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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 5:39 pm
by tsoj
Norby wrote:
Which OXP contains the orange-white-ship and the cobra-like-ones (black and grey)?

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 7:16 pm
by Nexus-Hex
tsoj wrote:
Norby wrote:
Which OXP contains the orange-white-ship and the cobra-like-ones (black and grey)?
The Grey and Black ships are Cobra MK4, I think.

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:52 am
by Norby
tsoj wrote:
Which OXP contains the orange-white-ship and the cobra-like-ones (black and grey)?
Tiger Ray and [wiki]King Cobra[/wiki]. The darker one is not a variant but the same ship than the lighter just in this moment shaders decided to show the dark side instead, which is not highlighted by the sun.

Cobra IV is very similar due to the predecessor of King Cobra (which is numbered to mkVI), it really has a playable Black variant also.

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 5:53 pm
by Cmdr. Aiden Henessy
Hey Norby,

Is there some way to force escorts to disengage? I just started off a new commander and hacked in two sidewinder escorts. I intended to make a story off of them about a ravaged family trying to make their way in the space system. However on my maiden voyage, I got attacked by a granite cobra and a few Morays, and had to dump cargo. They got off my back, but continued to harass my escorts. As I fled, I tried to call the escorts back however they would refuse to disengage... eventually they were overwhelmed and died.

Oh and on a side note, is there also a way to make the landing pad invisible? Still there and functioning, just not rendered in?

Thanks for all you do :)

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:37 pm
by Norby
If you prime and activate the deck then the status of all escorts in MFD should change to Landing. In this AI state they are programmed to flight straight to you and ignore attacks. If not then I do not know why and I can not do anything to fix it, sorry.

Another way is if an escort are farther from you than 24km (almost max. scanner range) then switch target to the enemy nearest to you, or if nothing hostile is in your scanner then start follow you.

You can hide the deck if you comment out the 1150. line in escortdeck.js, just add // at the start like this:

Code: Select all

//	w.$EscortDeckV.position = dp;

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 7:41 pm
by cag
I'm trying to detect just my own escorts and just when they're attached to the ship. I want to exclude them from Telescope & Fast Target Selector.
I'm currently using:

Code: Select all

		if( entity.dataKey.indexOf( "escortdeck" ) === 0
			&& ( entity.AIState === 'DECK' || entity.AIState === 'LOCKED' )
			&&  entity.collisionExceptions.indexOf( player.ship ) > -1 ) return false;
Is there an easier/better way?

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 8:22 pm
by Norby
First this is needed for speed:

Code: Select all

this.startUp = function() {
    this.$ED = worldScripts.escortdeck; //cached pointer
Then the official way of your check:

Code: Select all

var ed = this.$ED;
if( ed ) { //escortdeck oxp is present
    var i = ed.$EscortDeckShip.indexOf(entity);
    if( i >= 0 && ed.EscortDeckShipPos[i] ) //entity is on deck
        return false; //so exclude this entity from target list
I guess you looked into escordteck.js just a bit hard to find the answer in 3000 lines. ;)

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:01 pm
by cag
in equipment.plist, "available_to_all" = yes; that means NPCs can have them too, right?

also, I only want to exclude them when they're attached to the deck, not when they're flying about

I dumped the entity and:
isDock is false
owner is null
hence my awkward checking. I just want to make surethat you're the one setting AIState & collisionExceptions so I can rely on them.

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:17 pm
by Norby
At the moment no mean to add a deck equipment to an NPC due to the js do nothing with them. It is a player only device until somebody not improve it further.

The dataKey can be anything since derelict ships also usabe sometimes as escorts so better if not checked.

These AI states and collisionException are used by escortdeck only as far as I know so maybe usable but not a sure way. This is why I suggest to check in the arrays where the deck js store escorts. If the EscortDeckShipPos array is set for that escort then surely landed on the deck, this is the internal way what escortdeck.js use all times when needed to know if a ship is on the deck.

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:07 am
by cag
thanks, dude - much appreciated!

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:37 pm
by Cmmdr Eclipse
Hi there!
I love this mod very much, and the hyperspace storage system to sort ships is an excellent idea.

However I am sadly having trouble.

I bought a Fer de Lance for the Lira Escort Deck XL (from a space station F3 ship yard) I renamed the ship and assigned it to my escort deck, which all seems successful, until I left the space station, the Fer de Lance was not on deck visibly, of showing on deck in the MFD?

I also use the Tow Bar mod, when I pick up a derelict ship and it is assigned to my Escort Deck, the ship is always salvaged for credits at the next space station I visit? How to I stop those pesky droids scrapping my escorts? lol

Thanks, and great work overall!

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:58 pm
by Norby
Cmmdr Eclipse wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:37 pm
I left the space station, the Fer de Lance was not on deck visibly
Maybe you found a bug. If you could upload your .oolite-save and latest.log files somewhere then I can attempt to reproduce it, then fix it.
Cmmdr Eclipse wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:37 pm
when I pick up a derelict ship and it is assigned to my Escort Deck, the ship is always salvaged
Derelict ships rarely survive a battle in usable state, others are also transportable in the deck for salvage. The wiki tell more about this.
Cmmdr Eclipse wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:37 pm
Thanks, and great work overall!
Thank you! :)

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 11:28 am
by Damocles Edge
Can I ask please if the Escort Decks allocated to Python ET, Python ETS, Python Clipper and Python CC are the same as for a regular Python (wide deck)?
Only I recently traded my carrier for a Python ET as I wanted something quicker and with better combat abilities than the carrier but that was able to carry derelicts bigger than my old Boa CC was capable of carrying. The Python ET seemed to fit this as Python ships are claimed to be able to carry Krait.
I found that my Python ET was unable to carry derelict Krait - I got a "ship too wide" mesage :?
Are all Python type ships able to use a wide deck or should there be an option within F3 ship outfitting to change the deck ( I have noted that every time that I have sold my ship that there is not an option to sell the deck off my old ship and buy a new one with my new ship, the deck just transfers to the new ship presumably up or down sizing as appropriate).
I may swap my ship again for a Python Clipper (would I have a similar scenario with regard to picking up Krait derelicts?).

Thanks for any guidance or advice you can offer.

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 8:13 pm
by Norby
Damocles Edge wrote: Mon May 14, 2018 11:28 am
Can I ask please if the Escort Decks allocated to Python ET, Python ETS, Python Clipper and Python CC are the same as for a regular Python (wide deck)?
Currently not the name of a ship make it capable to hold more mass on the deck but the ship hull must be enough massive. The models of Smivs' Python ET and Python Clipper are somewhat smaller and fall below the 260t mass limit. Python CC and Staer9's Python ETS and Python CC are large enough so already use wide deck.

For ET and Clipper you can set smaller required ship mass in the 18th line in escortdeck.js:

Code: Select all

this.$EscortDeckWMass = 220000;

Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 7:48 pm
by Damocles Edge
Many thanks for your explanation Norby :)
I had been working off the name "Python" and also the dimensions listed in wiki pages (which unfortunately do not include mass figures).
For future reference what is the best way to find a ships mass?

Based on your advice I think I may give Python Class Cruiser 2.6 a try so as to also get the option of Military Shields.

My thanks to you again for your advice and help which is much appreciated. 8)