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Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:35 am
by Capt. Murphy
Nah, it should get the player as-well if not careful - basically a Q bomb variant - you've got a few seconds to inject out of the gravity well once you've launched it.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:50 am
by Bugbear
Dragonfire wrote:
I know this is a smidge off-topic, but THAT gives me an idea for a really awesome missile addition! A gravity missile that sucks everything (except the player ship) in towards it, causing all the ships in the area to collide into each other before it explodes. It would be rather fun to drop right in the middle of a hoard of pirates, wouldn't it?

Just have to make sure it doesn't suck in the player ship or any space stations or beacons...
Almost like a reverse Q-mine really. Same effect though - no cargo to plunder

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:11 pm
by Switeck
A gravity missile...
Reworking Cargo Shepard OXP might achieve that effect.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:15 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
Sounds like the Blackshark Missile from Descent 3.
That weapon, upon detonation, sucked everything - including the player if you were too close! - into a gravity vortex to be demolished.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:50 pm
by stop4stuff
Not sure if this is an 'Oolite Darwin Award' nomination or just an all out noobish thing to do...

I picked up a contract in G2 to take out someone at Qualema. Before I saved, I looked at the Galatic Chart to find the system, and started typing.

You know what happens when you press [SHIFT] and q at the same time...


Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:53 pm
by SandJ
stop4stuff wrote:
You know what happens when you press [SHIFT] and q at the same time...

And I know what happens when you are in the vicinity of a space station and <Alt>-<TAB> to go to your spreadsheet of trading prices.

I really must either sell the Energy Bomb, or re-map the <TAB> key.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:43 pm
by Switeck
I mapped my missiles to B and energy bomb to SHIFT + B. I basically never accidentally fire the energy bomb anymore.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:56 pm
by RyanHoots
Just had one of those "Almost pressed space" moments:
I had scooped a pod, and I was headed for another system. I wanted to press "S" so I could slow down and look at a group of navy Wyverns. I pressed "D" and dumped the pod. I stopped, the pod ran into me, I got mad. I decided to shoot down some Wyverns! I aimed for the Wyvern Queen leading the group and fired. Those "ladies" pack a powerful punch.
I was saying my prayers as the ladies, none of which were yet destroyed, started taking away my very last last energy bank, when I remembered something. I had an energy bomb. :twisted:
I survived, the damage is being repaired by my Vortex's MAC AI, and I'm a Fugitive. Again.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:22 pm
by Commander Ragugaki
uua90 wrote:
I was sitting at the witch space beacon waiting for a freighter to arrive so I could escort it to the station. Yes, I was in a generous mood this morning. An Anaconda with a large assortment of about ten Mk I Cobra escorts pops out of witch space and begins the trek. I follow behind. After a while I grew bored and was preparing to hit the injectors when-- what's this? A distress call from the Anaconda! Eight pirates descended upon the formation and began shooting. The escorts shot back. The air (or vacuum?) was thick with lasers and chains of missiles began dancing around me. I probably could have walked the planet if I wanted to, there were so many. Naturally I'm being bounced around like a tin can as lasers hit the hull from all sides, but I swoop into the fray regardless.

Within minutes, we had defeated the band of pirates. I had successfully landed five kills, including a spectacular one from long range.

Flush with victory, I hit the / key to cycle through my Advanced Space compass and get my bearings. I hear a loud bang. Debris flies past the forward window and my scanner is full of white blocks... I had hit the TAB key on the other side of the keyboard, releasing an energy bomb and killing the civilians i had fought so hard to save. :shock:

Still trying to shake the Fugitive status.
This gets my vote.. err how do we vote? :shock:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:00 pm
by DaddyHoggy
There is no voting - it's more of a communal hug or admittance of foolishness, so you don't feel so bad when you do the same...

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:10 pm
by Commander Ragugaki
Oh DH, you crack me up! :lol:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:53 am
by DaddyHoggy
Commander Ragugaki wrote:
Oh DH, you crack me up! :lol:
It is my chosen role on the forum - so happy to oblige! :)

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:29 am
by Smivs
No story behind this really, but it's just galling to see all your hard-earned booty drifting off into space :cry:


Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:01 pm
by RyanHoots
Smivs wrote:
No story behind this really, but it's just galling to see all your hard-earned booty drifting off into space :cry:

Please tell me you saved your game before that happened.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:58 pm
by RyanHoots
Well, I was on my way from Avernus Orbital to the other side of the galaxy for the Coyote's run mission, 96 LY away. Each time I got to a new system I headed for the local star and sunskimmed, no stations needed. Well, 20 LY away from my goal, I was watching a Youtube video on one computer and holding down "i" on my laptop as my ship flew closer to the sun... I jumped when I heard, "Warning. Outer hull breach. Command functions offline." These four emoticons sum it all up: :D :shock: :evil: :oops:
Stupid me... :roll: