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Re: [RELEASE] - ToughGuys 2 - the road to Armageddon

Post by Smivs »

:shock: Leafy's right :shock:
Thanks for's been fixed now and a corrected version uploaded.
If you want to fix it rather than re-download, add the red }; at line 233

"griff_normalmapped_asp_mk2_NPC" =
aft_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
"laser_color" = orangeColor;
has_ecm = yes;
has_fuel_injection = yes;
has_scoop = yes;
has_shield_booster = yes;
has_shield_enhancer = yes;
missile_role = "EQ_HARDENED_MISSILE";
name = "Asp Mk II";
"griff_normalmapped_asp_mk2_gun_NPC" =
forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER";
"laser_color" = orangeColor;
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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Re: ToughGuys 2 - the road to Armageddon

Post by Smivs »

Following a discussion elsewhere on the board, the issue of using ToughGuys with multiple shipsets has come up. When I authored this OXP the use of multiple shipsets was extremely rare and was not a consideration. The ToughGuys OXP also pre-dates the introduction of 'add' and 'replace' versions of shipsets so again this was not factored in.
There will therefore be problems using this OXP in some situations. Due to the way this OXP works, I can see no easy solution to some of these issues, but I hope over the next few weeks to be able to look at this in more detail and see what can be done. In the meantime, I think it is a case of trying it with whatever combination of shipsets you are using and see what happens.
The standard version will work with the core ships and any shipset which uses the core-ship names.
The 'for-Griff' version should still work with the Griff all-in-one package (unless the ships have been re-named during the conversion to 'add/replace' which I have not checked).
The 'for-Smivs' version will work with the 'replace' version of Smivs'Shipset v4, but probably not with the 'add' version at the moment.
I also have no idea how using two or more versions of TG2 will work (or whether it does work). If anyone is using more than one version simultaneously, it would be good to get some feedback as to how it is all working or not, as this might help in arriving at a solution.
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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