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Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:21 pm
by Cody
Zieman wrote:
So far you cannot name your group. I'll accept requests to join sporadically (RL permitting a few minutes E: D time).
The Oresrati Irregulars, eh? Once I get my wings, perhaps I'll see y'all out there - somewhere!

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:17 am
by Pleb
Finally got my Cobra Mk III last night, thanks to their new low prices. Not willing to fork out £10.00 on their wireframe skin though as that's a lot of money for one skin. If it was £3.00 or similar might think about it but £10.00 is ridiculous!

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:55 am
by Bugbear
Pleb wrote:
Finally got my Cobra Mk III last night
Hey Pleb, join the club!!!

Thing is, now that I've got my Cobra, I now need to grind for another 500-600k credits in order to have sufficient trading capital, and to outfit it sufficiently with weapons...

An interesting thing today, though. The soft locks the game has been throwing at me recently have been getting a bit old, and today, I was unable to connect to a server completely.

I needed a combat fix so I fired up Oolite once more. It was so refreshing to come back and play a game that is silky smooth, doesn't hang when jumping from system to system, and where interactions with NPCs actually feel more 'natural'. By that I mean that needing to supercruise to a USS to (hopefully) discover something of interest tends to break the flow of things.

Now if we could only replace the Oolite torus drive with accurate time acceleration and Oolite would be even more awesome!!!!!

I'll still be plying the Elite:Dangerous spacelanes, but it's great to have an offline alternative that is available right now.

(Am I the only one that has started tweaking their Oolite joystick response curve and controls to behave more like E:D?)

Cheers commanders. Hope to see you online :-)

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:45 am
by Pleb

There is likely to be a partial or full reset when Beta 2 comes out today. Not too bothered as a wipe was coming with Gamma anyway just annoying as only just got the Cobra. Ah well so is the way of testing... :roll:

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:24 am
by Pleb
There's been a lot of bugs with Beta 2 but I've luckilly been unaffected and managed to get back to a Hauler after the big wipe. :mrgreen:

Anyone else been lucky like me and been unaffected by all the bugs?

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:49 pm
by hiasakite
Pleb wrote:
There's been a lot of bugs with Beta 2 but I've luckilly been unaffected and managed to get back to a Hauler after the big wipe. :mrgreen:

Anyone else been lucky like me and been unaffected by all the bugs?
Yup - been too busy at work... come back, and find everythings wiped and, err... FAoFF etc got nerfed..

Not sure that really counts as 'unaffected by bugs', but anyway..

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:44 pm
by Cody
The lengths one goes to! I've just taken a saw to my desk, which is now 12cm lower.
The keyboard tray is gone and at last I have full use of the joystick - this is joyous!

I might just download this game next week - get to see what all the fuss is about!

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:00 pm
by cim
Pleb wrote:
There's been a lot of bugs with Beta 2
It's been interesting watching them occasionally run into exactly the same bug we did. e.g. How do you make cargo transport missions worth doing at all without making it more profitable to scam hundreds of them before anyone realises they've been had, then use the uber-ship bought with your ill-gotten gains to deal with the later reputation damage: over there today and over here two years ago.

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:05 pm
by Cody
cim wrote:
It's been interesting watching them occasionally run into exactly the same bug we did...
<nods> Aye, several little problems they've had along the way have sounded vaguely familiar. <grins>

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 7:55 am
by Pleb
I'm sure once all the bugs have been ironed out it will be a great game but it's not as playable or fun as Oolite at the moment. Obviously it's very aesthetically pleasing to look at as the engine is very advanced, but it will never have the customisable features that Oolite has. Plus it was developed using a team of highly qualified developers and hard cash. Oolite was developed and improved upon by a small handful of skilled individuals for free. The are just some things money can't buy!

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:34 pm
by Zireael
There's a Beta 2 out already?! *hurries to Frontier forums to check what's new*

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:35 pm
by Pleb
There's a Beta 3 coming at the end of the month... Hopefully Gamma is still going to happen this year!

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:33 pm
by Withnail
I have been informed that Gamma will be by the end of the year.

I suspect the audio books will also be released about this time. I find that you can put two and two together when you read the fantastic books blog or newsletters.

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:41 pm
by Cody
Withnail wrote:
I have been informed that Gamma will be by the end of the year.
That sounds about right to me - and welcome aboard, amigo!

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:42 am
by pagroove
Out of the newsletter from yesterday:
Beta 3’s 2,406 star systems mean it is huge, about five times bigger than Beta 2. Yet it represents only a little over half a millionth of one per cent of the full game to be launched later this year!
Just a few planets short of Oolite but impressive. I have to wait a little longer because I pledged for the Mac version. Once in a while I catch up by viewing some video's. It looks very nice but in my opinion it is a different game than Oolite.