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Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:42 pm
by Tricky
There are many problems with the AI. Not least of which you had it set to attacking loot.

I've cleaned it up (adding in some states that you took out that are needed) and it is 75% commented. I'll post later tonight.

If you want I'll create an AI that is much simplified, although it will use a ship script.

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:27 pm
by mandoman
Ah, I'm good at complicating things. Thanks, cim and Tricky. Tricky, if you are willing to write a simplified AI for this using a script, I would be ecstatic. I'm not good with AIs, and scripts are nearly incomprehensible to me. This isn't the first ship for which I had bounty hunter role in mind. There aught to be a Core AI for non-player bounty hunter ships. I wonder if I should suggest such an AI for down the road some time? Or does that just cause more problems?

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:46 pm
by Tricky
One question. Is this ship a lone wolf?

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:10 pm
by Smivs
mandoman wrote:
There aught to be a Core AI for non-player bounty hunter ships.
Well, there sort of is...the bounty-hunter NPCs (roles = hunter) use the police route1patrolAI.plist.

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:55 pm
by mandoman
Tricky, yes, it is a lone wolf bounty hunter. Smivs, I had wondered about that, and have even used route1patroleAI.plist for other ships, but it always made me feel as if I were making them police ships, which I had no intention of doing. If it's used for bounty hunter npc Core ships, then I suppose I should just go ahead and use it. I have looked through it, though, and I must just be a total clueless looby, because they don't LOOK like what I want my ships to do. It's like Tricky said, I removed stuff that I shouldn't have from the pirateAI.plist, while trying to make a unique AI, just because I didn't want my ship to do those things, but it appears that I just don't understand how the game is handling the events in an AI. What else is new, eh? :wink:

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:26 pm
by Smivs
The ships' roles and SCAN_CLASS are important here. The Police and bounty hunters share the same AI, but their SCAN_CLASS and role determines how it is applied in some ways. For instance the Police have 'blue lights' which turn on and off depending on whether the cop is in pursuit etc, and can designate offenders if a 'crime' is detected. Bounty hunters do not do this.
Otherwise they are basically both doing the same thing...looking for trouble :)

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:47 am
by mandoman
Hey, that fits my style. I'm seem to be always looking for trouble, even when I don't mean to be doing it. :D

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:37 am
by mandoman
Here are a few screenies of one of my latest ships. Actually, it was it's maiden test voyage. The name is "Eruptor", and it has twirly sensor dishes, and mini-ball turrets. It is meant to be a Police ship, which is why it's so heavily armed. I have discovered a disturbing problem, though. When view externally, with "custom_views", even though the shipdata.plist specifies that the aft laser should fire when review from behind, the forward laser fires instead. It does that in every "custom_view" which specifies the aft laser to be seen firing. The aft laser DOES work. If you use the view_position_aft internal view, the aft laser fires admirably. So it is working, but refusing to show up on external views. I was so busy getting the sensor dishes working properly, that when I finally noticed the aft laser gliche, it was such a let down. I'm studying the shipdata.plist with a vengence, but still have not found the problem. Kind of strange. :?











Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:45 pm
by mandoman
This is the Boomerang. Everything about it is up in the air, other than I can get it into the game. I'm not sure about the Texture choice, and might have to change it. Also, I'm contemplating making the sensor dishes spin, but I mounted them on a fixed angled tripod, so I'm not sure how I'm going to get them to spin in any convincing fashion. Here are a few pics.











Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:15 am
by mandoman
Recently someone commented on my ship designs, after looking through this thread at ones I had posted. The general gist of the critique was that I obviously didn't know what I was doing, and I should study other ships to see how a star ship "should be" (what ever that is). When I envision, and then start building a ship, one of the very first things I think about is a kind of general idea where the equipment would go, and how the interior would be set up. The critique incensed me, and I determined to attempt to show that I DO have an idea of how my ships should look, and they are NOT unfeasible to Science Fiction imagination. The following are some pics of my latest trader ship, the SunBird. It's a flashy thing, and can carry a pretty hefty payload. I took the liberty of slicing the ship in half, designing the interior to about what I imagined, and took some screen shots. It is not very detailed, as I have no idea what a Star Drive engine should look like, or any of the other technical science stuff. However, I think I accomplished my goal to show that the ship indeed is feasible, and is maybe even capable of carry more tons of cargo than I originally thought. I tried to envision this in the perspective of an average height male human, about 6 feet tall. It is not completely accurate, and I make no claims that it is, but only wish to show that I really do think about such things as the actual possibility of the ship I designed. Pics.















Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:10 pm
by Shipbuilder
Wow Mandoman you've produced a great piece of work both with regard to the ship itself but also regarding the schematic sections through.

You have obviously put a great deal of work into this and I think proved your point very well.

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:23 pm
by mandoman
Shipbuilder wrote:
Wow Mandoman you've produced a great piece of work both with regard to the ship itself but also regarding the schematic sections through.

You have obviously put a great deal of work into this and I think proved your point very well.
Yeah, it took some doing, but was really fun. I might have to try it with a couple others as well, as I was curious how my interior ideas for those ships would turn out. It used up 4.7MBs of memory to do it, though, LOL!! :lol:

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:23 pm
by Smivs
Very nice indeed. Great job :)

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:52 pm
by mandoman
Thanks Smivs. It's a bit addictive, as I keep thinking of things to put in, like the fuel scoop suction tube that sucks/routes fuel from skimming directly to the fuel tank. It's almost more fun than building a ship to play. :mrgreen:

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:18 pm
by Commander McLane
Beautiful work indeed!

However, due to the inherent screw-up of sizes and distances in Oolite, it is impossible to measure the height of an average male human in the Ooniverse. In relation to the ships humans seem to be a lot taller than 6 feet. In relation to the planets on the other hand, they seem to be a lot smaller than 6 feet. It's rather futile to try and find the one scale which can measure the Ooniverse and the entities in it.
mandoman wrote:
I tried to envision this in the perspective of an average height male human, about 6 feet tall.