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Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:43 am
by Smivs
V'z unccl lbh jrer noyr gb 'rfpncr'. Gur fcnprjerpx qbrf gnxr n ovg bs svaqvat, ohg vg'f jbegu qbvat ntnva vs lbh'ir xrcg n fnir sebz orsber gura. Vs abguvat ryfr vg'f n ovg bs sha, naq vf whfg bar nfcrpg bs gur jvqr inevrgl bs 'fho-zvffvbaf' V ohvyg vagb Krcgngy'f Fjbeq.

Again, if you do get 'stuck', remember the help section on will give clues to help you as we tried to anticipate most of the problems players might encounter.

Another point worth stressing is that (as in many mission OXPs) some parts must be completed 'properly' to allow the mission to continue. This time you will be OK, but generally I would strongly advise against using features/weapons/equipment provided by other OXPs as these may cause you to break elements of the mission, or even miss vital parts of the mission altogether.
Xeptatl's Sword was designed to be enjoyed by everybody, including those flying a standard ship with few or no other OXPs. If you have many other OXPs installed, that's fine, but try not to rely on them or their features while doing the mission. :wink:

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:15 am
by marcusrg
Jryy, V gevrq, V qvq rknpgyl nf fnvq va gur uryc frpgvba bs gur bkc fvgr. V frrxrq gur jerpx bire naq bire, V jrag orlbaq gur fha, xrrcvat gur cynarg oruvaq vg, jrag sne njnl sebz vg, pnzr onpx, naq abguvat... V nyzbfg rkcybqrq fbzrgvzrf, sbe orrvat arne gb gur fha. Fhqqrayl, V jbaqrerq: V nz hfvat frafvoyr fha bkc, juvpu chgf gur fha sne njnl sebz gur cynarg. Znlor gung'f gur ernfba V qvqa'g svaq gur jerpx? Fb, Jura V sbhaq gur ehffvna fgngvba, V rira gubhtug vg jnf gur bkc fbyhgvba vgfrys! Ohg V'yy zbir ba, fvapr V fnirq vg nsgre gur tnynpgvp whzc. Ohg V vagraq gb znxr vg guebhtu ntnva, naq V jvyy erzbir frafvoyr fha orsber erqbvat vg. :wink:

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:18 am
by Smivs
Ah, yes, that might be it. No worries...just carry on.... :)

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:24 pm
by Pleb
Jbj! Whfg znqr vg gb gur raq bs guvf zvffvba, ernyyl rcvp. Gur svany onggyr ntnvafg gur Naavuvyngbe jnf terng, pbhyq unir orra zber fuvcf znlor vaibyirq va gur onggyr ohg V xabj sebz znxvat zl bja crefbany zvav-zvffvbaf gung nygubhtu vgf sha gb nqq 50 gunetbvq fuvcf naq 50 anil fuvcf pna znxr gur tnzr ynttl ng gvzrf. Ybirq ubj vg sryg n ovg yvxr gnxvat ba gur Qrngu Fgne. Cebonoyl orfg zvffvba V'ir cynlrq ba Bbyvgr fb sne! :D

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:44 pm
by Smivs
Thanks Pleb. Makes all the effort worthwhile :)

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:50 pm
by marcusrg
Sbyybj zr gb gur nfgrebvq!


Great mission! :D

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:17 pm
by marcusrg
Spoilers -> Vg'f uneq gb xvyy gur znzon zbgure fuvc naq fpbbc gur jneurnq jvgubhg orrvat fjnyybjrq ol gur D-Obzo! gevrq 5 gvzrf nyernql!

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:20 pm
by Cody
<chortles quietly>

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:07 pm
by Smivs
marcusrg wrote:
Spoilers -> Vg'f uneq gb xvyy gur znzon zbgure fuvc naq fpbbc gur jneurnq jvgubhg orrvat fjnyybjrq ol gur D-Obzo! gevrq 5 gvzrf nyernql!
Ner lbh nal tbbq ng fubbgvat fznyy bowrpgf? :wink:

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:30 pm
by marcusrg
Spoilers -> Lrnu, V whfg qvq vg! V guvax V unir fubg gur D-obzo nf jryy nf gur zbgure fuvc, orpbhfr V unq gvzr gb pnzyl fpbbc gur fuvc'f pnetb naq nyfb gur jneurnq! Zbbiva ba gb Yrrfgv va T1!

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:46 pm
by Smivs
Lbh pna'g qb ebg13 fzvyrlf, fb urer'f n erny bar. :D

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:09 pm
by marcusrg
Spoilers ahead! -> V jnf va qbhog vs U unq rabhtu clybaf gb pneel ba gur zvffvba nsgre cvpxvat hc gur jneurnq. V znqr n zvfgnxr, naq hazbagrq nyy clyba zngrevny V unq gb tenag fcnpr... gung vf gb fnl, V qhzcrq gur jneurnq! Jryy, V fnirq gur tnzr nsgre qbvat guvf, fb V jrag onpx gb gur orttvavat bs gur zvffvba. Gung'f bx, V'yy qb vg ntnva, vg'f n terng zvffvba! :)

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:47 pm
by Smivs
Oops! :roll:
This is one reason I suggest keeping 'old' saves. It's good advice for any mission really. Keep the last two or three stages so you can go back if you need to, and sometimes a part of the mission is worth doing twice anyway especially if it is a spectacular part.
I will often name them where the save was made eg Commander Whatever-Oresrati so you know where the save was made. They are easy enough to delete from your 'saves' folder if it starts filling up.
If you do want to try to salvage something from this, PM me and we might be able to fix things :)

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:26 pm
by marcusrg
Ok, Commander... no, never mind, I prefere to walk through the mission again. I'm still on vacations, I have time. I will this time look more closely to that space wreck. and thanks for the advice, I'll save as you adviced me to. :wink:

Re: Xeptatl's Sword

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:29 am
by Pleb
Smivs do you ever intend to expand this OXP into another story? Some of the ships and organisations you have established in this OXP are amazing, I feel you could go on to create another story, maybe the Thargoids come back with a fleet of Annihilators? Maybe the Xeptatl society get too big for their boots and the Galactic Navy tries to do away with them, creating a civil war of some kind? Lol its your creation I don't want to interfere just would love to see some more OXPs set after this storyline... 8)