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Split: Player Ship Lasers

General discussion for players of Oolite.

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Re: Split: Player Ship Lasers

Post by Disembodied »

Killer Wolf wrote:
lol, speak for yourself! :-D

i still maintain it would work. w/ my OXPs, NPC can have multiguns (or mutliguns, as i originally typed, which sounds like you have a sniggering dog as a co-pilot) and the player can't. coming up against a 5-gunned Diamondback isn't amusing, especially if she's stealthed. also, NPCs already tip the balance slightly by one major factor : there's more of them. a lot more, and often come in packs.
Well, I don't have that many really dangerous ships ... a few Wolf IIs, a few Iguanas, the occasional Cat. I'm not a masochist. ;)

A one-gun player is balanced out against a pack of standard, core-game NPCs (strictly speaking, a one-gun player in a Cobra III). The disadvantage is, players are on their own, often facing multiple NPCs; the advantage is, we're better than them. Mixing an occasional really dangerous NPC in there adds a little bit more of a challenge – sometimes to the point where the solution to an attack is to run away. Knowing when to fight and when to run is part of the human advantage.

Multi-laser player ships would definitely work: the problem is, unless there's some sort of disadvantage to offset the advantages (extra firepower, and it's easier to hit the target), then the balance can only come from ramping up the NPCs. A 2-gun player versus a 5-gun Diamondback NPC ... and what happens when players want 5-gun Diamondbacks of their own? Meanwhile, all the core ships get left behind, as mere cannon fodder.
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Re: Split: Player Ship Lasers

Post by Thargoid »

For me it's always been a bit odd when you have single-gun player versions of multi-gun NPC ships. Has always been a bit of an immersion-breaker.

The ideal solution would be for weapons (lasers and turrets) to take energy to fire, and of course to have a single temperature gauge per view. That way if you have 16 guns pointing in the forward direction and can hit something, then fine it'll probably die. But if you miss, then you've got a tasty chunk out of your energy banks and your lasers are going to take half an eon to cool down enough to fire again. And in the meantime aforesaid enemy has dismantled you with his single beam laser...

Seems fairly self-limiting and balancing to me.
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Re: Split: Player Ship Lasers

Post by Eric Walch »

Thargoid wrote:
The ideal solution would be for weapons (lasers and turrets) to take energy to fire,
At least lasers do already use energy when firing. When you have a naval_energy_unit, you probably do not notice, but without, its very noticeable.

Just yesterday I did the final battle in the military fiasco mission. Quite early during combat, they broke my naval_energy_unit. From than on I had to flee and only make sure to fight one ship at a time. With every shot you saw the energy draining away. Almost worse than the overheating itself. But, at the end I finished the battle without any additional energy unit. :lol:

Experiencing the fight without energy unit convinces me that the current 1.75 energy management between energy banks and shields has improved over 1.74 and older. There is now some 'brain' added that is mainly noticeable at low recharge rates.
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Re: Split: Player Ship Lasers

Post by Disembodied »

Yup ... I mounted a military laser on an Adder, and could only fire in short bursts to avoid draining the energy banks ... as for firing the laser AND using the ECM? Forget it!
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Re: Split: Player Ship Lasers

Post by Okti »

As about 9 persons who has downloaded my sort of a secondary laser in the game, they do know I have a primeable secondary laser. I haven't released it because it will unbalance the game in favour of the player, but it is an OXP and if you do not like duck hunting, you may not install the OXP.

I personally do not use it myself. There are ways to improve that OXP to an alternative way of a weapon by giving a cost to the player. Like a major drop to the energy banks. But to use it against mission ships, where a kill is required by the player is a draw back.

If anyone is interested please send me a PM. And we can discuss it further.
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Re: Split: Player Ship Lasers

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Hi all! I'm about done making a set of player versions of ships with 2 forward firing lasers. So far have a mining and military cobra3, bushmaster miner, cat, iguana and the wolfs. Have a gun camera hud switching system for the forward guns that will let you use most other huds for the main views. It's very basic and derived from the standard oolite hud. I'm finding some deficiancies in these oxp ships however. I'm using shipdata-overrides to correct the frangibility issue with the cat, iguana and wolf as the npcs get the guns blown off and aren't a challenge and the player versions will have maintenance overhaul issues and be impractical so overriding with frangibility=no solves this. Pa groove's redone version of oldships doesn't have subents or subent weapons so I can't use that set. Also there are ships in there that don't even have a weapon at all. This should probably be looked at. I like these textures but can't use these ships without subents for the npc's to balance out the player version so will leave them be for now. Oldships and wolfs oxps will be dependancies as this will provide some multi-lasered ships to fight if you you have a ship with multi-lasers and that is fair, I think.

I've had a little playtest time with the cat and it is really cool, balanced and requires strategy. As you fight, switching between the 2 weapons gun cameras, one on each wing, you have to remember which side you are shooting from at all times in order that you can have the main body of the ship away from the direction that an attacking ship is, almost like bullfighting with a laser. There is some critical strategy in this as being on the wrong side could result in collision or taking some heavy damage from laser fire. I've only just touched on this but can already see a general type of dogfighting technique emerging for ships with the forward lasers at the sides of the ship. :D
This concept will have you switching views often specifically for whether you are in combat or not. It can be kind of interesting to scoop cargo pods while using either gun camera as it requires that you have the situational awareness of exactly how to line up for scooping. Really cool. This kind of ship will be the pervue of master pilots that can juggle all of this effectively.Hehe! :D

Sorry but I'm really starting to have fun with this 2 forward weapon workaround I've discovered. :lol:

That's just a little taste of where I'm at with this.

As for all the comments I've read since my post, please be assured that this concept has balance and can't be abused and enhanced beyond 2 weapons in one direction or more than the 4 hardcoded number of player weapon positions. It is a completely off the wall hair brained workaround and the immersion of how it is viewed by the player is not perfect but it is enjoyable, especially with a little hud slight of hand and that is what will make this concept rock. Balance with fun and be assured also that there is no real extra firepower than the player already has but actually less if the ship designer so desires to rationally penalize the player. Read: 2 forward guns max on a twin military laser cobra mk3, makes sense and is how I'm doing it but even an uber ship cheater cannot have more than the normal number of guns(4) period and only 2 of those on the front.

This shouldn't break any gameplay as it is only a little easier than alternating between front and aft lasers, which is what most people do now. What this will do is promote dogfighting, going in gungho with weapons blazing and using injectors to get out if needed while the weapons cool. What it will also do is leave you defenseless when you make that retreat and way off centre guns will make sniping much harder. Too top it off, the juggling of forward view with the gun cams and always strategizing which side of the current gun the main part of the ship is for effective dogfighting and scooping, well, there is your balance.

The oxp is finished but still testing and will make it available soon. And it is nothing like Okti's workaround. Cheers! :D
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.

CommonSense 'Outside-the-Box' Design Studios Ltd.
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Re: Split: Player Ship Lasers

Post by Staer9 »

CommonSenseOTB wrote:
Hi all! I'm about done making a set of player versions of ships with 2 forward firing lasers. So far have a mining and military cobra3, bushmaster miner, cat, iguana and the wolfs.
You may want to hang around a little, The bushmaster miner, cat and iguana will all be included in my shipset when finished, and of course will have subent weapons.
however... I'm pretty sure that the bushmaster was never intended to be a player ship
The Wiki wrote:
Only the Bushmaster is an NPC only, due to the Miner's Guild restrictions preventing 'just anybody' from flying it.
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Re: Split: Player Ship Lasers

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Staer9 wrote:
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
Hi all! I'm about done making a set of player versions of ships with 2 forward firing lasers. So far have a mining and military cobra3, bushmaster miner, cat, iguana and the wolfs.
You may want to hang around a little, The bushmaster miner, cat and iguana will all be included in my shipset when finished, and of course will have subent weapons.
however... I'm pretty sure that the bushmaster was never intended to be a player ship
The Wiki wrote:
Only the Bushmaster is an NPC only, due to the Miner's Guild restrictions preventing 'just anybody' from flying it.
That will be cool. PA groove's version has a player version of the bushmaster and perhaps down the road there will be a miner's guild oxp anyway. :wink:

The oxp is finished and quite thoroughly tested. I'm posting it in a new viewtopic right now. :D
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.

CommonSense 'Outside-the-Box' Design Studios Ltd.
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