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Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:21 pm
by DaddyHoggy
ADCK wrote:
Fab! Welcome! :wink: :)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 6:25 pm
by Disembodied
The thread is back! Nice one ADCK!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 6:29 pm
by Chrisfs
How does one get the new ads into 'rotation' ?

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:30 am
Chrisfs wrote:
How does one get the new ads into 'rotation' ?
Well if you don't know any scripting, the only way i can think would be to overwrite one of the current pics with ones of your choosing.

Or upload them here and hope the author ads them to the next release :P


Added another two, the first one's for a teeth whitener (hard to tell since teeth so small in pic. Second is for a Hover Car.

BTW my first pic was an ad for Gargle Blasters :P

<edit> made the mouth a little bigger on the tooth whitener ad

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:13 am

One more for the road, propagander this time.


Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 1:47 pm
by Rxke
Chrisfs wrote:
How does one get the new ads into 'rotation' ?
When there are enough ads, a new set will be made into an OXP, hence the names: A,B,C,D....

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 5:39 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Rxke wrote:
Chrisfs wrote:
How does one get the new ads into 'rotation' ?
When there are enough ads, a new set will be made into an OXP, hence the names: A,B,C,D....
And we've actually got enough for set G - but no roof billboard and Ark seems to have disappeared off the Ooniverse (Ark too over the development from Doc Nil's original concept)

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 3:19 am
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Rxke wrote:
Chrisfs wrote:
How does one get the new ads into 'rotation' ?
When there are enough ads, a new set will be made into an OXP, hence the names: A,B,C,D....
And we've actually got enough for set G - but no roof billboard and Ark seems to have disappeared off the Ooniverse (Ark too over the development from Doc Nil's original concept)
Hmm, i'll try knock up a few roof billboards, as for developing it, thats no problem, would only take a few mins for me to make one as long as all the texture are there.

What about the constore itself? was a name/color decided upon?

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 4:58 am
Here's one i just made:

<see later post>
Animated gif version: (to see it in action)

I know it looks weird on the BB's white background, but it would look alot better in game :P

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:52 am
by Ark
DaddyHoggy wrote:
And we've actually got enough for set G - but no roof billboard and Ark seems to have disappeared off the Ooniverse (Ark too over the development from Doc Nil's original concept)
Unfortunately it seems that I have run out of steam but if somebody can collect the 25 ad textures and give me a roof billboard I could release set G almost instantly. Also DH has the draft of set G. The only thing that is missing from this draft is the ads and the roof billboard. The name of the new station is oodles

@ADCK that would be a very nice 1x1 ad billboard but i am afraid that it would not be a very valid roff billboard. Have you tried it in one of the existing sets?

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 11:23 am
Ark wrote:
ADCK that would be a very nice 1x1 ad billboard but i am afraid that it would not be a very valid roff billboard. Have you tried it in one of the existing sets?
Ah yes, just tried it then, seems I forgot to color to alpha. ... billbo.png
This one works. (after uploading the wrong one twice >< )

Here's an in game shot: (click link, very high res)


This one was more or less meant to be a test, I'll try again with a new image. BTW sets D and F both use the same billboard.

<EDIT> HEHE tried with an 8 frame image (half a MB big) seemed to work fine, does anyone know the maximum image size/frames i could use here? or does it depend entirely on your comps specs? (for personal use only, not something i'm thinking of releasing)

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:50 pm
by Disembodied

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:19 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Ark wrote:
DaddyHoggy wrote:
And we've actually got enough for set G - but no roof billboard and Ark seems to have disappeared off the Ooniverse (Ark too over the development from Doc Nil's original concept)
Unfortunately it seems that I have run out of steam but if somebody can collect the 25 ad textures and give me a roof billboard I could release set G almost instantly. Also DH has the draft of set G. The only thing that is missing from this draft is the ads and the roof billboard. The name of the new station is oodles

@ADCK that would be a very nice 1x1 ad billboard but i am afraid that it would not be a very valid roff billboard. Have you tried it in one of the existing sets?
:shock: I do? Hmmm, which machine is that on then... :roll: :oops:

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:44 pm
by Kaks
@Disembodied: did you... did you see... the cake? :D

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:06 pm
by Disembodied
Kaks wrote:
@Disembodied: did you... did you see... the cake? :D
No, but I hear it's really moist. :D

Here's a little seasonal video: I don't know how long this will be up for, though!