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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:27 pm
by JazHaz
CommRLock78 wrote:
JazHaz wrote:
CommRLock78 wrote:
(BTW, as you probably see from the picture, I'm using 1.77r5049).
That's a really old nightly. Current version is I believe. Try that and see what happens.
LOL - I know it is rather old :P. This has given me the opportunity to try updating the trunk by $ sudo oolite-trunk-update :D. ... The code looks like it executed properly - and yes, success! My, my, my.... absolutely beautiful! Come hell or high water, it's time for trunk on my new machine :mrgreen:.
Thanks for the tip JazHaz - updating that trunk was a piece o' cake.
And did that fix the planets' cube maps?

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:06 pm
by submersible
JazHaz wrote:
And did that fix the planets' cube maps?
It will. Trunk has NEW_PLANETS disabled right now so the regular planet code we're all used to seeing (including the special case for textures 6 times taller than they're wide) works.

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:34 pm
by CommRLock78
JazHaz wrote:
And did that fix the planets' cube maps?
As submersible answered already - you bet it did :D. I had actually tried to answer the question earlier, but I think you'd gone to edit or delete the post before I had a chance to do so ;).

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:50 am
by Gaspare
Hello everyone, many thanks for all the effort you put in this project. It looks really really amazing!!

I have one question regarding Povray Planets and Famous Planets oxps. Once galaxy 2 merged version is released, does famous planets oxp become obsolete? I'm downloading povray files right now and haven't downloaded FP yet, so i wonder if i have to download it or not.

Thanks again !!

edit: since i'm going to make my very first big install (it's two days of downloading stuff, now i really want to install and play :lol: ), i have another question. What should i use in order to have moons and additional stuff? There are two major oxps, deep horizon and system redux, if i'm correct. I saw that the former is not fully compatible with povray unless you modify the js file, but is the latter compatible?

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:09 am
by submersible
Gaspare wrote:
Once galaxy 2 merged version is released, does famous planets oxp become obsolete? I'm downloading povray files right now and haven't downloaded FP yet, so i wonder if i have to download it or not.
Simple answer - sort of. The textures will be rolled into a povray planets galaxy. The companion descriptions will be made available separately.

If you have Povray_Planets_Galaxy1_Textures_v1.1 (this has FP textures included) , you'll still need companion description OXP - I don't think these have been released yet. Keep an eye on ... &start=135 , but pagroove and I seem to be cross posting when something interesting happens.

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:14 am
by Gaspare
Sorry i edited my post while you were answering. :oops:

I guess i'll install either FP and povray, and when g2 1.1 is released i'll just change it. Then if/when descriptions will come out (if you need help i'm at disposal), i'll just uninstall fp.

It should work hopefully :)

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:18 am
by submersible
Gaspare wrote:
Sorry i edited my post while you were answering. :oops:
Cross compatibility support was fairly poorly delivered I humbly admit. I can't even honestly recommend the Povray Planets base scripting OXP to anyone (remind me to reword the FP and Wiki).

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:20 am
by Keeper
spara wrote:
JazHaz wrote:
Is there an OXP that adds moons and other planets, thats also compatible with Povray Planets? I don't mean for it to use the same textures, just for it to not overwrite the main planet textures.
I have edited the Deep Horizon Systems to not texturize main planet and it seems to work ok with the povray planets. In my opinion DHS gives the most beautiful secondary planets and moons, but that's just me. If you feel adventurous, install DHS and edit the file Deep_Horizon_Systems.js. Comment out everything between the lines 231-250.
Old post, but...

And if you're like me and have another OXP that does sun repositioning/colouring (in my case, Distant Suns), be sure also to comment out/remove the section after that which would conflict. Downloaded DHS and did that editing last night after reading this post. Works. Had done the same to System Redux earlier (removed the universal lighting changes it makes as I've already set that up in my planetlist default file), though it doesn't mess with sun positions, but decided to do it with DHS as it provides more variety of planet and moon sizes/textures. I went ahead and made some more varied rotations and sizes while I was at it.

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:37 pm
by submersible
Combined Famous Planets and Povray Planets for galaxy 2 is finally released . Please see the google drive link in the OP. The Updated galaxy is (note the v1.1) . This is a REPLACEMENT - sorry but it's another big download.

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:31 am
by Tichy
Great! My commander is precisely in galaxy 2 :D

Thank you! :)

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:38 am
by Diziet Sma

Thanks! 8)

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:13 pm
by Alextended
So, to use this properly I only download the latest versions of the texture packs? Not the base oxp?

And then I will have pretty planets in every system? Or are there more than 8?

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:24 pm
by submersible
Alextended wrote:
So, to use this properly I only download the latest versions of the texture packs? Not the base oxp?
And then I will have pretty planets in every system? Or are there more than 8?
Galaxies 1 and 2 have updated releases (v1.1) which combined Famous Planets - you can choose to download these or if you prefer, the vanilla v1.0 without famous planets. You only need one Povray_Planets_GalaxyN_Textures OXP per galaxy. The base OXP is not really recommended as it does try to do some underhanded things with javascript - this is only applicable if you're using other planet re-texture OXPs.

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:37 pm
by Zireael
How big are the downloads again? I can't check it with the Google Drive links...

Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 1.0

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:40 pm
by Cody
Zireael wrote:
How big are the downloads again?
In total, just over 4GB - so roughly 500MB each.