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Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:04 am
by wackyman465
Where can I get some?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:01 am
by Ark
wackyman465 wrote:
Where can I get some?
The update of youradhere.oxp is not ready yet!! What you see is from an unfinished wip

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:58 am
by Selezen
pagroove wrote:
I think this is selezens job (maybe something with shaders oh!! boy) but i really do not want to see a torus with ads!!. Some things are clasic and torus stations are defenetly one of them. Moreover we can not expect from Griff to change every model in the game and every model in every oxp.
What's my job? Would someone like me to remodel a torus station? Could be done....not a hard job, or one that would take a while. Would you like i remodelled to hold advertising billboards?

I'll do the remodelling if someone else does the texturing (that's the bit I don't have much time for at the moment, especially if adding shaders is part of the plan...)


Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:51 pm
by Pangloss
Griff wrote:
wow, you guys are on a roll! Very cool stuff!
here's the template for all the tiny billboards dotted around the hull
the two grey bits in the image are used to texture some of the structures the ads are stuck onto so don't paint any ads over those or they will look weird!
I have a busy day today, so I'll get started on this tomorrow. I'll just provide the 256 x 256 image in 100% opacity and you can tone it down to the required amount.

Thanks, Griff!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:56 pm
by Pangloss
gogz69 wrote:

Hi all,

I've been looking at this ship from Pangloss here, which seems to have a striking resemblance to a certain moto gp racing team.
With that said, I'm a little surprised that the autosport genre hasn't been explored yet.(or has it?) There could well be a "killing two birds with the one stone" scenario here too, with Captain Hesperus making use of the ships to update the racing teams in the wiki.

I would love to be able to contribute more guys, but I can clearly see that your skills are WAY beyond mine. :oops:
So, I hope my input here is of some help to you.


I thought the same thing when I posted my Sunooco logo (sorry: the GAME'S Sunooco logo) onto the decals, logos etc. thread. Someone could use these logos and make a ship look like it's sponsored. Just like an F1 car. Go fancy on the color scheme... it'd look great!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:25 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Apologies for the delay - applying all those hi-tec white polymers took longer than the chop-shop said (or it could just be massive RL overload!)

Anyway, consider this a placeholder only - I'm working on an improved version and after that I'll be working on an even more improved version - I will learn to texture properly - and it will be with this ship!


Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:50 pm
by Pangloss
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Apologies for the delay - applying all those hi-tec white polymers took longer than the chop-shop said (or it could just be massive RL overload!)

Anyway, consider this a placeholder only - I'm working on an improved version and after that I'll be working on an even more improved version - I will learn to texture properly - and it will be with this ship!

I'm back for an hour and a bit (the morning task that could have taken 4 hours... took just over 2).

I'm thinking of starting a thread of How To Do Certain Things In GIMP (or in my case, PhotoShop 7). I'll provide a tip or a trick, and someone else with GIMP can show how it's done using GIMP, which is free to download and basically does the same things.

The way I changed the ship's colors without touching the texture was easy. And using this web page to demonstrate it for GIMP, I'll consider this my first lesson.

Open the texture map of the ship you're changing the colors of. In our case, the Sidewinder.


If you remember, the ship was originally purple in color. I made this one deliberately grey. I have a top layer for the engine (copy / paste after selecting that area) so I don't accidentally balls that up, so that's still purple at the end of things. You'll see that the ship is basically split into three segments. The cockpit in the middle, and the wings at the side.

Select the wing areas (in Photoshop, pressing down Shift lets you select multiple areas of an image... is it the same in GIMP?).



If you manage to make the wings look just like one color (which if you're working on the original, they're purple), sliding the Hue slider takes you through the rainbow. Change the intensity and brightness too (for white wings, you just might want to Desaturate (CoLORS --> DESATURATE) and brighten those two areas a bit so it's a lighter grey).

Then you just open your logo in another image. Get it looking right, reduce it down to about 50-70 pixels high, and copy it the right way up and paste it onto the ship for the right wing... rotate the standalone version, and copy again to paste it for the left (top of image) wing, then rotate it 90 degrees for the bottom of the ship.

Et voila, a texture to be proud of!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:06 pm
by DaddyHoggy
@Pangloss - I use GIMP - currently working on 3 different versions depending on whether I'm using my W98SE laptop (old version), my Ubuntu box or my XP work machine!

I wanted to play around with the dodge and burn bit of this tutorial: so deliberately chose not to do it your way, however, texturing, for the non-texturers, who want to become neo-texturers, your suggestion of a new topic is a good one - perhaps a sticky in the same vein as the Modellers and Shader's thread - people could build their models using the details in the Modellers sticky, move on to the texturing one and then when they're brave, whizz through the Shader's sticky....

Because Hoopy Sidewinder had set a precedent which you then continued I didn't actually texture the ship the way I would have done if I'd got there first which was to have the texture make more emphasis of the natural angles of the ship itself - that will be the "improved" version and eventually I want to do at least glow maps and possibly even normal maps...

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:59 pm
by Pangloss
We really aren't giving Griff the kudos he deserves. Finding inspiration for all those ads for the boards is harder than doing Ad Rings. For the Ad Rings, I just have to put a few images together on a standard background, trim off a few bits, add Stroke to the images to cover the jadded edge problem and they're done.

Here's the last one I think we need. It's a version of one I did previously... I just added it to the rainbow background we have from the others I made. It all ties in with the antenna on top... if space stations can be thought of having a 'top'. If you're inside one, and it's spinning, 'up' would be the center of the station (which would have zero-g, making it the prime location for the Zero-G Hockey Arena, and any manufacturing that works best in weightless conditions).


The larger version can be seen here. You might notice it's 2100 pixels wide instead of the 2048... that's because I deliberately made it wider, putting more red at the sides, so when I shrink it to 64 pixels high I can then save THAT as the PNG, then re-open it and trim off the edges so it's seamless.

I'm 70% done with the board. I'm now seeking inspiration with foreign language boards, and that Japanese Text Generator I mentioned earlier (just wrote Pangloss as "Panugurosu" in Katakana symbols). Expect that before I leave for work today. And with the sheer number of ads, I say we just leave that at two!!!

And good work, all. I'm wondering if the Tescoo ship shouldn't just remain as the ones with glossy wings. After all, MallWart are the only ones with heat-sink vents on the tops of their Sidewinders.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:05 pm
by Pangloss
Ark wrote:
wackyman465 wrote:
Where can I get some?
The update of youradhere.oxp is not ready yet!! What you see is from an unfinished wip
Of course, if you contribute some, Ark MIGHT consider sending you the link to the OXP!!! I only have it so I can test out the work I've done, and even then I feel like I have been given a privelege I don't deserve! :)

OK, I finished the ads. It was like hard work. 8)

Don't know how you want them, Griff, so I did one set with a transparent background and one with a black background.



I did 'em in 24-bit PNG again, because there are a few gradients in there and those few extra KBs make a lot of difference to the smoothness of the transitions.

I was stuck for a lot of the logos, then I found a page that detailed lots of different versions of the letter 'A' in weird fonts. Like this.


A lot of those logos are just adapted from this one image! So now you know where the Designer Republic people got their inspiration from!!


Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:07 pm
by Ark
Pangloss wrote:
@Ark: the white one looks better. More light is needed to attract the eye around the structure.

I did another ring. Thanks to all those that I borrowed from (the RemLok design is mine).


Just a thought: will transparencies BE transparent on any of the PNGs? Because if so, I think I can have a bit of fun. Ads with the texture of the trading post visible through the gaps, for example.
Pangloss can i have the large version of this please. I think i want something in black for a change

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:47 pm
by Pangloss
Ark wrote:
Pangloss wrote:
@Ark: the white one looks better. More light is needed to attract the eye around the structure.

I did another ring. Thanks to all those that I borrowed from (the RemLok design is mine).


Just a thought: will transparencies BE transparent on any of the PNGs? Because if so, I think I can have a bit of fun. Ads with the texture of the trading post visible through the gaps, for example.
Pangloss can i have the large version of this please. I think i want something in black for a change
That was my first one, and I only did that one in 1024 by 64. It wasn't until the second 'rainbow' one that I did it double-sized. But as all the ads (except one) were from the Your Ad Here thread, they will all be 128 pixels high in there.

The only one NOT a YAH entry was my RemLok one, and I only did that as a 64 px image for this banner. So I found the same image online I used for the plastic spacesuit and redesigned it with the ZeroHour font.


Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:26 pm
by Pangloss
I just tested out the black version of the neon graphics. They're at 100% opacity, so they don't flash or anything ...but as a work in progress, they look like they're meant to.


Please note: this is still a work in progress. Griff has final say on what goes where. Repeat: this is a Work In Progress! Thank you!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:21 pm
by Griff
Wow, that is very cool! Guys please consider this your oxp and i just happened to contribute a model too, what you've (Ark, DaddyHoggy & Pangloss) have done here is amazing!
I'll tidy up the mistakes i made in the shaders and get the re-colouring stuff for the stations hull added in this weekend!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:54 pm
by Ark
Griff wrote:
Wow, that is very cool! Guys please consider this your oxp and i just happened to contribute a model too, what you've (Ark, DaddyHoggy & Pangloss) have done here is amazing!
I'll tidy up the mistakes i made in the shaders and get the re-colouring stuff for the stations hull added in this weekend!
What???? are you nuts or something !!!!!!!! you are the reason for all of this

:!: But If you feel that your contribution is somehow low then feel free to create 3 alternative models for the drinking spaceman on the top of the station. Regard this as redemption for your insufficient contribution :wink: