Curruthers of Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy and I beg a moment of your valuable time. …
I believe that Oolite is faithful to Elite with regard to the gender.

In my head it's always been HIS Imperial Majesty and my logical conclusion is that it has been there since playing one of the versions of original Elite. If the Speccy or Amiga versions had HIS then that's where it's from. If not then obviously I'm addled and require sectioning and thus you have my drug-induced apologies.