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Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:02 pm
by Sendraks
I'm also all for variety. I like the neolite ships and I like griff's ships, so having one overwrite the other is something of an anathema to me.

It would be a shame to lose the appearance of neolite ships from various other oxps, but then the appearance of the base oolite ships with more frequency also adds more variety.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:23 am
by Simon B
ADCK wrote:
Any development is a good development :P

As for the renaming, it will make things alot simpler.

speaking of the classics, recently i tried adding normal maps/effects map to one or two of them, was a waste of time, it just doesn't suit them and looks weird on such simple textures. Looks alright on sungs textures which use the same models tho.
Depends what you pick - look at your avatar - a normalmap can add panel edging, as well as pick out details where there are ridges. It can also make the blue nose stripe "cockpit window" thing look recessed - likewise with the exhaust vents. You'd use the specular component to make the painted bits look a bit more matt - or use the decal effect. It will also emphasise panel edges and layers - lower bits being duller. I've used a varying specular on a flat surface to suggest overlapped metal panels. You'd use a glow map to add hull lights, make the cabin windows glow, and the exhaust. The reflection colour can also be changed for different parts of the hull, suggesting different materials.

However, you are right that you really want to use a more involved diffuse map to help things along. The diffuse detail provides a context.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:29 am
by Simon B
It may be a useful thing then, to have a "supressor.oxp" which simply removes the classic ships from the game (via shipdata-replace) so that people who want a totally rethemed game can easily achieve this while the multivarient crowd can just pile on all the variety they want?

It also means that griff and me do not need to duplicate effort as much. Not that it is much effort.

(Note: renaming the ships is boring labor-intensive - not just a matter of find-and-replace name=" with name="neolite- ... as there are escort ships called by name too. If someone who enjoys pouring over a plist wants to do this it would expidite things mightily. I'll give you a credit...)

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:45 am
by Simon B
Oh dear I am soo depressed - there has been no development.
This is the issue:

1. my old machine died - things like the navy/behemoth oxp are on its HDD so I need an enclosure to get at them.
2. I am doing a 2nd masters (education) which is eating time
4. I've been doing a lot of political stuff, likewise. postgrad law paper coming up - ooh-er!
5. my cheapo replacement computer cannot run oolite with shaders - so I cannot do any development there.
5. fnord
7. this space deliberately left blank

I see the latest oolite honors the installed keyboard - so now all my controls are dvorak and I have to relearn all my reflexes.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:33 am
by JazHaz
Hi Simon,

I've been working on producing a Gallery of Ships on the Neolite Ships wiki page. Hope this meets with your approval?!

EDIT2: have now completed the Galleries for the all the Neolite OXPs.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:13 am
by Eric Walch
JazHaz wrote:
I've been working on producing a Gallery of Ships on the Neolite Ships wiki page. Hope this meets with your approval?!
Are you sure you are pointing to the latest version of neolites.oxp.? I ask because I was curious if some long standing bugs were fixed now so I just downloaded it. I noticed this version still denies access for pilots to the escape pods, leading to pods with only slaves. Also the bug with wrong exhaust definitions is still present. e.g. the constictor will only be show with one of the two exhausts.
When I compare it with my old version of that oxp, I see that the demoships are missing in the version you are pointing to.

I know it is a pain to see what is a current version with neolites as they have no version numbers, not even somewhere inside the oxp. This makes it a bit difficult to figure out what is new.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:16 am
by JazHaz
Eric Walch wrote:
Are you sure you are pointing to the latest version of neolites.oxp.
All I've done is add the gallery to the wiki page. Not changed the download link on the page.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:40 pm
by Simon B
Oh yes - I saw the gallery.
And the link in the wiki points at the latest ships - which have not changed for months. Not likely to soon either, I'm afraid. I should be able to provide the models and skin work-so-far I've done for griff ships though.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:19 pm
by Griff
Simon B wrote:
the models and skin work-so-far I've done for griff ships though.
these are awesome, and must be made available, i demand it!! :D
if you haven't seen them, give your optic sensors* a treat here: ... &start=184 ... &start=188

*that is posh for 'eyes' yes? not the pub vodka bottle dispenser things.


Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:45 pm
by Lestradae
Seconded, really.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:21 am
by Simon B
Vintage Neolite
... from ADCK (needs to go in the wiki).
Re-ads the classic models to the game.

I'm too lazy to write a shipdata-replace.plist - if someone will do one for me, and also edit the names in the neolite shipdata.plist, then I'll use it. The donkeywork is with all the escorts.

I have sometimes posted decal pics.
It has struck me as silly that non-humans would find the human skull-and-crossbones intimidating that pirates would use it.

I've been using the stormbringer logo for nefarious types.
It struck me that space-invaders would work well too: I found a brush set.


Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:30 am
by Lestradae
Simon B wrote:
I am persistently getting "This shared file or folder link has been removed." :(

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:45 pm
by Simon B
Oh what a shame - don't look at me: I just copied it from the griff thread.


Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:19 pm
by Lestradae
Simon B wrote:
Oh what a shame - don't look at me
I don't :)

Does anyone have a working link to this, then?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:22 am
by Simon B
Ask ADCK. It's his package.