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Re: New ships under developemnt

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:37 pm
by Thargoid
That sounds like autoAI is kicking in and changing it. I'd check the shipdata.plist entry for the ship and make sure that you've not got the autoAI configuration wrong somewhere/somehow.

Re: New ships under developemnt

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:53 pm
by Shipbuilder
I have had a good look through the shipdata.plist but can't find any reason for the police ships launched from stations to refuse to use the tweaked colonial_viper_mark1_policeAI.

I have checked with the debug console which has confirmed that police launched from station do not use the colonial_viper_mark1_policeAI but instead they use the standard police AI.

I therefore assume that there is a specific difference regarding how Oolite spawns police ships from stations. :?

The latest version of my shipdata.plist specifies 3 version of the Colonial Viper, the first is the standard NPC version for non police which uses the auto AI and the third is the player version. I have copied the section of the shipdata.plist for the second version i.e. the police version below.

If anyone can see what the problem is I would much appreciate it. If not however I think that I will put this to one side for the time being as I have a number of other things that I would like to work on (Maybe as I learn more I will come across what the problem is and can then come back to sort it out).

Code: Select all

		<string>0.0 0.0 -1.0</string>

			<string>4.0 0.0 -4.0 1.1 1.1 5.0</string>
			<string>-4.0 0.0 -4.0 1.1 1.1 5.0</string>
			<string>-0.0 4.0 -4.0 1.1 1.1 5.0</string>

			 <string>0.0 4.2 -10.0</string>
			 <string>4.0 0.2 -10.0</string>
			 <string>-4.0 0.2 -10.0</string>

		<string>0.0 -11.0 -17.0</string>
		<string>Colonial Viper Mark 1</string>
		<string>police wingman</string>

		<string>0.0 -1.3 17.0</string>

		<string>commsMessage: [colonialvipermk1-plea]</string>		

Re: New ships under developemnt

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:19 pm
by cim
Shipbuilder wrote:
I have had a good look through the shipdata.plist but can't find any reason for the police ships launched from stations to refuse to use the tweaked colonial_viper_mark1_policeAI.
Ships launched from a station with launchDefenseShip or launchPolice will automatically be given policeInterceptAI.plist regardless of their AI and auto_ai settings. Ships launched with launchPatrol get planetPatrolAI.plist instead.
You can change it back in [url=]shipLaunchedFromStation[/url] if you give them a ship script.

I can't work out how ships launched from a station with auto_ai = "no" are getting route1patrolAI.plist, though. (It's the autoAI for police, hunters and interceptors, but nothing outside the autoAI map seems to set it except when a ship with role "wingman" loses its flight leader) When exactly do you see these?

Re: New ships under developemnt

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:26 pm
by Smivs
It might be because they have a role of Police, and a scan_class of Police. Internally the game has some special behaviours for Police (and Thargoids), and although I can't say for sure, 'forcing' them into a Police AI might be one of these. In other words it might be the game is over riding your plist.

Re: New ships under developemnt

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:37 pm
by Commander McLane
cim wrote:
I can't work out how ships launched from a station with auto_ai = "no" are getting route1patrolAI.plist, though. (It's the autoAI for police, hunters and interceptors, but nothing outside the autoAI map seems to set it except when a ship with role "wingman" loses its flight leader) When exactly do you see these?
He doesn't. He reported specifically that he observed them having planetPatrolAI, which is to be expected. So, everything is in order:
Shipbuilder wrote:
I have also checked using the command in the debug console which has confirmed that the OXP is using the standard planetPatrolAI.plist for the AI hence the reason that flashers are off until attacked.
@ Shipbuilder: As long as you try to make your observations with the police ships that launch from main stations, you will have no luck. These ships are not normal police ships, but they only circle in a small radius around the station itself. In order to see whether your ship works you'll have to fly toward the witchpoint and check any police ship you meet on that way. (Or you jump to another system and fly inwards until you meet a police patrol. Note: don't try this with an Anarchy or Feudal system; there are practically no police patrols in these two types.)

Re: New ships under developemnt

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:39 am
by Shipbuilder
Hi all.

I am currently in the process of putting together an OXP for the Cylon Raider shown at the beginning of this string. I am looking to write an AI and possibly some scripting for my Cylon Raider. Basically what I want behaviour wise is the following: -

1) They are to be possibly spawned in a system as a player enters (Based on say a chance i.e. 30% change of being in system).
2) They will attack any human players i.e. NPC ships or the player (Perhaps they have a treaty with the Thargoids so don't attack them).
3) The Cylon Raider will only be spawned with other types of Cylon ship that I may design in the future i.e. they will not be spawned with other NPC ships as for example part of a group of pirates or indeed with Thargoids.
4) They are to be considered alien ships for which a bounty will be paid on their destruction and obviously no legal penalty imposed for doing so.

With regard to the Shipdata.plist if I define both the roles and scan_class as Thargoid am I correct to assume that this will cater for the requirements of points 2 and 4 above ?

If I include a spawnShip command in the Shipdata.plist and define the Cylon Raider as the spawned ship does this achieve my objective for item 3 above and mean that it will always be spawned within a system ? If so what is the easiest way to change it so that there is a particular chance of the raider being spawned but it will not always be spawned. What I have at the moment in the Shipdata.plist in an attempt to spawn a group of 6 raider is: -

Code: Select all

		<string>spu 0 0 0</string>

Re: New ships under developemnt

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:50 pm
by Wildeblood
Add "cylon" to the roles (roles = "thargoid(0.001) cylon";) then just have a world script that checks first for ships with role thargoid, and if there are zero, which there usually are, checks if ships with role cylon < 7 and if so adds some.

Re: New ships under developemnt

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:48 pm
by Shipbuilder
I thought that I would post a teaser shot of the Cylon Raider I have been working on.

Hope you all like it.


Re: New ships under developemnt

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:29 pm
by Griff
wow, that looks fantastic!

Re: New ships under developemnt

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:35 pm
by Smivs
Looking good, Shipbuilder. :)

BTW, I've just noticed that 'development' in this thread's title is somewhat confused! 8)

Re: New ships under developemnt

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:02 am
by Shipbuilder
Smivs wrote:
Looking good, Shipbuilder. :)

BTW, I've just noticed that 'development' in this thread's title is somewhat confused! 8)
Oops :oops: - 10 pages of this thread and I never even noticed ! :lol:

Re: New ships under development

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:10 am
by maik
Great looking ship, especially all the details like the lasers!

Re: New ships under development

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:24 am
by Shipbuilder
Just a quick query regarding bounties for destroying the Cylon Raiders.

If the Cylon Raiders have a scan class of CLASS_THARGOID does this mean that games populater should handle applying an appropriate bounty automatically ?

I have also included a cylonAI (Based very closely on the standard thargoidAI).

If so is there a way to override that so that for instance a set bounty will be received for destroying one of these ships (Receiving massively varying bounties of for example 2Cr, 50Cr and 90Cr for destroying each ship in a group of 3 that attack you seems wrong).

At present I have tried to define a specific bounty using the following code but this is being ignored by Oolite.

Code: Select all


Re: New ships under development

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:41 am
by cim
In trunk, ships with CLASS_THARGOID are immune to most things which change the bounty. In 1.76.x they are affected as normal. (So rises if there are police around, and falls if they go to a new system)

If you want a fixed bounty in 1.76.x then you need to have a ship script which sets the bounty back to the desired amount in the shipTakingDamage ship script event (shipDied would be too late).

Re: New ships under development

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:01 pm
by Commander McLane
Shipbuilder wrote:
If the Cylon Raiders have a scan class of CLASS_THARGOID does this mean that games populater should handle applying an appropriate bounty automatically ?

At present I have tried to define a specific bounty using the following code but this is being ignored by Oolite.
Yes, Thargoid bounties are calculated automatically by the engine. That's one reason why CLASS_THARGOID should not be given lightly to ships that aren't Thargoids.
Shipbuilder wrote:
(Receiving massively varying bounties of for example 2Cr, 50Cr and 90Cr for destroying each ship in a group of 3 that attack you seems wrong).
That depends massively on what kind of group they're in. If it's one mother and two escorts, big differences between them are normal. The mother may have fugitive status, but the escorts always start with just a couple of credits. That's what you normally get with pirates as well.